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Full Version: Rushing issues. Whats the problem? Oline talent, scheme, or RB talent?
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Quote:I think the ZBS needs to go, it didn't work out last year either and it doesn't seem to play to either the talent or the RB.


I also think it takes longer to acclimate to than a man scheme where you just look at the guy in front of you and hit him.


Finally, we have young talent that needs some time to gel and a big hole to fill in the middle, though Bowanko may fix that here in the near future. Get the decent 5 together and lets see what happens.
This is what i'm starting to lean toward too.
Quote:I would pick OC, but it's not listed...

Who runs a bruiser around the end?
Fisch does, duh!  :thumbsup:
Quote:Manning is like a coach out there. He's a genius.

He made Beadles look great and DC is a sucker for signing him.
Gerhart is trash and so is the O-Line mix that with a horrible QB then sprinkle a tad bit of Jed Fisch playcalls and you have this [BAD WORD REMOVED] called Jaguar Offense


Gerhart is a talentless muscle bound pig. 

Even a fat injury riddled mjd produced better than gerhart. It's pretty amazing tbh
All of the above.


Our offensive line gets blown up immediately. We shouldn't be using any sort of zone scheme with Toby Gerhart, and we shouldn't be running him off tackle either. He's too slow. 

it's a bit of all 3

for all the hate i've seen gerhart miss one opportunity to run the ball for a big gain, no doubt it was a big one but in general he runs, there is nothing there and he is either knocked down from behind or ploughs forward pushes the pile for a yard or two


 Why he missed the big gap against washington I don't know and I don't deny it was a bad miss however i personally think he is much better than everyone gives him credit for and I don't really believe any rb could function under these conditions, see mjd last year


What really annoys me is why did we pick him when he evidentally doesn't fit what we want in an rb. We are running to the outside to try set up the bootleg, fair enough, but you need speed for those plays and that's robinson so why sign gerhart ... i can only assume given the amount we tried to pass the ball that gerhart is superior in pass protection and robinson has struggled in practice picking up the blitz.


I have to say gerhart is very good in pass pro, against washington I saw him a couple of times identify the blitzer and stop a free runner in his tracks.


Which leads me to fisch, if your sole rb struggles running to the outside don't keep doing it, it's not working, however you if your interior line is caving in regularly then you can't run inside and if you can't keep henne in the pocket, you need the outside runs to set up the bootleg. For fisch it's a fairly impossible situation but still he has a responsibility to try new things till he finds something that works. From what I have seen it feels like he has very little in his locker right now


As for the line, I think bowanko will be an improvement over mclendon even just having experience playing centre, pasztor coming back will be a massive boon for linder as will playing the colts with very little in terms of pass rush should hopefully help them gain confidence by keeping the pocket clean and if we can pass, that should open up the run, which can then open up the pass

It's a combination of the o-line talent, the scheme we're using, and the rb talent. First, the line...

We have a bunch of rookies and one veteran (not counting Lewis) on the line. The one vet isn't particularly good either. They've been getting switched around all through the camps and pre-season so it shouldn't shock anyone that they aren't used to playing as a unit. They are at best only average as pass blockers (half the sacks on Henne was Henne's fault) but plain poor as run blockers. Then there's the scheme...

Knowing that we are poor run blockers, Jedd Fisch attempts to run Toby Gerhart on swings outside. There is a problem with this however; (a) swing runs require the guard or tackle to pull and lead, ours get beat so quickly that the defense is able to come right through and tackle Gerhart before he can turn up field. Then there's Gerhart...

Toby was touted as a 'power running back'. This is supposed to mean that he can bull his way forward through the line and pick up short (but reliable) yardage. He is almost exclusively a 'north/south' runner. He isn't known for his burst of speed and cuts... he just pounds north/south. The problem is that very, very few runners can pickup yardage if there is no hole to run through. Even fewer can gain yardage (even short yardage) if the defenders are already in the backfield with him before he has even started forward. Toby may be a power runner, but he's slow; too slow to be trying to use on swing plays. We have a back (Denard Robinson) who would be perfect for this situation, but he is getting under utilized. I don't know why.

Personally, I think it's mostly the line, there may still be some overall talent issues there and it takes a new group of guys awhile to gel in any case. I think also the general lack of success on the passing game has allowed opposing defenses to key on the run. Hopefully as Bortles and the recievers start having more of an impact moving the ball in the air, it will force defenses to have to play a bit more honestly.
Quote:It could be the fans.  Instead of supporting the Jags, we are bashing them.  It's hurting the players feelings and it shows in the performance.  We must be that 12th fan like in Seattle.

That twelve man crap didn't exist until 2012
And play calling
It's pretty much all of it at this point...  But it's Sunday!!!!  The Jags have a chance to turn all that around today

Oline talent+scheme


Too young and inexperienced in the offensive line and the zone blocking scheme sucks

4 starters on the O-line are 23 or younger.  There's the issue.  It'll get better.

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