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Full Version: Unsung Hero on the Defenese. We might have a star in the making
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Quote:Not many are calling him a star.

What did you say after his sack of Luck on 3rd down which made them kick a field goal?

Quality play. Need a lot more of it.
I think I am in the minority, but I actually like the dances and flashiness he brings to the table. We don't really have any of that on our team and havent had that in recent years. It's nice to have a little flair and if it helps fire him or other players up, then why not?
He's the equivalent of a bad-ball power hitter in baseball. He wont hit for a high average, will probably pop up to the infield or swing at all ball in the dirt with the bases loaded but if you leave a pitch hanging in the strike zone, he'll put it in the seats and collect some decent stats by the end of the year. I don't think he's that nightmare off the edge that you don't wanna have one-on-one against a tackle even though his stats can indicate that, but he'll likely end up with 8-10 sacks this year and I'm not gonna complain
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