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She must weigh like 10 pounds by now.

Quote:Where is "discuss" in Streep's tantrum?

Still nobody has actually laid out what she said that was so wrong and offensive! Man so die hard cons get their feelings hurt very easily.
Quote:Still nobody has actually laid out what she said that was so wrong and offensive! Man so die hard cons get their feelings hurt very easily.

For the record, her lie about the disabled reporter and her absurd claim that foreign actors would be deported (is she really that stupid?) are offensive.

But more basic than that, using a public award ceremony to make a political statement is offensive, not matter what one says or what side one takes. Someone mentioned pipe fitters and insurance agents. If a pipe fitter stood up in front of your company awards ceremony and started spouting politics, wouldn't you find that offensive.

[Image: _89914488_trumpmeryl.jpg]

Quote:For the record, her lie about the disabled reporter and her absurd claim that foreign actors would be deported (is she really that stupid?) are offensive.

But more basic than that, using a public award ceremony to make a political statement is offensive, not matter what one says or what side one takes. Someone mentioned pipe fitters and insurance agents. If a pipe fitter stood up in front of your company awards ceremony and started spouting politics, wouldn't you find that offensive.

You found Streep's comments offensive? You are one sensitive guy.


Who held a gun to your head to make you watch the Golden Globes? Did you lose your remote?


Are you serious about using an award ceremony to make political statements? Surely you're not that slow. Did you not think there would be comments about Trump? After Trump did his eighteen month Insult and Demean Tour, which you didn't find offensive, did you, you didn't think some in the entertainment industry would pass up the opportunity to respond?


I mean, how dare they! Only certain people are allowed to give their version of speaking truth to power I guess.
I would like to thank Streep. She takes the subtle backhanded smugness that I expect from Hollywood liberal elites and parades it around for everyone to see. Want to know why Trump won---people like her. She had roll out the MMA is not Art card too, how smug and condescending is that? Clearly, she doesn't understand there is a difference between martial arts and fine arts. So yeah, thanks Ms. Streep, for reminding us all how petulant Hollywood can be when it doesn't get its way.

Please do this again before the 2020 election.   

Donald gets to be the petulant elitist every single day.

Quote:For the record, her lie about the disabled reporter and her absurd claim that foreign actors would be deported (is she really that stupid?) are offensive.

But more basic than that, using a public award ceremony to make a political statement is offensive, not matter what one says or what side one takes. Someone mentioned pipe fitters and insurance agents. If a pipe fitter stood up in front of your company awards ceremony and started spouting politics, wouldn't you find that offensive.

Um he absolutely 100% mocked a disabled reporter and the whole nation has seen it.
Quote:Um he absolutely 100% mocked a disabled reporter and the whole nation has seen it.

Whether he did or didn't, who cares. I thought it was hilarious.
Quote:You found Streep's comments offensive? You are one sensitive guy.


There is a difference between finding the words offensive and finding the occasion in which to express opinions offensive. That's the point he was trying to make. In this case she was there to accept a lifetime achievement award for her work from her peers and used the occasion to state her political opinion. Is it her right? Sure. Was it the best place and time to do so? Not really. 


That's the point a lot of people take issue with. People don't watch awards shows to hear about someone's political opinion. They watch to be entertained and see if actors, movies, tv shows, etc., win awards.


I haven't watched one in well over a decade because I find them to be boring. It's not anything you can't look up online.
Hardly the first or last time the Golden Globes, Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, Olympics, etc. have been/will be used as a political soap box.
Quote:Hardly the first or last time the Golden Globes, Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, Olympics, etc. have been/will be used as a political soap box.
True, but as divided as this nation is already, it doesn't need to be kicked around by an actress then shoved over the cliff by social and MSM. 
Quote:Hardly the first or last time the Golden Globes, Oscars, Emmys, Grammys, Olympics, etc. have been/will be used as a political soap box.

And every time it happens, there are always people saying it's not an appropriate time...the circle of life goes on.
Trump is pouring gasoline on the fire almost daily. He just went after John Lewis. I truly don't see him lasting four years. There are real questions about the legitimacy of his presidency, potential foreign tampering with the election, questions about conflict of interest with the businesses he refuses to divest.. I think ultimately he gets impeached on tax evasion charges, but we'll see..

Every negative thing said about him cannot be chalked up to fake news.
Did Trump go after Lewis or was Trump just defending himself from a liberal blowhard?
It's almost like these stupid people think it's ok to bash someone and expect to get away unscathed. Doesn't happen like that.

These libs are doing nothing but hurting their own party for future office races..
Quote:Trump is pouring gasoline on the fire almost daily. He just went after John Lewis. I truly don't see him lasting four years. There are real questions about the legitimacy of his presidency, potential foreign tampering with the election, questions about conflict of interest with the businesses he refuses to divest.. I think ultimately he gets impeached on tax evasion charges, but we'll see..

Every negative thing said about him cannot be chalked up to fake news.

Real questions about the legitimacy of his presidency? We are REALLY reaching now...lol
I've always been extremely open minded as far as party affiliation went. Hell, I voted for Bill Clinton twice..

Since then, we've gotten Obama (whom of which I didn't vote for) and since then, my mindset for the Democratic/Liberal party went from open minded, to concerning, to disgust, to hatred. These new age liberals and old school butthurt democrats have struck a nerve with me. I can't see me ever voting Democrat again. The whining and crying has taken my tolerance level from open minded to hatred.. And I'm fairly certain that I'm not alone anymore.. Democrats created this monster, now they'll have to deal with the outcome. I no longer give a [BLEEP] about their plight or platform..


They are contributing to the alternate reality the cultists live in, and the resulting mental instability.


Accepting truth and reality has a calming, grounding effect.


When you stop peddling the lies, having to spin and contort to prop the lies... reality and truth shall set you free.


Free from the burden of living and promoting a lie.

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