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Full Version: Why do I feel like I just watched a Pre-season game?
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Quote:But we probably could have traded for a top 10 pick, an additional 2nd round pick, and another later round pick (~4th).


I'll take 3 additional players in the top ~4 rounds in any given draft.
And we still can.  In fact, historically, we're more likely to be successful in this than if we had the first pick.
Quote:We just gave the Titans Mariota just like we gave the Colts Luck. I guess the Texans are due from a gift 1st pick QB. We rock. Wasted a bunch of draft picks for a meaningless win.
We did that last year. We swept them and they got the 1st pick. Is not our fault the tinhorns are too stupid to get a QB and took a waste at DE. But that does bring up an interesting fact, if the tacks pick first in 2015 that means 3 of the last 4 drafts will be taken by and AFC South team. And the Jags is not one of them. But 2013 the year KC picked first the Jags picked Second. Maybe the tacks will be like the tinhorns and mess it up
Quote:And we still can.  In fact, historically, we're more likely to be successful in this than if we had the first pick.

You didn't hear? Winning now prevents the team from being able to trade down. Bummer.
Quote:Getting a little excited there buddy. How is losing all season and then winning late season games been working for the team all these years? It does nothing. Bet you're waiting for Jaguars.com to upload Gus jumping up and down in the locker room after this win too huh? You damn duck.
Haze you and Jeremy are getting on my nerves. I know you don't care, the problem is you don't really seem to care about the team, you care about the draft and your prognostications of boom or busts like you are Kiper. The draft doesn't mean anything by itself. With the right GM we will be fine wherever we pick. With the wrong GM we will be worse wherever we pick. Either way, a win isn't going to change a thing. We don't need a QB, and there is no slam dunk sitting there we could bundle into multiple 2nd rounders. We lose you whine. We win, you whine.


My God, I posted side by side with TMD for a long time, I was on his side a lot and took a lot of heat with him, but even he wasn't this negative all the time. Yes it was a meaningless win in the record books. For the players and team it was important. For Blake, it was another come behind victory, and he stood tall in the pocket and played hurt. For our recievers it showed the ability to catch passes over the middle, for our pricey new RB perhaps his "slowby" nickname can be banished and he can have a fresh start here. Our defensive line played their hearts out and I am sure have deep bruises to show for it. Telvin Smith, a guy I was personally beginning to think hit the rookie wall, and looked like he had lost even more weight, well he played lights out. Cyprien who had his own "Cyprien sucks" thread, showed he doesn't suck. Our special teams did not screw up, our clock management was NFL standards, and even Jedd abandoned the quick swing passes to the sidelines in the second half. There was a lot to be thankful for and enjoy in this game, and to build on for next season. Even against a bottom feeder like the tacks and their 3rd string QB. ENJOY THE WIN. WE LOOKED LIKE AN NFL TEAM.
Quote:You didn't hear? Winning now prevents the team from being able to trade down. Bummer.
Damnit Goodell, another rule to keep the Jags out of relevancy?
Quote:Haze you and Jeremy are getting on my nerves. I know you don't care, the problem is you don't really seem to care about the team, you care about the draft and your prognostications of boom or busts like you are Kiper. The draft doesn't mean anything by itself. With the right GM we will be fine wherever we pick. With the wrong GM we will be worse wherever we pick. Either way, a win isn't going to change a thing. We don't need a QB, and there is no slam dunk sitting there we could bundle into multiple 2nd rounders. We lose you whine. We win, you whine.


My God, I posted side by side with TMD for a long time, I was on his side a lot and took a lot of heat with him, but even he wasn't this negative all the time. Yes it was a meaningless win in the record books. For the players and team it was important. For Blake, it was another come behind victory, and he stood tall in the pocket and played hurt. For our recievers it showed the ability to catch passes over the middle, for our pricey new RB perhaps his "slowby" nickname can be banished and he can have a fresh start here. Our defensive line played their hearts out and I am sure have deep bruises to show for it. Telvin Smith, a guy I was personally beginning to think hit the rookie wall, and looked like he had lost even more weight, well he played lights out. Cyprien who had his own "Cyprien sucks" thread, showed he doesn't suck. Our special teams did not screw up, our clock management was NFL standards, and even Jedd abandoned the quick swing passes to the sidelines in the second half. There was a lot to be thankful for and enjoy in this game, and to build on for next season. Even against a bottom feeder like the tacks and their 3rd string QB. ENJOY THE WIN. WE LOOKED LIKE AN NFL TEAM.
Thank you for this, i think you summed up most of us reasonable fan's thoughts very well.
Quote:Hey man I agree with what you are throwing down here. I am tired of lame duck wins against other lousy teams at the end of the year. I agree it does absolutely .....NOTHING.......for the team. Yea learning how to win last year really helped us this year ....huh? Look I like a win as much as the next guy but the only thing that really mattered about that game was the defensive play after the awful first drive and Bortles.

Now if we had beaten the Ravens last week I would feel a bit better. Beat the tinhorns next week and I'll say they did something. But again enough with the garbabe wins against garbage teams at the end of the season.
I don't expect them to lay down and not win, I just know it does nothing and carries over squat to next year. Like you say we beat 1 or 2 win teams at the end of the year, and the "all in" fans on here go crazy thinking we're gonna be big [BLEEP] come next season, and we come out and lose 8 in a row. Reason why I rather lose out because not only do we drop in the draft, but we fall in the waiver wire order and the staff doesn't get to coach the Senior Bowl. We found Colvin and Linder in there because we had the inside track on those dudes.

All of that is gone because people wanna jump and shout about beating a so called hated rival in the washed up trash Titans at the end of the year. They suck, are beaten down with injuries, and are on their 3rd quarterback. That rivalry has been dead since the late 2000's because we both been sucking it up for years. I can see if we won against them months ago when the season was relatively important and we had something to play for. But whatever because this season is over and it's show me time for this coach and gm. See how it plays if they come out with 5 straight losses next year. I bet the staunchest of these zombies who eat up everything they sell will turn on em.
Quote:I don't expect them to lay down and not win, I just know it does nothing and carries over squat to next year. Like you say we beat 1 or 2 win teams at the end of the year, and the "all in" fans on here go crazy thinking we're gonna be big [BAD WORD REMOVED] come next season, and we come out and lose 8 in a row. Reason why I rather lose out because not only do we drop in the draft, but we fall in the waiver wire order and the staff doesn't get to coach the Senior Bowl. We found Colvin and Linder in there because we had the inside track on those dudes.

All of that is gone because people wanna jump and shout about beating a so called hated rival in the washed up trash Titans at the end of the year. They suck, are beaten down with injuries, and are on their 3rd quarterback. That rivalry has been dead since the late 2000's because we both been sucking it up for years. I can see if we won against them months ago when the season was relatively important and we had something to play for. But whatever because this season is over and it's show me time for this coach and gm. See how it plays if they come out with 5 straight losses next year. I bet the staunchest of these zombies who eat up everything they sell will turn on em.

Too bad they aren't gonna come out with 5 straight losses for you, you whiner!
Quote:I was thinking the same thing. Those t-shirts are wrong on multiple levels and I absolutely think that any one any where sporting one is showing their utter stupidity and penchant toward racism and an anti authority bias. If these clowns weren't here they would probably be in Missouri rioting with the other thugs... 

You do understand the "I can't breathe" shirts have nothing to do with events in Missouri, don't you?
Quote:I don't expect them to lay down and not win, I just know it does nothing and carries over squat to next year. Like you say we beat 1 or 2 win teams at the end of the year, and the "all in" fans on here go crazy thinking we're gonna be big [BAD WORD REMOVED] come next season, and we come out and lose 8 in a row. Reason why I rather lose out because not only do we drop in the draft, but we fall in the waiver wire order and the staff doesn't get to coach the Senior Bowl. We found Colvin and Linder in there because we had the inside track on those dudes.

All of that is gone because people wanna jump and shout about beating a so called hated rival in the washed up trash Titans at the end of the year. They suck, are beaten down with injuries, and are on their 3rd quarterback. That rivalry has been dead since the late 2000's because we both been sucking it up for years. I can see if we won against them months ago when the season was relatively important and we had something to play for. But whatever because this season is over and it's show me time for this coach and gm. See how it plays if they come out with 5 straight losses next year. I bet the staunchest of these zombies who eat up everything they sell will turn on em.

Wrong.  Winning, no matter if it's the first game or the last game of the season ALWAYS means something and will carry over, especially for a young team.  In the NFL there is not a huge difference between the top team and the bottom team (record wise) other than their record.  Say we assume that the "best" team right now is Denver.  If Denver loses a couple of key players such as Peyton Manning or CJ Anderson, how would a game go against say the Tennessee Titans?


The only thing that separates the "good" teams vs. the "bad" teams is just one or two players.  What if the Patriots didn't have Tom Brady?  How does a team like the Raiders beat the 49'ers?  How is it that the Seattle Seahawks go from Super Bowl Champions to not winning against teams like Dallas or San Francisco?


Remember, this is the NFL... the BEST players at their positions.
Quote:But we probably could have traded for a top 10 pick, an additional 2nd round pick, and another later round pick (~4th).


I'll take 3 additional players in the top ~4 rounds in any given draft.

I would love that too, but I doubt you'll find any takers.  Teams these days are learning the perils of trading draft picks for the shiny new toy at the top of the heap.  It does still happen occasionally but it's far from guaranteed.  If you're always worried about the future (draft), you'll never enjoy today.

The realists just need to block the apologists and vice versa. Otherwise, it's going to be an offseason full of arguing with Neanderthals about why it's stupid to purposely lose a game for an unknown variable like a draft pick. The concept is so stupid, the mere fact that certain individuals embrace it signifies that they don't have the mental make-up to understand why they are wrong. So, with that being said; the hell with it.

There's no reason to try and change the minds of people have already made their minds up.
Bcause you're a troll...

 This was the first game that the OC called many running plays up the middle and allowed Bortles to throw vertically...

Quote:You do understand the "I can't breathe" shirts have nothing to do with events in Missouri, don't you?

Yes they do. Separate events, same concept being protested. The shooting in wal mart was the worst imo
Quote:I was thinking the same thing. Those t-shirts are wrong on multiple levels and I absolutely think that any one any where sporting one is showing their utter stupidity and penchant toward racism and an anti authority bias. If these clowns weren't here they would probably be in Missouri rioting with the other thugs... 
Spoken like a true american white boy. Yeeeeehaw! Probably makes your stomach churn knowing those "thugs" make the money they make while you're out here blue collaring it huh Billy Ray? I know you're grand pappy hates them "thugs" taking over destroying your country eh? Take America back Billy!
Quote:Too bad they aren't gonna come out with 5 straight losses for you, you whiner!
Whatever you say sweet Nostradamus. You must win the lottery all the time being that you see the future.
Quote:Mom jeans
That was funny!
Quote:We've picked in the top 10 for what 8 years in a row.  Obviously, draft position isn't working out too well for us.  Much more important having the right guy make the picks.  We won, enjoy it.  We won with players we already have.  I don't understand you people.  We couldve gotten #1 last year and had Clowney, hows that working out?  Shut your freakin face!

I agree, it's much more important to make the right picks. I'm really glad we have Caldwell picking instead of Gene Smith. However, it doesn't hurt to have a better draft position. It's easier to make the right picks if you have higher picks. It also is easier for our opponents to end up with a lesser quality players if they have lower picks. Finally, higher picks translate to better trade value, or at least the first opportunity to trade. Look at recent events.


In 2012 we beat the clots, giving them the #1 pick and Luck. Gene Smith also traded a 4th round pick to move up for Blackmon, and then drafted Anger in round 3 because we didn't have a 4th round pick. Had we lost to Indy then the trade up wouldn't have been necessary and Luck would be in St. Louis.


In 2014 we beat the tinhorns twice, ceding them the #1 pick. Fortunately, they picked Clowney instead of Bortles. No matter how good Caldwell is, he can't force the teams ahead of him to make bad picks. We were just lucky that year. 
Also in 2014, Caldwell traded up to take Linder. Maybe had we had the 1st pick in round 4 instead of the 5th pick in round 4 then Caldwell would not have felt the need to make that trade, and we get an extra player in the 2014 draft. Just speculation, but the possibility that we lost out on another player only exists because the Jags beat the tinhorns.


In 2015, maybe the tacks get Mariota or Winston. Do they get a franchise QB? Who knows. I do know that they wouldn't have the chance if the Jags had the first pick and traded it to an NFL team.




Imagine if Houston had taken Bortles, and that next year the tacks pick a franchise QB. We'd be in a division with three teams with franchise QBs.


I prefer to watch the Jags play well and win. But at this point we're way out of contention and a loss would have been better for our future. I'd rather the tacks weren't in a position to get a franchise QB.

Quote:Terrible win. Game did nothing for the Jaguars but get Marks some extra money. Congrats to him because I'm all for that but tell the team to win in Sept, Oct, and Nov sometime in the decade. I think we've mastered the art of winning meaningless games and giving other teams better draft position. Specifically in our own division for some odd reason. 3-12 lets party.
Terrible win? That seems a little harsh...

The last couple of years have been particularly hard on everyone in Duval land, but there is this; we knew it was going to be ugly for a few years when the team was gutted and a lot of rookies were signed. That's just the nature of our situation right now and it's been talked about and analyzed to pieces so there's really no need to continue flogging that dead horse.


Nevertheless, a win is a win. My only caveat is that the 'over the top' celebrating about this win just shows how pathetic this team is and how desperate the jags fans are to see a winning team! But get a grip for heaven's sake; we just ended up with a win over one of the worst teams (at the moment) in the NFL. This win occurred at the end of the season after going several months (where wins would've mattered...) with only two wins.


Be happy we won but keep things in perspective.
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