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Full Version: ***OFFICIAL Jaguars Vs. Colts Game Day Thread***
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Robinson has had a good half


This guy can scramble too!

Are IND starters still in on D?

Robinson we got in the 3rd. Likes it.

g question...
Two yard Toby

Dude, it's pretty pathetic either way...



It's either Fish was scared to make plays for Henne, therefore Fish is horrible at recognizing the way to best utilize players.



Or Fish was waiting for BB5 to start, which means that Fish has no spine...


Either way, Fish stinks...  We need to get a real Offensive Coordinator...


C'mon Blake lets win the half.

2 interceptions one a pick 6 please put Henne back in. Bortles suck.
This half has felt like a completely different team no denying that. Mistakes will happen but he knows what he's doing.

Quote:This offense has looked better in the last 5 minutes of this game, than the last 5 years of this team playing overall.
lol..sad but true

beautiful fake spike

Nice pass and catch there.

BB is the FUTURE!!!!!

Suddenly there's room to run... but Gerhart needs to hold onto the ball.

Fish stinks.  Bortles needs a real OC

The fake spike works again !!