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Full Version: People think they know better than Dave and Gus...
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In my 14 years of being a season ticket holder and a JAGUAR fan I have often disagreed with the decisions the front office or the coaching staff have made. Sometimes loudly disagreed, however I have never thought I knew more or knew better than the guys whose livelihood depends on the decision they make. Like with GS his decisions were poor so he went "poof" and disappeared in a cloud of dust. Being second guessed by the fans goes with the territory and I have many different opinions, however Gus is the one "in the Captains Chair" and making the calls. He will succeed or fail based on his decision.....no matter what we think.

Just my 2 cents worth

I would disagree with you slightly, RJ. One of those throws was a lousy throw and should have been intercepted. The second one was a good throw, I think, and Lee gave up on it...or misran his route. That happens with rookies.


Of course Safford threw one (to Branch) which shouldn't have been thrown, Luck (last night) threw one that should never have been thrown, Brees threw one last night that shouldn't have been thrown...and they turned out ok, ya think?



Quote:I like Bortles, and believe him to be a special talent with a real chance of being the QB Jaguar fans have longed for. That said, as well as he played against Detroit, I saw two would-be interceptions that were dropped, balls that simply should not have been thrown.

He's almost ready, but not quite. There really is no rush.

The second one Lee was held. The penalty was called. So we really don't know much the penalty impacted that play.
I don't think I know better than Dave or Gus.  But it seems like it's competition for every role except for QB.  I get why they don't want to start him.  I'm just not sure it's completely necessary.


He's bound to make some mistakes.  Andrew Luck threw 4 INT's in his last post-season game.  Peyton Manning only went two games in his first season without throwing an interception.  He threw 6 in his first 2 games, and 11 in his first 4.  


I just hope Gus hasn't ruled out starting Bortles at all this year (save for Henne getting injured).  I imagine most fans will start to get impatient when Henne has his first bad game.  I'd rather see Bortles take the job from Henne, than Henne loosing it.  Though Henne keeping the job no matter how good Bortles looks would be as bad.

Quote:I don't think I know better than Dave or Gus.  But it seems like it's competition for every role except for QB.  I get why they don't want to start him.  I'm just not sure it's completely necessary.


He's bound to make some mistakes.  Andrew Luck threw 4 INT's in his last post-season game.  Peyton Manning only went two games in his first season without throwing an interception.  He threw 6 in his first 2 games, and 11 in his first 4.  


I just hope Gus hasn't ruled out starting Bortles at all this year (save for Henne getting injured).  I imagine most fans will start to get impatient when Henne has his first bad game.  I'd rather see Bortles take the job from Henne, than Henne loosing it.  Though Henne keeping the job no matter how good Bortles looks would be as bad.

It's gotta be the o-line. Once the action is live for 4 quarters we will see where we are at in terms of protection. They aren't going to put him out there behind a line in flux. They gotta get that sorted and that will take a couple games. So, the earliest I see him starting is wk 3. I really hope Bowanko can step up. (Caldwell is doing an awesome job, btw; imagine if we had landed Mack.)
But I DO know better.  When will you people accept that fact?

Quote:I don't think I know better than Dave or Gus.  But it seems like it's competition for every role except for QB.



And there still is a competition for QB. 


Not sure why people cannot understand/ comprehend whats going on at QB, even after its been repeated to you guys thousands of times by Gus/ Dave/ and many people on the board. 


Its like people stick their fingers in their ears and close their eyes and totally not listen to whats being told. 
Quote:In my 14 years of being a season ticket holder and a JAGUAR fan I have often disagreed with the decisions the front office or the coaching staff have made. Sometimes loudly disagreed, however I have never thought I knew more or knew better than the guys whose livelihood depends on the decision they make. Like with GS his decisions were poor so he went "poof" and disappeared in a cloud of dust. Being second guessed by the fans goes with the territory and I have many different opinions, however Gus is the one "in the Captains Chair" and making the calls. He will succeed or fail based on his decision.....no matter what we think.

Just my 2 cents worth
You are right! The problem is we have seen failure all too much around here lately. And im pretty sure a lot of fans are tired of suffering from gm and hc bad decisions. Im not saying start Bortles week 1 nor am I saying bench him im just saying give us the Best chance to Win!
We knew better than Gene. 

Quote:Why don't we let them judge when Bortles is ready to start instead of deciding they're wrong and he should be playing?

The majority of people on here when they drafted Blake didn't like the pick and a lot of people said we should taken Manziel or Bridgewater over him, we should have tried to trade down instead of picking him and saying he would be available late in the round if really wanted him. All of a sudden these people love Blake and are shouting from the rooftops that he should be starting.

Why don't we let Dave and Gus decide? They knew what they where doing when they picked Blake and they know what they are doing now. Bortles is the future of this franchise and if they feel it is better to not start him game 1 then I believe in that. They have a plan, this isn't Gene Smith we're talking about.
Which is why I'm not complaining about Henne as starter. I trust the team to put him in when he's ready
Quote:In watching the Jaguars pre-season games against the Bears and Lions,   I believe that Blake Bortles would give the Jaguars the best chance of winning regular season games.   However,  the Jaguars Offensive Line is just not settled enough at this time for the team brass to feel comfortable with putting Bortles out there in a regular season setting.    The rest of the Jaguars team from a position unit standpoint looks vastly improved.   Yet,  at this point in time,  the Jaguars don't have even one Offensive Lineman that's playing to a level that the front office and coaches can be comfortable with.   Of course this will gradually change.   But why risk injury with Bortles and him developing bad habits when someone like Chad Henne can run the Offense in this transition period?   


Even more than the Jaguars Offensive Line in general,   the Center position looks like the most unsettled position on the team.  It's not a good formula going with a Center that's learning and/ or struggling and a rookie QB,  regardless of him being advanced for a rookie QB.
Truth nukes are not welcome here. We must have unreasoning. 
Quote:I don't think I know better than Dave or Gus.  But it seems like it's competition for every role except for QB.  I get why they don't want to start him.  I'm just not sure it's completely necessary.


He's bound to make some mistakes.  Andrew Luck threw 4 INT's in his last post-season game.  Peyton Manning only went two games in his first season without throwing an interception.  He threw 6 in his first 2 games, and 11 in his first 4.  


I just hope Gus hasn't ruled out starting Bortles at all this year (save for Henne getting injured).  I imagine most fans will start to get impatient when Henne has his first bad game.  I'd rather see Bortles take the job from Henne, than Henne loosing it.  Though Henne keeping the job no matter how good Bortles looks would be as bad.

I think there is a nuance in regards to the competition @ QB versus the competition with over positions.  The QB is the most important position.  We all know this.  It's hard to believe that a rookie has a better understanding of the playbook and where everyone needs to be during a regular season game as compared to the incumbent vet QB.  


It's obvious that BB5 is the man.  He's clearly better in alot of aspects.  But he's still not up to the level of Henne when we consider experience, knowledge of the playbook and where everyone needs to be.  That takes time, and the preseason isn't a large enough body of work, especially when you consider preseason isn't really a place where a complete defense is installed and executed.



Regarding the Andrew Luck reference---  The c'lots didn't have any sort of viable option...  I would wager and present you this arguement, if they had a viable QB that could at least get them through the first 2 months of the season, they would have kept Luck on the bench to absorb what they wanted to see from him.  I believe that coaches and GMs prefer to implement a franchise rookie somewhere in the middle of the season, not right out of the gates.


As far as "red-shirting" Bortles for the entire 2014 campaign.  I never bought that line that he wasn't going to start sometime this year.  I think Caldwell and Bradley were very wise in how they created the narrative.  They took all the pressure off Bortles by saying he's not starting in 2014.  It relieved the QB controversy that the media loves to pounce on.  On top of that, it allows them to evaluate Bortles from a coaching stand point without having to worry about anything in regards to expectations.  The expectation has been set, the line is clear.  


It also allows them to now exceed expectations.  



Quote:We knew better than Gene. 

Yes!  LOL.  And I also think we all know better than JDR and Mularkey.  


With that said, I don't thiInk we can make those same assumptions in regards to the current front office and staff.   


I'm in no way going to go the "In (X) we trust" nonsense that occured in the past.  But as of right now, I'm willing to give them all the benefit of the doubt.
Gus/Dave/Fisch are just following a wise plan that strategically placed the kid in a comfortable learning environment w/o pressure to start. They know he's going to take the reigns  -  and they know he'll take them sooner rather than later.

  But  - They aren't going to just throw their plan out the window after the third preseason game. Why would anyone expect them to alter course when the plan has worked so well thus far?  It's just a matter of time.

They'll either make an announcement on Monday, Sept 1st naming him the starter - or they'll let Chad hang himself for a few games and then be"forced" to put the rookie out there. I'm fine with that.  This team is NOT going to the playoffs even if the kid starts right away. Way too many holes and lack of depth. 


Also.  Can we merge the 17 threads on this topic??

I still don't know how Bortles can get more prepared sitting on the bench and getting minimal reps in practice. 


And TMD. It isn't a competition because if it was Bortles would be starting. Chenne does not do anything better than Bortles.

Quote:Gus/Dave/Fisch are just following a wise plan that strategically placed the kid in a comfortable learning environment w/o pressure to start. They know he's going to take the reigns  -  and they know he'll take them sooner rather than later.

  But  - They aren't going to just throw their plan out the window after the third preseason game. Why would anyone expect them to alter course when the plan has worked so well thus far?  It's just a matter of time.

They'll either make an announcement on Monday, Sept 1st naming him the starter - or they'll let Chad hang himself for a few games and then be"forced" to put the rookie out there. I'm fine with that.  This team is NOT going to the playoffs even if the kid starts right away. Way too many holes and lack of depth. 


Also.  Can we merge the 17 threads on this topic??





And No.  


It's it's a preseason requirement to have to sift back and forth between multiple threads.  The MB is a competition to see who's the best grinder.  You gotta want it, NYC4jags!!!!
Quote:Gus/Dave/Fisch are just following a wise plan that strategically placed the kid in a comfortable learning environment w/o pressure to start. They know he's going to take the reigns  -  and they know he'll take them sooner rather than later.

  But  - They aren't going to just throw their plan out the window after the third preseason game. Why would anyone expect them to alter course when the plan has worked so well thus far?  It's just a matter of time.

They'll either make an announcement on Monday, Sept 1st naming him the starter - or they'll let Chad hang himself for a few games and then be"forced" to put the rookie out there. I'm fine with that.  This team is NOT going to the playoffs even if the kid starts right away. Way too many holes and lack of depth. 


Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding fricken DING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup: 

Quote:Gus/Dave/Fisch are just following a wise plan that strategically placed the kid in a comfortable learning environment w/o pressure to start. They know he's going to take the reigns - and they know he'll take them sooner rather than later.

But - They aren't going to just throw their plan out the window after the third preseason game. Why would anyone expect them to alter course when the plan has worked so well thus far? It's just a matter of time.

They'll either make an announcement on Monday, Sept 1st naming him the starter - or they'll let Chad hang himself for a few games and then be"forced" to put the rookie out there. I'm fine with that. This team is NOT going to the playoffs even if the kid starts right away. Way too many holes and lack of depth.

Also. Can we merge the 17 threads on this topic??
I agree with everything besides knowing that this isn't a playoff team. I don't think it is, but I don't know it isn't and neither does anyone else. I didn't think the 2008 Falcons were a playoff team, but they were, and the teams are In similar positions.
Quote:I agree with everything besides knowing that this isn't a playoff team. I don't think it is, but I don't know it isn't and neither does anyone else. I didn't think the 2008 Falcons were a playoff team, but they were, and the teams are In similar positions.
Stranger things have happened I guess.  I realize the possibility exists, but the run blocking has a loooooonnnnggg way to go to be even moderately effective  --  and the re-tooled D-line has only shown spurts of effectiveness still giving up too many big runs. 


I think (hope) those units will improve as the weeks and games pass, but until that D-line can really stop the run and apply pressure in the reg season, I don't see playoffs as a possibility.  


The O-line is just a giant question mark.  Joeckel will probably be fine, but a handful of bad plays injects a tiny bit of doubt. Beadles has been beat too many times for his new paycheck - but he too will probably be fine. We'll probably have rookies at center and guard -  and you can bet they'll play like it at times. Not good.  Frenchie's got a busted hand and Bradfield will whiff on a few blitzers in his stead. Our RBs will have to make things happen on their own too often with this young and inexperienced group blocking for them. 


None of this spells playoffs to me, but I guess there's a chance of the stars aligning.  
i actually think we have the talent to go to the playoffs. i mean, we are in the afc south, it's very possible. the talent on this team has changed more than people give them credit for. we also have young players who are developing. the thing is, we definitely won't be getting into the playoffs with henne. i don't care how people wanna say that he is a serviceable qb, or blah blah, thats just not true. while i do think we have a playoff caliber team, even if it my be wildcard, we still need to put up points. with check down henne in the game we can barely get first downs. 

If we let the experts on this board decide, we wouldn't even have Bortles to argue about.  We'd have Sammy or Teddy or Johnny to argue about.

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