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Quote:Trump is pouring gasoline on the fire almost daily. He just went after John Lewis. I truly don't see him lasting four years. There are real questions about the legitimacy of his presidency, potential foreign tampering with the election, questions about conflict of interest with the businesses he refuses to divest.. I think ultimately he gets impeached on tax evasion charges, but we'll see..

Every negative thing said about him cannot be chalked up to fake news.

So John Lewis is untouchable because he's been a part of some good things?


That's to ignore his current lunacy when it comes to his attitude toward HIS president.


He's proof that people who are capable of good things, are not always wise and not always "right."


Irony there is, he illustrates PRECISELY why folks (especially folks like him) should be doing everything they can to SUPPORT his (and our, as a reminder to YOU) president.  He's no different than our president at all in that regard... you can do good things and not be perfect (or even likable.)
Quote:Trump is pouring gasoline on the fire almost daily. He just went after John Lewis. I truly don't see him lasting four years. There are real questions about the legitimacy of his presidency, potential foreign tampering with the election, questions about conflict of interest with the businesses he refuses to divest.. I think ultimately he gets impeached on tax evasion charges, but we'll see..

Every negative thing said about him cannot be chalked up to fake news.

John Lewis is a traitor. He should be hung on the Mall.
Quote:Did Trump go after Lewis or was Trump just defending himself from a liberal blowhard?
44 other presidents have been attacked for a variety of things. Which had thinner skin than this one? Which felt the need to respond to every single negative word uttered? There are ways to defend oneself with dignity and class. Trump will never learn this lessson.

And you might wanna research the man before you classify him as a simple liberal blowhard.
Quote:44 other presidents have been attacked for a variety of things. Which had thinner skin than this one? Which felt the need to respond to every single negative word uttered? There are ways to defend oneself with dignity and class. Trump will never learn this lessson.

And you might wanna research the man before you classify him as a simple liberal blowhard.

0bama certainly had thinner skin.


You seem to forget he's PRECISELY the reason we have someone like Trump...
Quote:44 other presidents have been attacked for a variety of things. Which had thinner skin than this one? Which felt the need to respond to every single negative word uttered? There are ways to defend oneself with dignity and class. Trump will never learn this lessson.

And you might wanna research the man before you classify him as a simple liberal blowhard.

I've seen and heard enough through MSM to realize that Trump doesn't get a fair shake.. That's enough for me..

As for Lewis, don't start nothin, won't be nothin.. He got what he deserved.
Quote:Real questions about the legitimacy of his presidency? We are REALLY reaching now...lol
It's all they've got at this point as their party and their political viewpoints shrink into irrelevance.
Quote:I've seen and heard enough through MSM to realize that Trump doesn't get a fair shake.. That's enough for me..

As for Lewis, don't start nothin, won't be nothin.. He got what he deserved.

...and Trump is the one who is "thin skinned"... lol
Quote:0bama certainly had thinner skin.

You seem to forget he's PRECISELY the reason we have someone like Trump...

Not even remotely true. Not even remotely a defensible statement. Stay off the LSD. And give it 36 hours before thin skinned president elect Tweetstorm goes on a rant about someone else who calls him out on something.
Quote:Not even remotely true. Not even remotely a defensible statement. Stay off the LSD. And give it 36 hours before thin skinned president elect Tweetstorm goes on a rant about someone else who calls him out on something.

Thanks for proving me right with the insults, since that's all you've got.


Just because he looks like you doesn't make him worthy.  He never was and history will prove it out.  That eats you up in side, I'm sure.


A legacy of weakness and failure, and lashing out at his critics - blaming them every step of the way.


A sad end to a sad error.
Quote:Thanks for proving me right with the insults, since that's all you've got.

Just because he looks like you doesn't make him worthy. He never was and history will prove it out. That eats you up in side, I'm sure.

A legacy of weakness and failure, and lashing out at his critics - blaming them every step of the way.

A sad end to a sad error.

What insults? Insinuating you must be on hallucinogens to believe that delusional statement you made?

You can hate Obama. Say he was the worst president ever. Whatever.

Trump isn't even president yet and he has already proven that he is incapable of handling the criticism that comes with the title. You can pretend he is not responding like a petulant child all you want.

I repeat. No president has ever reacted to such criticism with such a lack of elegance and grace as Trump. Not debatable (though you can try).
Quote:What insults? Insinuating you must be on hallucinogens to believe that delusional statement you made?

You can hate Obama. Say he was the worst president ever. Whatever.

Trump isn't even president yet and he has already proven that he is incapable of handling the criticism that comes with the title. You can pretend he is not responding like a petulant child all you want.

I repeat. No president has ever reacted to such criticism with such a lack of elegance and grace as Trump. Not debatable (though you can try).

Andrew Jackson responded to his critics with a forced relocation and attempt at genocide. Game, set, match Jackson.
Quote:What insults? Insinuating you must be on hallucinogens to believe that delusional statement you made?

You can hate Obama. Say he was the worst president ever. Whatever.

Trump isn't even president yet and he has already proven that he is incapable of handling the criticism that comes with the title. You can pretend he is not responding like a petulant child all you want.

I repeat. No president has ever reacted to such criticism with such a lack of elegance and grace as Trump. Not debatable (though you can try).



0bama is the ultimate petulant child.


Child, please...
Quote:Andrew Jackson responded to his critics with a forced relocation and attempt at genocide. Game, set, match Jackson.

I could fill this thread with Trump tweets. Fill it. Pages worth of thin skinned classless statements. This guy can't even handle SNL making fun of him. How is he supposed to handle members of the media or Congress pointing out flaws in his perceived logic? He can't. Because he is an enormous child.

He does not know how to brush things off or when NOT responding would be the classier, smarter move.

0bama is the ultimate petulant child.

Child, please...

Not even close.

Beyond delusional that you think it's even close. Obama wouldn't have pulled half the stunts Trump has in the past 6 months.
Quote:I could fill this thread with Trump tweets. Fill it. Pages worth of thin skinned classless statements. This guy can't even handle SNL making fun of him. How is he supposed to handle members of the media or Congress pointing out flaws in his perceived logic? He can't. Because he is an enormous child.

He does not know how to brush things off or when NOT responding would be the classier, smarter move.

Trump is starting a new business mining salt from the tears of all you crybabies. John Lewis is a cash cow of salt. There is nothing to question about the legitimacy of Trump. The russians and chinese have been hacking us for years but it isn't until now that you liberals seem to care one bit about that. There has been no proof that the voting machines or the voting counts were altered in any way to help Trump. Other countries have preferences on who we elect, get over it, it's just like when Obama was funneling money to groups in Israel to unseat BB. 


You want to know why your girl Hillary lost? Here let me help you, she's a smug, entitled, corrupt, elite, terrible candidate, who counted her chickens before they hatched. While Trump was out doing 5 events a day sometimes in states like Michigan, Hillary was not. He simply wanted it more than she did. The sooner you come to terms with those hard truths, the sooner you can recover, but I get it, you're salty, upset, you don't understand why. 


Also, impeachment, really? You think the Democrats are going to retake the house or senate in 2018, that is laughable. In 2018, most of the Senate seats that are up are Democrat held seats and most of those are in states Trump won. Keep dreaming. You will be lucky if Trump doesn't have 60 in the Senate by 2019. You can flush your dreams of impeachment down the toilet with your electoral college shenanigans and your phony recount efforts. 


If the measure of President you take is from what we have been getting, I will take that as high praise for Trump.

You can complain about the ref and all missed calls all you want, but in the end...

Quote:I've always been extremely open minded as far as party affiliation went. Hell, I voted for Bill Clinton twice..

Since then, we've gotten Obama (whom of which I didn't vote for) and since then, my mindset for the Democratic/Liberal party went from open minded, to concerning, to disgust, to hatred. These new age liberals and old school butthurt democrats have struck a nerve with me. I can't see me ever voting Democrat again. The whining and crying has taken my tolerance level from open minded to hatred.. And I'm fairly certain that I'm not alone anymore.. Democrats created this monster, now they'll have to deal with the outcome. I no longer give a [BAD WORD REMOVED] about their plight or platform..
I was always a policy voter because there were no Libertarians to vote for back when I became of age to vote. Whoever lined up the most with what I believed in got my vote. I've also voted democrat, republican and libertarian (now that they finally have candidates to vote for) and I have to say I feel almost as strongly as you do about the liberal left, specifically the ones who complain about every. damn. thing. It doesn't help that the media has taken on the role as pot stirrer and fuels all the fires. If the media would just report the news and not sensationalize it a lot of this [BLEEP] and moaning would stop. And that's MSM and social media. 


This whole mess with Trump's election and the Russian 'involvement' is being beat over our heads, as if saying it enough will make it true. If it happens to be true then it's dealt with at that point in time, until then people need to shut the hell up and get on with life. There is a difference between reporting and investigating what may be a problem and beating a dead horse with it, and that's the point the media and liberals are at. Beating that horse into a fine powder. 


Of course it's just as annoying to hear Trump supporters constantly go off on liberals like it's now a favorite pastime. And I don't mean in legitimate debates or conversations, but just being hateful and spiteful because their man won. This country hasn't won unless and until it's pulled out of the hole it's been thrown into and we are thriving as a people and a nation. With the divisive nature of our society I don't ever seeing us being a great nation again. United we stand, divided we fall. I know this country has seen some dark days since it's founding, it doesn't get much worse than a civil war, but these are very different times where stuff is in our face 24/7 and where there was at least a basic respect for fellow countrymen in general that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Too many people are all about being 'right' instead of 'happy' and if not being happy means they proved a point and were right, that's okay with them. Such sad times we live in.
Quote:...and Trump is the one who is "thin skinned"... lol
Trump tweets at every single person who disagrees with him or says a bad thing about him. He needs to put his phone down and step away from social media.
Quote:I could fill this thread with Trump tweets. Fill it. Pages worth of thin skinned classless statements. This guy can't even handle SNL making fun of him. How is he supposed to handle members of the media or Congress pointing out flaws in his perceived logic? He can't. Because he is an enormous child.

He does not know how to brush things off or when NOT responding would be the classier, smarter move.

Your opinion on his behavior is irrelevent. You did not support him and did support his adversary. Those who did support him, and won him the election btw, seem to like his behavior. Or in the words of the thank-god-soon-to-be-former-President, "I won."
Quote:Trump tweets at every single person who disagrees with him or says a bad thing about him. He needs to put his phone down and step away from social media.

You would certainly know about thin-skinned responses. At least Trump speaks out rather than whine to the mods to have posts removed.
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