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Quote:Luke has been schooled so much lately he will soon be known as Dr. Joeckel.

And who will be Mr. Hyde?
Quote:You have to admit he is a better head coach than Mike Mularkey. It could have been worse.

Well as of right now, it could ONLY be 2 games worse.


Also, I can't imagine anyone in here wants Mularkey back.


I really hope Gus is able to improve on the win total next year, and I mean from his first season as HC, when he went 4-12.
Quote:Well as of right now, it could ONLY be 2 games worse.


Also, I can't imagine anyone in here wants Mularkey back.


I really hope Gus is able to improve on the win total next year, and I mean from his first season as HC, when he went 4-12.

Next year we get the NFC South and AFC East. That should be easier for us.


If we can't beat the lowly Jets and Buccaneers, you know something is wrong.
Quote:Next year we get the NFC South and AFC East. That should be easier for us.


If we can't beat the lowly Jets and Buccaneers, you know something is wrong.
Well we had the lowly Redskins this year and got owned by Kirk Cousins.  I'll bet we lose at least one of those games next year unless we make big changes this offseason.

LOL, so much easier to be an apologist...

Quote:Well we had the lowly Redskins this year and got owned by Kirk Cousins.  I'll bet we lose at least one of those games next year unless we make big changes this offseason.

That was with the wrong personnel. If we have all the right guys starting, it will be much easier to beat the Jets and/or Buccaneers.
Quote:When you lie so much that you believe yourself, it is officially a problem.
:yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :yes:  :ermm:
It's to the point where you need boots and a shovel to see one of his press conferences. There is no way he believes the BS that comes out of his mouth, and if he does, he is completely delusional.
Quote:Next year we get the NFC South and AFC East. That should be easier for us.

If we can't beat the lowly Jets and Buccaneers, you know something is wrong.
So we beat those two and the tacks twice, that's 4 wins. Can you seriously see us beating the Panthers, Saints, Pats, Dolphins, Bills or Falcons?
Quote:You have to admit he is a better head coach than Mike Mularkey. It could have been worse.

Always true.
Quote:So we beat those two and the tacks twice, that's 4 wins. Can you seriously see us beating the Panthers, Saints, Pats, Dolphins, Bills or Falcons?

Panthers, Dolphins, and Falcons yes.. I mean we did just almost beat the Ravens and almost beat the Bengals, and the Steelers, and the Chargers, and the Eagles.

Pretty much what I'm saying is that anything is possible.
I just hope everyone knows that griping about Gus Bradley all offseason isn't going to change anything. There are still going to be supporters because he coaches their favorite team, and it's obvious that the naysayers will be out in full force.

Ah, what the hay. I actually like to read the "I'm smarter than you," and of course the "you cook french fries for a living" cat-fights here in the Jungle. Damn good entertainment.
Drugs are bad, mmkay
I feel bad for Gus when it comes to the line. Pretty much anyone who thought about it knew the line was going to be a major question mark coming into this season in a best case scenario, just from the way the line was assembled from a personnel standpoint. The O-Line is all about consistency and familiarity. This team planned on starting a guy at LT who hadn't played LT in the NFL yet. It planned on plugging in a free agent at LG. It planned on having a UDFA who had been overpowered every time he stepped on the field as a guard as the Center, with a 6th round rookie waiting in the wings. It planned on either Jacques McClendon or a rookie as the RG. That's 4 out of 5 spots being completely new players with no familiarity with each other. Its essentially 3 rookies who are trying to figure out life in the NFL with no veteran presence, and no one to help them pick up the slack on the field if they mess up. And of course the guy who's supposed to be conducting the whole O-Line is the 6th round rookie (there's a reason every year when everyone here thought Meester needed to go, the team kept bringing him back and talking about his high football IQ).


We saw the faults of the line in the pre-season where 2 starters played themselves out of their penciled in spots, and one even managed to play himself out of a job (Brewster getting cut, McClendon getting moved to center so Linder could start at RG). We saw it again earlier this year when Bowanko took over for McClendon and then again when the team cut Bradfield, who was supposed to be the starting RT while Paztor recovered and the versatile 6th man after Paztor came back.


It's week 16 and the line has been a struggle the whole year. Help wasn't on the way before, and it's certainly not on the way in these final 2 weeks. What exactly is Gus supposed to say? "The entire line sucks and we should take them all out back and shoot them?" I don't think Gus is stupid; I'm sure he knows the line has been embarrassing all season. Saying that in public doesn't really do much but unnecessarily embarrass 5 players who are all still fairly young and can hopefully still improve.


Obviously it'd be nice to see more improvement than we have out of the line, so if you want to criticize Gus on the line's failure to gel and make significant strides, then go for it. But at this point it is what it is. This is what you get when you fling a bunch of stuff at the wall and hope it sticks in regards to the offensive line. Gus' comments about the line are the least of this team's worries. It's not even like Gus said they played well. He said they're getting better, and honestly as pathetic as it might be, he might not even be wrong with the laughably low bar the line had set earlier this year (remember their 10 sack performance against the Redskins? And I know that was Henne, so how about the 6 sack performance against the Titans, as that was Bortles at QB? At least the Ravens have Suggs and Dumervill and a competent defense.).

Quote:Are fans subject to drug testing?
man, find a hobby 
Quote:man, find a hobby 

Sadly I think this is for him
Why the constant need to defend the O-line from the Jaguars staff and media and basically throwing their #1 draft pick QB under the bus by saying that he needs to help them out.  The talk from everyone seems to be that he sacks himself too much.  It's kind of surprising that he is the ONLY one I've heard getting called out.  Granted, he's not playing well, but the O-line is playing magnitudes worse than he is.

Quote:Next year we get the NFC South and AFC East. That should be easier for us.


If we can't beat the lowly Jets and Buccaneers, you know something is wrong.

The Jags haven't had an "easy" game since Dec 11, 2011, when they scored 28 points in the 2nd quarter.


That's 3 years ago.


The Jags won't have any "easy" games on next years schedule.


They ARE the "easy" game on the schedule, although lately, the way the D has been playing, they have become much tougher on that side of the ball.


Now if the offense can just catch up, they could actually win a few of these close games, but they sure won't be "easy"
I feel the ref's should be drug tested as well... I can't stand to see a ref get roid rage and throw flags for no reason.

Quote:Bortles has bailed out the Oline more times than he's been the cause of the sacks.


I'm apalled at the coaching staff defending the offensive line. We are second in QB hits, and 1st in Sacks allowed (By A Lot), but let's continue the "we're improving" mantra...Bradley is clueless.


I'm not drinking the kool-aid.

He is completely and utterly over his head.


He's going to ruin the few good talented players we have with his crap.
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