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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars Vs Steelers Game Day Thread - Second Half***
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I wish I could watch the game
Quote:Do we blitz ever?

Yea and when we do we get burnt for a deep bomb.
Clemons probably gets home on that one if not for being blatantly held.


No flag though, because, why would the Steelers hold?

Quote:Do we blitz ever?
lol and leave even more space than we already do open for TEs and WRs?
Quote:Please tell me why people like Cyprien? He literally does nothing playmakerish in any game.
He's no Ed Reed, not even close, as he was projected to be.

Must enjoy the good moments guys

I don't want to enjoy a moment. I want to enjoy a win.
Need a touchdown drive here
D got off the field at least.

These refs.... my god
Clearly we went to long without a commercial break. Good call refs
Refs need an intermission after every play.

Come on Bortles to Hurns for the deep connection.
Quote:That's a theme of todays game.

They don't miss the holding calls against the Jags.


That was a clear miss holding call against the Steelers.


I saw the clear grab of the collar
Pretty bad performance by the officials. Not just questionable calls - they're really disorganized.

Quote:Come on Bortles to Hurns for the deep connection.

A Rob is the only consistent receiver
Fernando Bryant > Gratz/Ball.

They didn't explain what happened on two penalties, on another 2 they threw flags when no penalty existed.


Terrible refs.

Quote:I wish I could watch the game

Go to a sports bar
Quote:Fernando Bryant > Gratz/Ball.

Good ole choppers
Quote:Do we blitz ever?
oh yeah we are just not good at it...Plus big Ben is the type of quarterback that will make you payfor pulling a guy out of coverage
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