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Tough to live like this and win.
And I get warned for the filter not working.  Great day so far.

It's over....heading to the Modis
The rest of this game is crucial for Bortles. This can't be a repeat of last weeks showing.

Somebody, quick, break out the cheese sticks.


We need all the help we can get.

Bortles looks REALLY bad

Marino Curse  needs to be lifted
We're the least penalized team in the NFL and have had 3 drive-killing penalties.  The Marino curse lives.

Quote:Why are the Thursday games off cbs now?
 Contract ran out on them, now it's back to NFL network.
Whenever Red Zone cuts to the Jags game and says "we wanna show you what just happened here", I know it's either a pick or a blocked FG.

Already 2 picks for Geno Smith...it could be worse

The one play the D can't defend, the darn INT

Why is Ace Sanders still on this team btw? He's useless at punt return, and hea never on the field as a wr
Quote:can we chill on this guy being a franchise qb ?


yes I get it he's a rookie, he stood clean in the pocket stepped into it and over threw a wide open WR with a duck pass

Okay.  Better.

Feed. Denard.
Just keep running it with DROB until they show they can stop him. 

Quote:He is going to make a lot more mistakes, so get used to it. Lets see how he responds. That will show a lot about the QB he can be in the future. Geez you guys act like this guy has been in the NFL for years. He has barely even played.

Good post. These children running around whining are so shortsighted they can't see the end of their own nose.

That pick hurts....but he's a rookie, what did you expect?
D Rob is almost to a hundred yards in the first half.


We are outgaining them by over A hundred yards.


But Bortles does a rookie mistake so you panic.

I'm glad shorts has been in the game and not hurt. *knock on wood*