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Full Version: Sen'Derrick Marks has a torn ACL
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This sucks.


So... in the market for Suh?

Marks will be running around the practice fields in May.
Quote:Marks will be running around the practice fields in May.
Doc Kevin Murphy, is that you?
Quote:You know Colvin tore his acl a half month later and you expect marks to be rdy by September?
Sometimes they never come back the same after that injury...
This sucks, luckily Aubry Jones has looked decent. Everyone wants Williams but I don't see him falling past the Titans at 2
Quote:Glad he was able to get his bonus. Hopefully he will be back at full strength by training camp.
He 100% won't be.

Quote:This sucks, luckily Aubry Jones has looked decent. Everyone wants Williams but I don't see him falling past the Titans at 2

agree.  plus the emergence of JJ Watt has increased the value of big DLineman significantly

Quote:Why not? Marks is still young. Maclin suffered the same injury last year and was the best WR on his team this year. Aaron Colvin tore his ACL at the senior bowl and was arguably our best CB this year.

Neither of those guys are 300 plus pounds. A torn ACL for a guy that big can be a career ender. I just hope that's not the case.

Screw Houston, their fans, their crappy field turf, and their awkward obsession with JJ Watt posters.
Quote:agree.  plus the emergence of JJ Watt has increased the value of big DLineman significantly

Thats false.
Quote:Thats false.

are you sure?


JJ Watt's name is being mentioned in the same sentence as Leonard Williams a lot lately.

Quote:This all but solidifies us getting that DT from USC. I guess I can avoid reading 500 mock drafts from now until April.
There's no guarantee he'll still be there at 3.  He's a monster.
Double post
Quote:Now we just need to find out that Lee tore his ACL like it looked, and the start to the offseason can really begin for a Jaguars fan. To hell with everything in Houston.
Quote:Damn, you folks really feeling bad about yourselves. Does Mark's  injury make your knee hurt? My guess would be you could have offered him another 600k to sit out and he would have turned it down. Players play.
Welcome to the whiniest place on earth, The Jungle, where a bunch of 12 year olds sulk and make the game bigger than life.
He's done.  Time to draft a DT first round.  Jaguar players are fragile like paper.

Quote:I will punch a hooker if this happens
You seem like a winner.
Quote:Why not? Marks is still young. Maclin suffered the same injury last year and was the best WR on his team this year. Aaron Colvin tore his ACL at the senior bowl and was arguably our best CB this year.
Marks is a big man.  Your examples are not.
Quote:are you sure?


JJ Watt's name is being mentioned in the same sentence as Leonard Williams a lot lately.
Yes i'm sure.  JJ Watt's play hasnt significantly impacted the value of DLinemen.  When did you start watching football?  I'm guessing your young.

Quote:are you sure?

JJ Watt's name is being mentioned in the same sentence as Leonard Williams a lot lately.
I would still rather a trade back if possible but if not I would be happy with Ray
I blame FBT....
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