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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs Dolphins Game Day Thread***
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The dolphins offensive line is...offensive

he wasn't outside the tackles...  Should have been intentenal grounding

Lol if we lose this game with this d I will be absolutely amazed.
Quote:I notice that Bortles is starting to wind up before he throws........bad habit.

Yep. He drops it pretty low. I mentioned this a couple weeks ago and nobody else seemed to notice it.
Good stop D !

This feels like a 2004-2005 Jaguars game.


Defense is on fire
Quote:Yep. Still there.

NICE!  They rock!!!
This D man i love it.

Defense is 4real yall
D is balling
I am pumped that we are playing as well against Miami as we are.  This is a team that went to Chicago last week and dominated.  We look so much better than we did early in the year.  It just blows my mind that there are still people that expect us to be perfect and be contending for a super bowl or something.  We are young as [BLEEP] and still learning.  This quality of play gets me excited for the future.

It's a good thing RT is off today

Way to go Ace

Man our D is on the next level atm.

Get sanders out of the return game
I hope that penalty was on them.

Defense is killing them