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Full Version: C'mon Maaaaan whats.is your Jaguars C'mon man moment?
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Not starting Bortles week 1.
Quote:And the ball hit the ground on that hail mary. They reviewed it and upheld it.

Forgot about that but yea I do remember that now. I also remember there being just one defender in the vicinity. What the heck was everybody else doing?
Almost every Matt Jones one-armed, t-rex, attempted catch.


Drafting a punter in the 3rd round.

We've had far too many "c'mon man" moments....

Quote:Almost every Matt Jones one-armed, t-rex, attempted catch.

Drafting a punter in the 3rd round.
Actually this reminded me of my favorite Matt Jones play. The one that got him his new nickname, the Arkansas Armadillo. He catches a dump off and curls up into the fetal position, waiting to get hit, and there was nobody within at least 10-15 yards of him.
Quote:Actually this reminded me of my favorite Matt Jones play. The one that got him his new nickname, the Arkansas Armadillo. He catches a dump off and curls up into the fetal position, waiting to get hit, and there was nobody within at least 10-15 yards of him.
Blow makes a person paranoid.


Really Matt? the parking lot of a $30 dollar a night hotel?......C'mon man>
Murlarkeys Herculean clipboard throwing effort is my new favorite.
Blackmon repeatedly getting in trouble. 


Matt Jones drinking a beer while golfing leading to his release.

Quote:Not starting Bortles week 1.
Quote:Actually this reminded me of my favorite Matt Jones play. The one that got him his new nickname, the Arkansas Armadillo. He catches a dump off and curls up into the fetal position, waiting to get hit, and there was nobody within at least 10-15 yards of him.
Haha.  I think I remember that.  I wish there was a gif of that.
I'll go with Gus Bradley last week stating after the week 2 loss that we'd bounce back because we are a Resilient Team.


C'mon Man -- after being outscored 75-10 in the past 6 quarters ... the Resilient Jags bounced back by losing 30-0 to the Colts in the following 2 quarters.



The other C'mon Man is anything Gus Bradley says about Henne

Can't believe nobody has mentioned don Carey and Guy whimper attempting to play football.

Specifically Don Carey trying to tackle a Titan? receiver by his glove. Just embarrassing.

C'mon Man!
Marcedes Lewis dropping a wide open 1 yard TD pass from Gabbert and then tripped over his own feet in the endzone
I'm gonna go into history a bit with the original c'mon man moment...96 playoffs against New England, trying to tie the game and at the Pats 5 yard line when Brunell throws the INT that basically ended the game for us. We got it back for another try but the pick was the moment I remember.
The entire city of Jacksonville calling for Wayne Weaver to fire Tom Coughlin. My how spoiled we were. Wallbash
Quote:Drafting a punter in the 3rd round.

You mean weapon....but seriously, this is the ultimate "C'mon Man" moment.
Quote:The entire city of Jacksonville calling for Wayne Weaver to fire Tom Coughlin. My how spoiled we were. Wallbash

I always think its interesting when people bring this up.  Our team wasn't very good, and TC single handedly put us into salary cap purgatory.  The only thing that remotely saved us a bit is the Texans taking 3 high paid guys.
Quote:I always think its interesting when people bring this up. Our team wasn't very good, and TC single handedly put us into salary cap purgatory. The only thing that remotely saved us a bit is the Texans taking 3 high paid guys.

So hire a GM.
Quote:Couch also completed a Hail Mary to Quincy Morgan against us in 2002. You were probably watching the Broncos game at the time and missed it.

The Broncos usually don't play at the same time we do. When that does happen, I watch the Jaguars.


How was that Hail Mary a "C'Mon, man!" moment?
Quote:The Broncos usually don't play at the same time we do. When that does happen, I watch the Jaguars.

How was that Hail Mary a "C'Mon, man!" moment?

Because it was ruled a catch but it hit the ground and we lost.
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