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Full Version: People think they know better than Dave and Gus...
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Saw a graphic during the lions game about the production of Bortles vs Manziel vs Bridgewater

it wasn't even close.....we GOT the best quarterback of the three.

OP is exactly right.

In spite of all the amateur Coaches/GMs here, Gus & Dave made their choice and passed on those two guys hyped by the media.


Might be best to let Gus & Dave  decide. :yes:

Letting Henne start might not be the best chance of winning right now....

but I bet it's the best chance of developing Bortles into the franchise QB he can be....and that's what we all want. :thumbsup:
I don't think anyone (including Gus and Dave) think that Henne IS better than Bortles, I'm sure they just have some developmental milestones for Bortles to reach before they elect to switch
i don't claim to know better, just this is a very crazy discision to me. also, gus and dave are not all knowing, they can make mistakes. i think this is one of them. always play the best player. we clearl can see blake is the best out of him and henne.

Quote:I don't think anyone (including Gus and Dave) think that Henne IS better than Bortles, I'm sure they just have some developmental milestones for Bortles to reach before they elect to switch
This is what I'm saying in my head as I read these comments.
That's Exactly What Was Said Today. They'll Be Working With Him Individually To Clean Up Footwork Issues As Well As Blitz Identification Or Smtng To That Extent. Think It's On The Home Page But It's Something To That Extent.

P.S. Yes I Know Every Word Starts With A Cap. That's How My Comments Are Now On Sites From My Phone.....Sickening.
Quote:And there still is a competition for QB. 


Not sure why people cannot understand/ comprehend whats going on at QB, even after its been repeated to you guys thousands of times by Gus/ Dave/ and many people on the board. 


Its like people stick their fingers in their ears and close their eyes and totally not listen to whats being told. 
Apparently you are the only one who TRULY KNOWS whats going on at QB.  Would you be generous enough to explain it to the rest of us?


What are the rules of the competition you assure us exists?   Is the judging a one-time occurrence or will it be ongoing throughout the season? Are independent factors, such as O-line, a consideration?  If so, does that not bias the competition, presumably in the favor of Henne?


Assuming Henne's performance remains as it has been thus far,  what specifically does Bortles have to do to win the job?
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