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Quote: I don't remember the Irish rioting and looting.

Read up about the draft riots in New York City regarding the Civil War.
Quote:I saw a mixture of races last night during the riots. The majority was black. Still, its not a racial thing, its an ignorant thing.


They may have been different races, but they're all thugs.

I just don't understand why people say we need to defend this criminal. He robbed a convenient store, challenged a police officer by coming up to him and punching him in the face twice, then attempts to steal his gun.

What were these parents teaching this moron? It's their fault their son is dead. They taught him to challenge authority and to not work for things, but steal it. If he would have listened to this cop, he would still be alive today.
Quote:All of these riots and protests simply doesn't change the fact that Michael Brown was a criminal who attacked a police officer.. Apparently, some people just won't let that sink in..

This baffles me. Morons..
Quote:This baffles me. Morons..

Yep, they cant find an actual sympathetic figure to rally for? We on the fence are supposed to feel bad that a criminal was killed attacking a cop? Not gonna happen.
Quote:I just don't understand why people say we need to defend this criminal. He robbed a convenient store, challenged a police officer by coming up to him and punching him in the face twice, then attempts to steal his gun.

What were these parents teaching this moron? It's their fault their son is dead. They taught him to challenge authority and to not work for things, but steal it. If he would have listened to this cop, he would still be alive today.

I wouldn't necessarily blame the parents.   I've known plenty of great parents whose children did very bad things.   It's unpredictable.  

Three Black Thugs Killed an Innocent Black Teen, You Won’t Believe What They’re Doing Now

Ever since the August 9, 2014 shooting death of Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilson, Brown has been held up by protesters on a pedestal with their outcry of ‘black lives matter.’



Black Man Died During Ferguson Protests, But Protesters Don’t Give A Rat’s Rear End

A 20-year-old black man, DeAndre Joshua, “was found dead near Ferguson’s Canfield Green Apartments around 9am” last night, reports the NY Daily News:


KTVI reported that the driver’s side window was shot out while a nearby resident claims they overheard four people with guns talking about looting and killing someone Monday night.



Drifter, where is Al and Jesse on this?  OH wait, they don't care because it was probably black on black, doesn't fit their agenda.

Quote:I wouldn't necessarily blame the parents.   I've known plenty of great parents whose children did very bad things.   It's unpredictable.
Yep. Ted Bundy's parents were pretty chill people and he was a sociopath. Some of it is nature (the chemical make-up of that person) and some of it is nurture (how they were raised or a product of their environment).
Why is this black thug boy hugging our precious own?



We need to knock those black thugs over, they need a shower anyway!



The STLPD wants the Rams and the NFL to punish the Black thug football players who had their hands up saying dont shoot.


Quote:Why is this black thug boy hugging our precious own?

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/29/living/ferguson-protest-hug/'>http://www.cnn.com/2014/11/29/living/ferguson-protest-hug/</a>

Why is he a thug? Did he strong arm rob a convenience store and attack a cop like Michael Brown did?
Quote:The STLPD wants the Rams and the NFL to punish the Black thug football players who had their hands up saying dont shoot.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.ksdk.com/story/news/local/2014/11/30/stl-police-officers-association-condemns-rams-display/19721979/?hootPostID=56e4d621f410c5ee1ef0c0b0696f34f8'>http://www.ksdk.com/story/news/local/2014/11/30/stl-police-officers-association-condemns-rams-display/19721979/?hootPostID=56e4d621f410c5ee1ef0c0b0696f34f8</a>

If Rams players want to support a thug, that's their right to do.
Quote:The STLPD wants the Rams and the NFL to punish the Black thug football players who had their hands up saying dont shoot.



Hey, if they want to demonstrate their ignorance by continuing a false narrative about the justified demise of a violent criminal, they have every right to do so. But I am surprised the NFL allowed it on their dime.
Quote:Why is he a thug? Did he strong arm rob a convenience store and attack a cop like Michael Brown did?

It's a comment I seen that was associated with the story. The comments have been taken down since then.
Quote:Hey, if they want to demonstrate their ignorance by continuing a false narrative about the justified demise of a violent criminal, they have every right to do so. But I am surprised the NFL allowed it on their dime.

I agree, the NFL should suppress a player's right to free speech in certain situations. 
Here is a excerpt from Roorda head of the Administration in regards to support for the Rams and the NFL. 


"I know that there are those that will say that these players are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I'd remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products. It's cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that do"


Why dont he just say African Americans.

Quote:I agree, the NFL should suppress a player's right to free speech in certain situations. 

You have a right to speech, but no right to a platform.


Edit: If several players came out of the tunnel and did the famous boxer "fists up" pose in support of Ray Rice they'd damn sure get a smack down. But for these guys supporting a different kind of criminal behavior it's just swept under the rug. Pathetic.

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