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Pretty happy that Ron Paul's chances (if you can even call them that lol) of ever being elected have bit the dust. I'm interested who the next face of the libertarian cult will be. I'm glad that no libertarian has a realistic shot at being elected during my lifetime.
Quote:Pretty happy that Ron Paul's chances (if you can even call them that lol) of ever being elected have bit the dust. I'm interested who the next face of the libertarian cult will be. I'm glad that no libertarian has a realistic shot at being elected during my lifetime.

Wow... did they sleep with your sister or something?  geez.  That's a lot of hostility towards a group that's not very large.  Especially considering the Ron Paul never ran for the libertarian ticket.  And in fact has been part of the Republican party since 1988.  Despite his more libertarian leanings.
Quote:Wow... did they sleep with your sister or something?  geez.  That's a lot of hostility towards a group that's not very large.  Especially considering the Ron Paul never ran for the libertarian ticket.  And in fact has been part of the Republican party since 1988.  Despite his more libertarian leanings.
Which is why I called it a cult. The group is small, but the followers are cult-like. I live in an area filled with pseudo-intellectual hipsters that regurugitate the same talking points over and over despite having little grasp on what they are actually talking about. Even when they lose debates, they spin there wheels and say "you are unconstitutional!". I don't associate with the democrats or republicans. I try to look at things on a case by case basis. My disdain for libertarians grew more because of them and less because of my personal affiliations.
Quote:Pretty happy that Ron Paul's chances (if you can even call them that lol) of ever being elected have bit the dust. I'm interested who the next face of the libertarian cult will be. I'm glad that no libertarian has a realistic shot at being elected during my lifetime.

I'd rather take just about any Libertarian over the [BLEEP] thats president right now. 


Which is why I called it a cult. The group is small, but the followers are cult-like. I live in an area filled with pseudo-intellectual hipsters that regurugitate the same talking points over and over despite having little grasp on what they are actually talking about. Even when they lose debates, they spin there wheels and say "you are unconstitutional!". I don't associate with the democrats or republicans. I try to look at things on a case by case basis. My disdain for libertarians grew more because of them and less because of my personal affiliations.

So basically you don't take a position on anything and just blow with the wind. Color me surprised.
Quote:So basically you don't take a position on anything and just blow with the wind. Color me surprised.
I take positions on many things. How is THAT what you got out of my post? They don't teach reading comprehension at whatever community college you got your mechancis degree from?

Many democrats, republicans, and liberatarians will side with a position soley because of their party affiliation. I'd rather consider things on a case by case basis.


I take positions on many things. How is THAT what you got out of my post? They don't teach reading comprehension at whatever community college you got your mechancis degree from?

Many democrats, republicans, and liberatarians will side with a position soley because of their party affiliation. I'd rather consider things on a case by case basis.

That's funny because in almost every thread you've done nothing but mock and question other peoples position while providing very little if any insight into your position.
Quote:That's funny because in almost every thread you've done nothing but mock and question other peoples position while providing very little if any insight into your position.
Oh really? Which threads are these?


Oh really? Which threads are these?

Just about any thread in this section, you came out in favor of Same Sex Marriage that's about the only position I've seen you take. Other then that you just go around making snide remarks to other post. It's a schtick I get it, but don't get defensive when you get called out on it.
Who would I like to see elected  President? 


I would like someone who is not a knee-jerk ideologue, but has the political and financial skill to put the federal government on a sound financial footing. 
Give me thread specifics because I'm calling b/s.you should be able to cite a handful of specific threads if you're going with the "you never take a stance" angle.
You know what's really funny?   I'm escaping from football by talking about politics.   Right now, football is so depressing, I would rather debate about global warming or the presidential election than talk about our football team.   I never would have imagined things would get this bad. 
Quote:Give me thread specifics because I'm calling b/s.you should be able to cite a handful of specific threads if you're going with the "you never take a stance" angle.

Well let's see this threads a good example. It's about who do you think will run and your only post is your typical glad libertarians won't win but you haven't posted about who you think will.

Meh I'm just bored with your tough guy act and silly remarks about my community college and work in automotive. I get it dumb redneck mechanics aren't supposed to have opinions in this world and it offends you I've formed opinions outside your Ivy League. Deal with it or move on bubba.
Quote:You know what's really funny? I'm escaping from football by talking about politics. Right now, football is so depressing, I would rather debate about global warming or the presidential election than talk about our football team. I never would have imagined things would get this bad.

Lol this is true, but I always enjoy talking politics especially with people that see it from a different angle then me.
Quote:Well let's see this threads a good example. It's about who do you think will run and your only post is your typical glad libertarians won't win but you haven't posted about who you think will.


No, your statement was:

"That's funny because in almost every thread you've done nothing but mock and question other peoples position while providing very little if any insight into your position."


You should be able to cite all of these threads where I failed to provide my own opinion. Here is a list of political threads I've posted in:

Ebola: Texas Nurse... In this thread my position was that the right wing media is blowing the virus way out of proportion to cause hysteria.

Same sex marriage: ...My position was that same sex marriage should be legal.

Change is coming: ...My opinion post was to give you props.

Atlas shrugged: ...My posts were pointing out the hypocrisy involved with your thinking, as others have time and time again


If you go back back further, I can recall being involved in a threads where I've stated these ideas of mine:

-Pro choice when it comes to abortion. Got into this one pretty deep because of my profession.

-Double standards involved with the feminist and left wing movement (ie. "never hit a woman").



Regardless, you are just getting your feelings hurt because I'm calling you out when you deserve to be called out. Grow a pair.




Quote:Meh I'm just bored with your tough guy act and silly remarks about my community college and work in automotive. I get it dumb redneck mechanics aren't supposed to have opinions in this world and it offends you I've formed opinions outside your Ivy League. Deal with it or move on bubba.

Actually, it's quite the contrary. I'm hardly offended by you having opinions. Rather, I find it funny that a "dumb redneck mechanic" thinks he has the answer to every social and economical issue that's ever arose. You'll never sit back and say "hey, maybe I just don't know as much about this topic as someone else", like when you tried to tell me that "child" is the correct term to use when describing an in-utero being. I'd hope that you call me out if I was picking out the wrong tires for my car, but when I call you out for calling a fetus a "child", you get defensive like a little girl.
Quote:Hard to believe another Presidential election isn't THAT far off.  Maybe by then the Jags will be a competitive team.

Anyway, who do you think will be the nominee for each party?  And who are you hoping for?

Some Common names being talked about:


Michelle Bachmann

John R. Bolton

Jeb Bush

Herman Cain

Ben Carson

Cris Christie

Ted Cruz

Lindsey Graham

Mike Huckabee

Bobby Jindal

Peter T. King

George Pataki

Rand Paul

Mike Pence

Rick Perry

Rob Portman

Marco Rubio

Paul Ryan

Donald Trump

Mitch Daniels

Scott Walker

Bob Corker

Carly Fiorina

Bob Ehrlich

Jon Kasich

Sarah Palin

Allen West


Joe Biden

Jerry Brown

Hillary Clinton

Howard Dean

Joe Manchin

Marin O'Malley

Bernie Sanders

Brian Schweitzer

Jim Webb

Steve Bullock

Andrew Cuomo

Rahm Emmanuel

Russ Feingold

Al Gore

Maggie Hassan

John Hickenlooper

Amy Klobuchar

William McRaven

Janet Napalitano

Jay Nixon

Kathleen Sebellius

Anthony Villagarosa

Mark Warner

I think it'll end up being Paul Ryan vs Hillary Clinton.

One of the names left off of the Democrat list is Elizabeth Warren.  If there ever was a worse candidate than our current President it would be her.  There is a lot of support for her in the younger generation, and I don't think that she would have the political backing to beat Hillary Clinton for the Democrat nomination.


On the Republican side, I only see a handful of potential candidates that I could really get behind with enthusiasm.  Sadly, I don't see any of them having the political power to gain support from the Republican Establishment.


The sad truth of the matter is it seems that people (especially younger less-educated people) seem to vote for President based on a "popularity contest" rather than qualifications.


For me, the most important qualifications to be President are someone with experience in economics, foreign policy, government and most importantly leadership.  Notice that I used the term "experience" and didn't say "educated in".  Exactly how much experience did our current President have in any of those areas prior to being elected?  What were the results of said experience if it even existed?
Relatability matters to a lot of people.  It's why George W. Bush, despite his failings, managed to beat John Kerry in the election.  Democrats didn't realize "Anybody but Bush!" meant they had to put up someone who's actually likable.  And John Kerry was not likable.  Or relatable.


Republicans of course forgot this, and chose Mitt Romney to run against Obama in his second term (at which point, he's got plenty of experience in the first place)


George W. Bush did fairly well in the under $50k salary range because he came across as a little simple.  (He learned this when he lost his first election in Texas because he was 'too smart')  


Both sides are responsible for it turning into a popularity contest.  With all their attack ads, rather than ads talking about their policies.  You see it at most levels of politics.  Every election you hear that "REPUBLICAN SENATOR DOESN'T SUPPORT WOMEN!  THEY ARE PRO-LIFE EVEN IN CASES OF RAPE AND INCEST!"  "DEMOCRATIC SENATOR AGREED WITH OBAMA 98% OF THE TIME!"    It's much the way scare-scammers work, by trying to use fear tactics to get you to vote one way or the other.

Then you have simpleton statements like "SENATOR IS FOR JOB GROWTH!"

Well [BAD WORD REMOVED].  Here I was thinking Senator didn't want jobs to grow.  Is there anybody that's going to say "I don't support Job Growth.  I think we should move jobs overseas!  Everybody should be fired"  Well... anybody other than Joe Biden maybe?

Both sides do nothing but pander to their base.  With the goal often being to get more voter turnout for your party than the other guy does.  It's a waste of money, and I tell everyone that when they call here asking for campaign donations.


Of course most of this is the result of a two party system.  Both sides can just pander to their base, because who else are you going to vote for?  Gary Johnson?  He doesn't stand a chance!  It doesn't matter what his policies are.  All that matters is that he can't win.  And if you vote for him, you'll just be letting the Democrat/Republican win.

It'd also help if we actually had more education on issues like politics.  Of course, I'm saying this in part because my wife teaches history, including a class on government and US/VA History.  But I've always believed that History is an important subject, and that if we don't learn from our past, we'll be doomed to repeat it.  The more our future generation knows about how the government works, the better off I think we'll be in the long run.


Quote:I'm certainly hoping for Ted Cruz to be the Republican Nominee and next President.


Unfortunately,  I think Jeb Bush or some other RINO will be the Republican Nominee.


As for the Democrats,  I currently give Hillary Clinton the slight edge over Elizabeth Warren as their choice as Nominee. 

LOL - in today's "I'm a better Republican than you!" climate Abraham Lincoln would be called a RINO.


Ted Cruz? I don't think America is in the market for another right-wing Texan for a while. Same goes for Rick Perry. And Romney is richer than either of them.


EDIT: I just saw Dakota say something positive about Cruz. That ought to convince you he has no chance.

Quote:No, your statement was:

"That's funny because in almost every thread you've done nothing but mock and question other peoples position while providing very little if any insight into your position."

You should be able to cite all of these threads where I failed to provide my own opinion. Here is a list of political threads I've posted in:

Ebola: Texas Nurse... In this thread my position was that the right wing media is blowing the virus way out of proportion to cause hysteria.

Same sex marriage: ...My position was that same sex marriage should be legal.

Change is coming: ...My opinion post was to give you props.

Atlas shrugged: ...My posts were pointing out the hypocrisy involved with your thinking, as others have time and time again

If you go back back further, I can recall being involved in a threads where I've stated these ideas of mine:

-Pro choice when it comes to abortion. Got into this one pretty deep because of my profession.

-Double standards involved with the feminist and left wing movement (ie. "never hit a woman").

Regardless, you are just getting your feelings hurt because I'm calling you out when you deserve to be called out. Grow a pair.

Actually, it's quite the contrary. I'm hardly offended by you having opinions. Rather, I find it funny that a "dumb redneck mechanic" thinks he has the answer to every social and economical issue that's ever arose. You'll never sit back and say "hey, maybe I just don't know as much about this topic as someone else", like when you tried to tell me that "child" is the correct term to use when describing an in-utero being. I'd hope that you call me out if I was picking out the wrong tires for my car, but when I call you out for calling a fetus a "child", you get defensive like a little girl.

Whew so that's where all the anger is coming from, because I view aborted babies as babies not a fetus.

As for knowing everything I openly asked for more information about people opposing id laws to vote and climate change. As a matter of fact I said specifically I didn't know much about climate change science but figured both sides exaggerate their positions.

But anyways I'm done going back and forth with you I'll stick to talking about the canadites and gasp support the libertarian option.
Quote:No, your statement was:

"That's funny because in almost every thread you've done nothing but mock and question other peoples position while providing very little if any insight into your position."

You should be able to cite all of these threads where I failed to provide my own opinion. Here is a list of political threads I've posted in:

Ebola: Texas Nurse... In this thread my position was that the right wing media is blowing the virus way out of proportion to cause hysteria.

Same sex marriage: ...My position was that same sex marriage should be legal.

Change is coming: ...My opinion post was to give you props.

Atlas shrugged: ...My posts were pointing out the hypocrisy involved with your thinking, as others have time and time again

If you go back back further, I can recall being involved in a threads where I've stated these ideas of mine:

-Pro choice when it comes to abortion. Got into this one pretty deep because of my profession.

-Double standards involved with the feminist and left wing movement (ie. "never hit a woman").

Regardless, you are just getting your feelings hurt because I'm calling you out when you deserve to be called out. Grow a pair.

Actually, it's quite the contrary. I'm hardly offended by you having opinions. Rather, I find it funny that a "dumb redneck mechanic" thinks he has the answer to every social and economical issue that's ever arose. You'll never sit back and say "hey, maybe I just don't know as much about this topic as someone else", like when you tried to tell me that "child" is the correct term to use when describing an in-utero being. I'd hope that you call me out if I was picking out the wrong tires for my car, but when I call you out for calling a fetus a "child", you get defensive like a little girl.

Whew so that's where all the anger is coming from, because I view aborted babies as babies not a fetus.

As for knowing everything I openly asked for more information about people opposing id laws to vote and climate change. As a matter of fact I said specifically I didn't know much about climate change science but figured both sides exaggerate their positions.

But anyways I'm done going back and forth with you I'll stick to talking about the canadites and gasp support the libertarian option.
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