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Full Version: Sen'Derrick Marks has a torn ACL
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Quote:Suh just got suspended again for stepping on Aaron Rodgers. 
The guy is just bad news.  That incident was blatant, and it's a good thing he was suspended.  Not only did he step on Rodgers, but he rocked back on him a second time, so it was clearly intentional. 
I don't see how this affects our drafting.  If Williams was by far the best available player, he probably isn't getting past us regardless of Marks.  He'd likely shift around the line a bit anyway as he can play 5-tech, 3-tech, and even some LEO.

Quote:I don't see how this affects our drafting.  If Williams was by far the best available player, he probably isn't getting past us regardless of Marks.  He'd likely shift around the line a bit anyway as he can play 5-tech, 3-tech, and even some LEO.
It doesn't.
Next man up and that would be Ziggy Hood. It should be remembered that Ziggy was a past Rd 1 pick for the Steelers. He signed with the Jags so he could show his stuff. Marks was a 2nd Rd pick for the Titans and they did not know what they had. I think with more exposure, Ziggy will be very effective at the 3DT position.

How long does a ACL usually keep a player out? Are we looking at Marks missing next season or just a few games or what?

Quote:How long does a ACL usually keep a player out? Are we looking at Marks missing next season or just a few games or what?
9 months is the long end of it 

so september next year

he will likely miss camp and preseason then it will take him time to get up to speed if he is able to.
Quote:9 months is the long end of it 

so september next year

he will likely miss camp and preseason then it will take him time to get up to speed if he is able to.
Hope he has some Colvin in him because he was back pretty quickly. So sad about this - Marks has been great these last 2 years.
Didn't Marks himself say he will try to be 100 percent ready for week 1? I thought I saw that somewhere. 

I am sure he will try but some people never fully recover from a torn ACL.  Is this his first and only one?

Caldwell is doing the Gus Bradley show tonight on 1010, and said that Marks has not had his ACL reconstruction yet. It may not happen for another week or two.


That's not uncommon, as doctors will wait if they can until the swelling subsides. This does slide the timeline back a month or so regarding his return.


Thought it was noteworthy.

Quote:Caldwell is doing the Gus Bradley show tonight on 1010, and said that Marks has not had his ACL reconstruction yet. It may not happen for another week or two.


That's not uncommon, as doctors will wait if they can until the swelling subsides. This does slide the timeline back a month or so regarding his return.


Thought it was noteworthy.
That's really suprising to me. 
I think SenDerrick will miss the first 2-6 games this year. Which is ok as long as he returns to 100%.
Leonard Williams will fill in nicely.

Quote:I think SenDerrick will miss the first 2-6 games this year. Which is ok as long as he returns to 100%.

That's a fair timeline. I would meet you in the middle and say 4.
Quote:That's a fair timeline. I would meet you in the middle and say 4.
If we have an early bye week, like week 4... I think he will return after the bye week.
This really was such a huge setback ):

Quote:That's really suprising to me. 
It's not unusual to wait to do the surgery. Doctors want the initial trauma to subside before doing the reconstruction. Usually a week or two. It's already been almost two weeks, and Caldwell says that it could be another two before it happens. That's a long time. I wonder if there's more damage in there. I didn't look serious at the time of the injury, but a month seems very odd.
Quote:I think SenDerrick will miss the first 2-6 games this year. Which is ok as long as he returns to 100%.

Six is probably the right number since there's a good chance Sen'Derrick will begin the season on PUP, so he can't even be activated until after six games played.
I don't expect Marks to play anywhere near the way he has the last two seasons. Kinda reminds me of Geno Atkins from the Bengals. He was also playing at a super high level when he suffered a torn ACL. Came back this season and wasn't the same player.


It may take a full year to really get back, but everybody recovers differently so we'll see.

Quote:I don't expect Marks to play anywhere near the way he has the last two seasons. Kinda reminds me of Geno Atkins from the Bengals. He was also playing at a super high level when he suffered a torn ACL. Came back this season and wasn't the same player.


It may take a full year to really get back, but everybody recovers differently so we'll see.

Just sad reality of the NFL. People get hurt. It is anothe reason why you never draft for need and always take the best guy no matter what position it is.
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