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Let's look at the facts, this is NOT a black and white issue, this is Cop vs Thug robbery suspect. What if the cop was black and the suspect was white? Would it have even made the national news? Doubtful.

Quote:Let's look at the facts, this is NOT a black and white issue, this is Cop vs Thug robbery suspect. What if the cop was black and the suspect was white? Would it have even made the national news? Doubtful.
No, it never would have been on anyone's radar if the situation was flipped. 


Race hucksters have used this tragic incident (and it is tragic regardless of whether Brown was a thug or not.  A human life was lost) to parlay it into more camera time and ultimately, more money flowing to their organizations.  I'm shocked that we haven't seen Jessie Jackson standing under the season greetings sign in Ferguson locked arm in arm with Al Sharpton. 
"Honey look!, the blacks are looting and acting like animals."

Quote:I notice that those are quotes.. So what jeanyus said a black man who attacks a police officer isn't a threat?

My dad.
Quote:My dad.

Well no disrespect to your dad, but that makes no sense in this situation since Brown attacked a police officer.
Quote:"Honey look!, the blacks are looting and acting like animals."

Only 30 more looting days till Christmas!
Quote:Well no disrespect to your dad, but that makes no sense in this situation since Brown attacked a police officer.

He was giving me that advice from a social perspective. 
I saw a mixture of races last night during the riots. The majority was black. Still, its not a racial thing, its an ignorant thing.
Eric Holder is " disappointed" by actions of looters and rioters. Disappointed? How about appalled?

These heathens were nothing short of terrorists. They not only destroyed, but risked the lives of many innocents.

These types would only understand violence with violence. Anyone who is setting fires to cop cars and other cars and looting and shooting, etc deserves nothing less than the favor being returned.

This ..please refrain, don't do that or playing PC cops does not work. Why don't we negotiate with terrorists? Because of who and what they are and stand for. This, IMO, is all these criminals are.

Civil rights? What of the civil rights of those whose business was destroyed? Innocent, peaceful protesters? Cops themselves?

Then Prez Obama states something to the effect that we have start with understanding these youths?

I understand prez. I'm not blind. But keep on sugar coating and skirting the issue. To a guy I once supported, you have clearly disappointed many with your weak kneed policies and reactions to some of the crisises we have faced.

But I digress it's the new ' Merica.
Quote:I saw a mixture of races last night during the riots. The majority was black. Still, its not a racial thing, its an ignorant thing.

Or is it cultural, as a whole? Latest white, Asian, Latino riot, looting?

Modern culture. The old school of Dr. King and the progress he made seems irrelevant to many.

Ignorance? Sure. Are some maybe just more ignorant if that's the case?

This just a deeper division of America.

We decry the killing of Muslim vs Muslim. Criticize it. Question it.

But don't see our own hypocrisy.
Lets limit the threads on Ferguson could've kept this in the other Ferguson thread.

What you see on your TVs is the most dangerous demographic in todays society, in every city in every state.


And what you see on your TV is why.

Quote:"Honey look!, the blacks are looting and acting like animals."
That's easy to say until it's your business.


PS: The race of the looters? Does it matter? Looters are looters. In this case they are black. Would your attitude be so cavalier if they were, say, asian? How about Latino?
Quote:Eric Holder is " disappointed" by actions of looters and rioters. Disappointed? How about appalled?

These heathens were nothing short of terrorists. They not only destroyed, but risked the lives of many innocents.

These types would only understand violence with violence. Anyone who is setting fires to cop cars and other cars and looting and shooting, etc deserves nothing less than the favor being returned.

This ..please refrain, don't do that or playing PC cops does not work. Why don't we negotiate with terrorists? Because of who and what they are and stand for. This, IMO, is all these criminals are.

Civil rights? What of the civil rights of those whose business was destroyed? Innocent, peaceful protesters? Cops themselves?

Then Prez Obama states something to the effect that we have start with understanding these youths?

I understand prez. I'm not blind. But keep on sugar coating and skirting the issue. To a guy I once supported, you have clearly disappointed many with your weak kneed policies and reactions to some of the crisises we have faced.

But I digress it's the new ' Merica.
If you supported and elected that president, I personally blame you for this mess.


Don't get mad at me for it either. You just retroactively agreed with me.


It's not about race, it's about leadership, and there is none. I blame you as a voter for that.

My guess is that Robert McCulloch, the St. Louis County DA, likely postponed the announcement just in time for Thanksgiving break.


Anyone here agree with the Ferguson rioters?

Everyone wearing masks and bandannas had no intention on protesting peacefully. You saw them line up before the rioting began; they had no intention on protesting peacefully. 

Quote:My guess is that Robert McCulloch, the St. Louis County DA, likely postponed the announcement just in time for Thanksgiving break.


Anyone here agree with the Ferguson rioters?
Why would anyone agree with the rioters? They weren't there to do anything except cause destruction. If they want people to listen to them and not see them as the domestic terrorists they're acting like, they are going about it the wrong way. 


There are ways to get your point across without acting foolish. Even if one has a valid point it is moot when their actions make them look like complete animals. In other words, even if I agreed with why the rioters are upset, I absolutely do not agree with how they are handling this and that pretty much cancels out any understanding or compassion I would have.
All of these riots and protests simply doesn't change the fact that Michael Brown was a criminal who attacked a police officer.. Apparently, some people just won't let that sink in.. 

Quote:And the rioters are any less ignorant?

No - the rioters and Jags1stNoles2nd (or whatever) are equally ignorant. Seem made for each other in fact.


Takes real guts to call out rioters. No kidding.


I just feel for the citizens of Ferguson who have to try and live in a city that has been selected for America's latest Passion Play.
Quote:Didn't you JUST chastise me literally 5 minutes ago for saying "fact is" in the college football forum? Then you say "truth is" in your very next post?

How ironic... But go ahead and spin that as being any different.

Funny that you are calling "fact", conjecture... And your "truth" is conjecture at it's finest.

You want to try putting that in English? Are you saying you know the truth of what happened in Ferguson?
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