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When Blake Bortles was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: "What is courage?" He received an A+ for turning in a blank page with only his name at the top.


Blake Bortles has a diary. It's called the Guinness Book of World Records.


Blake Bortles doesn't dial the wrong number, you pick up the wrong phone.

Quote:Michael Jordan's tenacity and will to win.


[Image: michael-jordan-o.gif] GIFSoup
I want to see him read defenses correctly, throw downfield accurately,  and audible out of bad formations.

Quote:We all want him to play well but what is the one thing you are looking for above all else?


I am looking for him to keep throwing the long ball and take some chances.   I am so tired of seeing opposing teams stack the LOS and the Jags can't do anything about it.  I don't care about the INTS I want to see him have one thing that a Jags QB has not had in awhile.  A big set of balls

I just want to see the traits he's already displayed continue to grow. Stay strong in the pocket, don't allow the pressure to rattle you or make you fold. Move around and create plays with your legs or create time to make a big play with your arm down the field. And then really, just get better from there. Know your reads, recognize the blitz, and call the play that gets you out of potential trouble. I have faith in this kid. Just from what we've already seen, he really gives the fanbase a reason to be excited for the future. I didn't get that feeling with Leftwich. I didn't even know who Gabbert was when we drafted him in truth. I was screaming for Ryan Kerrigan with the 16th pick that year. Bortles was a surprise pick. His name was climbing a bit. He was dynamic at UCF. He really does look like the 2nd coming of Big Ben already. He gives off good vibes man.
Quote:When Blake Bortles was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: "What is courage?" He received an A+ for turning in a blank page with only his name at the top.


Blake Bortles has a diary. It's called the Guinness Book of World Records.


Blake Bortles doesn't dial the wrong number, you pick up the wrong phone.
That first one is pure gold!
I just want him to gain experience, learn the offense, get a better understanding of NFL defensive schemes, study hard (like Manning does), and get better going into the 2015 season. He's a rookie, and all I expect from him is to learn how to be a good NFL QB. He's a raw rookie, there are going to be many ups and downs...just so long he learns from all of those ups and downs, I'll be fine with his performances.
I'd like to see him throw with proper weight transfer.

For me, apart from what I have already seen, JUST ONE THING.


Quote:Well, you got to understand that he was throwing alot of passes down field a instead of the easy check downs and despite his aggressive approach he still was 58% passing which is pretty good. 
There were a couple of balls including the first INT that the receivers should of made. 
Lindsey Dukes Hooters.
Liu Kang finishing move. Booorrrttlleesssss Kombaaaattt!!


I don't care if statistically we look like (bad word removed)! We need wins! Winning will fix everything. Stats, self-confidence, image, game attendance, popularity.... winning fixes 'em all.


just win baby... WIN!

Big hands and big feet.

Quote:I'd like to see him throw with proper weight transfer.

What does that mean? Weight transfer is not as important for a quarterback capable of completing any pass. Just ask Peyton Manning.


Part of proper weight transfer depends on the offensive line. If he has no room to step up into a throw, how can you expect him to throw off his front foot?
Quote:What does that mean? Weight transfer is not as important for a quarterback capable of completing any pass. Just ask Peyton Manning.


Part of proper weight transfer depends on the offensive line. If he has no room to step up into a throw, how can you expect him to throw off his front foot?
Oh boy, JDub at her finest.
Quote:A scruffy beard. Get tough looking.

It looks to me like he is growing one now.
Quote:What does that mean? Weight transfer is not as important for a quarterback capable of completing any pass. Just ask Peyton Manning.


Part of proper weight transfer depends on the offensive line. If he has no room to step up into a throw, how can you expect him to throw off his front foot?

Just be everything Blaine and Henne weren't.
Quote:Just be everything Blaine and Henne weren't.

except white male right-handed quarterback


Blaine and Chad are all those things, you know.
Quote:except white male right-handed quarterback


Blaine and Chad are all those things, you know.
What a racist!!!







J/k Smile
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