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Full Version: ***Official Washington Redskins vs Jacksonville Jaguars Gameday Thread***
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That was almost a pick 5, lmbo


15 times more yardage on the penalty than what our offense produced.
Nice almost pick 6
Can we add the penalty yards to our overall
haha, screen pass almost intercepted for pick 6

YES!!!!  Thanks Refs!!!!!
Henne is AWFUL!!! He stares down whoever he's throwing to the whole time
Maybe rather than waiting endlessly year after year for the Jaguars to become competitive, I can just move to another city. 

Quote:Guys we are in rebuilding mode still. "Since 2007"

They rebuilt the south after the civil war faster than we can rebuild this damn team!!
Rg henne
First Down?!
Henne is our best runner, sad

Quote:I did. smh. It was either the Jags of STL

Should have gone STL
As long as the 3 and outs continue we wont see our defense play well. They cant stay on field all game and not get tired. But on the bright side, our qb is efficient. Sign me up for the start Bortles club. Let him learn by playing. How much can he leaen watching henne fail
Henne gave up on trying to throw it deep

Complete a pass.


Answer: <i>What is, "something the Jaguars can't do"?</i>

Wooohooo.. defense gets an extended rest!!!
Omg a 1st down!!! Lol
1st down whew now what?