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Quote:CSO, you're simply not on an intellectual level that enables you to have a useful exchange with me.


The picture is simply meant to encapsulate the spirit of your insular lack of understanding when it comes to society and privilege, and what it means to not have privilege in society.

I just have to laugh at this. I like the fact you know you are smarter than others because they disagree with you. The white person with a good job is considered "privileged." Are you saying that people who work at minimum wage jobs are stuck, and there is no hope for them? The only people who do leave are privileged? Just trying to catch your liberal mentality. This is the type of rhetoric that keeps these people down for so long because people like you tell them they can't.

BTW, using words that you found on thesaurus.com doesn't make you smart.
Quote:I just have to laugh at this. I like the fact you know you are smarter than others because they disagree with you. The white person with a good job is considered "privileged." Are you saying that people who work at minimum wage jobs are stuck, and there is no hope for them? The only people who do leave are privileged? Just trying to catch your liberal mentality. This is the type of rhetoric that keeps these people down for so long because people like you tell them they can't.

BTW, using words that you found on thesaurus.com doesn't make you smart.

Yes yes, I just think we're on unbridgeable levels of intellect, and I only think that because we disagree. Let's just stick with that and move on.


Also, I'll try to hold the college level words to a minimum. Sorry about that.

Quote:Yes yes, I just think we're on unbridgeable levels of intellect, and I only think that because we disagree. Let's just stick with that and move on.


Also, I'll try to hold the college level words to a minimum. Sorry about that.

"Evidently, Oklahomie is an educated man, now I know I really hate him."

Someone has to maintain the machines and make the parts for them.


Gee, I guess some folks will have to get higher skilled jobs.

Listen to Economics 101 by Murray Rothbard. It changed my world view. It's available on iTunes for free.
Quote:Haha the Free Markets not to blame here! It's your beloved Government regulations and laws requiring pay beyond the value of the work completed, guess what damn straight companies are going to find ways to reduce production cost that directly effects their bottom line.


It's what I've told you all along, when you push an industry to pay more then the value they've assigned to a task they simply eliminate the need for that task to be completed. Instead of having 100 workers making $10 an hour in a factory they'll invest in machines to replace the remedial labor, this is skilled work your talking about.


As technology advances the non-skilled worker is going to have a harder and harder time finding work, that's why pushing for minimum wages for non-skilled workers (the only work that pays minimum wage is non-skilled work) is counter productive, companies will just eliminate those jobs.
Correct, funny how people don't understand this. Yet every GED holder thinks they are 'worth' more than the minimum wage in an entry level position. This is of course fine to big government, they get more people on the welfare dole, and then scare them into giving up their rights by 'possibly taking away' the welfare if you don't do X.
Quote:There's a severe shortage in many fields, problem is the people that are unemployed or stuck in low wage positions are not qualified to work in those fields. That's part of the solution right there, getting those people trained to meet the areas we do have a need of workers.


By your logic we should have resisted the industrial revolution, the internet, and robotics research all together. Technology is inevitable, as it advances it will replace general labor where it can, when you create an environment where the employers are forced by law to pay more it only makes that march towards technological labor easier. 


Remember, government creates nothing, sells nothing and produces nothing, so there will never be a point that we all sit around and wait for our allowance from big brother while the machines do the work. Government only distributes what it first confiscates. 
This isn't a real solution though to a lot of problems. I will give you a skilled position example.


Take the issue of physician 'shortages' in rural areas. What does the AMA do? Make more med schools cause more med schools= more physicians who will goto rural areas. The problem is that students lie and say they will goto rural areas, when really they want to goto the big metro hospitals like everyone else because A.They trained in those big hosp. B. They like the city. C. Their med school was in the metro areas, D. Small rural hospitals don't have many resources and can overwork the few physicians they have etc. etc.


There is no real shortage of physicians, there is a shortage of physicians willing to work in rural areas in crummy situations. Thus the wages are driven down in the city/popular areas and inflated in the country. You can't just train anybody for a given shortage and expect them to fill it. Chances are there's a reason that shortage is there, and they will be no more willing to fill it than anyone else, so instead they will simply drive down the wages of a whole new industry making everyone poorer.


And there will be quality differences, but at the end of the day, if people can get a reasonable quality service/product for less they will. Wal Mart has flourished on this principle.
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