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Full Version: ***OFFICIAL Jaguars Vs. Colts Game Day Thread***
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The BB era has to begin NOW, or this coach has ok foot to stand on any longer. The media And fans are going to tear him apart in the coming days.
Gerhart looking good! 6ypc!

Bortles needs to come in for the garbage time
Is there a special olympics football league?

How's the wi fi !!
Quote:Yes, we are that stupid.


I blame it on my mom and step-dad for moving to Jacksonville and making me have season tickets in 2007-2008.

At least there were some memorable games during those times. Since the Garrard era ended we have been nothing but a laughing stock.
Quote:I can't believe I'm watching this non-sense, but I'm still here.



But I'm clearly not smart enough to figure it out.



Where is FBT, and his cohorts to tell me why I'm so stoopid?

What do you expect?  We're the second youngest team in the league.  I mean just look at the Rams.  (Actually don't, it might make you cry)
Miss Del Rio yet?
The jags are putting up a solid golf score. We got that going for us.
Quote:I can't believe I'm watching this non-sense, but I'm still here.

But I'm clearly not smart enough to figure it out.

Where is FBT, and his cohorts to tell me why I'm so stoopid?

your not this has been disgusting though i still dont think bortles can change this train wreck

The fact that we insist on cover 3 when every team knows exactly where the holes are baffles me
Quote:What do you expect?  We're the second youngest team in the league.  I mean just look at the Rams.  (Actually don't, it might make you cry)

Ha!  This team is shameful.
Sounds like they shouldnt even bother coming back on the field after half time. We r gonna be out scored 100-10 or something like that after three games. Sounds like major major changes need to take place immediately.
LOL, 300 yards of offense to 28?






<a class="" href='http://www.nfl.com/players/profile?id=LUC524055'>A. Luck</a>





First half only against our D. We really are a mirror of the Seahawks D... LOL

Quote:...the whole team is a mess.

I don't know. Aside from tackling, defending the pass, stopping the run, running the ball and completing passes they seem pretty good.  Just have to work on those five little things, and they'll be fine. 
Bortles better be in after the half. Sitting in this sun watching this O is just sad....
Quote:This is like watching the 3 Stooges.

Larry, Moe Curly, Gus?
Half time adjustments get a new team
Wasn't our defense supposed to be our strength?