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Full Version: ***Official Washington Redskins vs Jacksonville Jaguars Gameday Thread***
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Bad call goes our way!

Davis alreay
Ryan Davis is a beast

Davis again...

That is as close to a catch as is possible in today's nfl, without actually being ruled a catch.

There's the pass rush! Ryan Davis again.

Caught a break there boys
We have DE's!  It's a nice thing

Ryan davis! Good 1st strip by ball too on thurx. Lucky kid helps.

Brown gets us some room to work.
What a punt wow
mike carey's been practicing behind the camera.  Doesn't seem shy anymore.
Need someone faster and more elusive returning punts
We need Ace
We caught an amazing break there.
Mike brown just looked like I accidentally hit the slow mo button on my tv


You mean all that crying about how it's going to be a long game was for nothing? Lol
What a punt too
Even Mike Carey couldn't believe it.
Carey looked much more comfortable this week...

So the over was 4, for sacks?  We're on our way!


I think we got lucky with that replay, but heck!  We'll take it, ammmIte?