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Bortles and No  :   This owner has put his money where his mouth is,  The Fans have done there part in supporting a losing team . Shad wont wait very long if the Gus juice keeps leaving  this soar taste in our mouths

Quote:"Dave and Gus has done nothing to make me not trust them." Except go 4-13 and prove nothing else besides that. Question should be why in the hell do you trust them to lead a franchise to prominence.
I'll bet a billion dollars that they don't go 4-13.
Bortles should start, but Henne will start, Bortles will start week 3 though. 

As a Redskins fan, I want Henne.  As a football fan, Bortles.  But I think the Redskins win either way.

The fan in me wants Bortles in now.  


I thought he wouldn't start untill November.  But I'm hoping they put him in sooner than that.  I'll be honest, that first half Offense was a thing of beauty.  Seriously, it's been so long since we've seen explosive plays like that.  I just want the good feelings to keep comin'.  


I feel for Henne, I honestly do.  He seems like a really great character person.  But, I'd much rather watch our franchise QB have his ups and downs as opposed to a QB we know isn't good enough.


I'm hoping Bortles has been busting his tail these last few weeks.  I hope he's soaking in everything the coaches have been throwing at him during these first 2 games.  And I hope the coaches believe Bortles has learned all he can learn on the sidelines by week 3...  
Quote:I'll bet a billion dollars that they don't go 4-13.
You would lose those billion dollars(If you had anything close to it) because they already are Slick. I know there's 16 games in a season, that's their overall record since they took over. Good try though.
I chose Chad Henne and  Week 1 did change my opinion.  I'd start Bortles Week 1 if it were my decision, but I'm not a NFL coach.  But at the same time, I wouldn't choose a guy to start and bench him after one game.   Especially when my issue with Henne was more a collective issue than an issue with his performance in this particular game.     

Quote:You would lose those billion dollars(If you had anything close to it) because they already are Slick. I know there's 16 games in a season, that's their overall record since they took over. Good try though.

Was this supposed to make sense?
Quote:Was this supposed to make sense?

At least he's consistent.
I'm starting Chad Henne until our playoff hopes are no more. Then I let the Bortles come in and play w/o the pressure of having to get to the playoffs. I don't like it, but I guarantee that is what is going to happen.


Go Jaguars.!!!

Quote:Who the hell voted for Henne?!?!
His Mom... But I bet she did it under duress....
 Orakpo rolls on Henne's leg, tearing his ACL, MCL.  Bortles steps in and leads the Jags to victory and the playoffs.

Quote: Orakpo rolls on Henne's leg, tearing his ACL, MCL. Bortles steps in and leads the Jags to victory and the playoffs.

Henne gets hit and dies.  Bortles saves the day.  Win/Win

Quote:Henne gets hit and dies.  Bortles saves the day.  Win/Win
It just keeps getting classier. 
Henne stubs his toe before the game, Bortles comes in and leads us to a 80-0 victory throwing 11 touchdowns.  All in honor of Chad's toe.   Bortles is pulled in the 2nd half, once Chad's toe heals.  For a brief moment fans worry that the Redskins might pull an Eagles, but everyone quickly remembers they have RGIII.  Henne goes 11/16 for 66 yards and we get a field goal off of one of his drives.

Quote:I'll bet a billion dollars that they don't go 4-13.

What if every team in the AFC has the worst records in history, and 4 wins gets us in the playoffs and we lose the first playoff game?
Quote:I'm starting Chad Henne until our playoff hopes are no more. Then I let the Bortles come in and play w/o the pressure of having to get to the playoffs. I don't like it, but I guarantee that is what is going to happen.


Go Jaguars.!!!

True logic would say to start Bortles until our playoff hopes are no more, then start Henne.
Quote:True logic would say to start Bortles until our playoff hopes are no more, then start Henne.

That's not logical either.  Why stop playing Bortles as soon as our playoff hopes are no more?  Once Bortles starts, he should only be on the bench if he's injured, or we're leading by more than 28 points late in the 4th.
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