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Full Version: The "Sit 'em or Start 'em" Debate
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Quote:I don't think you want to hear anyone's answers unless they match your own.


When the coaches feel he's got the consistency they are looking for, they will pull the trigger.  They aren't lying or pulling the wool over people's eyes like some love to suggest.  They've always been up front and honest.  It's clear Bortles' play is having them re-evaluate their "redshirt" plan for him.


Can he convince them?  Well, this week is his biggest audition yet.  He keeps playing well and knocks it out of the park... it may be sooner than later that he plays.


But there's also the line to sort out as well.  If that's still a moving target, I see no reason to throw the rookie into that... but if playing him with the OL "ones" and it doesn't affect his game, again... this audition could seal the deal if they think he'll not just survive, but still thrive back there regardless.
You missed my point completely.  It's funny because the phrases "right time, ready to play, consistency, etc., are just rhetoric and mean nothing.  This isn't a math problem with an exact answer and there won't be a magic moment when he transitions from not ready to ready.


I'm not suggesting any deception on the part of the coaching staff.  I'm confident Gus will do what he believes to be in the best interest of the team and I'm OK with that.  I do think he was somewhat premature in naming Henne the starter.


As you point out, next week is the big audition, especially being on the road.  Ironically, the shortcomings of the O-line may seal the deal for Bortles.  If the Lions are able to bring pressure and he handles it well.....................how does he not become the starter?
I mean, I get Diricco's argument, and he's right. I think they wanted it to be a situation where there wasnt too much pressure on bortles, and if he did exceed expectations, then it's just "found money". I'm just not buying into the Henne praise, that's all. It'll be interesting to see how game 3 plays out. Henne isn't the model of consistency, and if bortles plays well again, I think there would have to be a serious conversation. It'd be one thing if he looked lost, but he looks like he very much knows what he's doing. I think he has a knack for improvisation, which is a plus. Honestly, if you take away the height/weight, he reminds me a lot of a certain #4..... He will make things happen, even if it's not exactly according to plan. And he isnt afraid to throw downfield.
Quote:You missed my point completely.  It's funny because the phrases "right time, ready to play, consistency, etc., are just rhetoric and mean nothing.  This isn't a math problem with an exact answer and there won't be a magic moment when he transitions from not ready to ready.


I'm not suggesting any deception on the part of the coaching staff.  I'm confident Gus will do what he believes to be in the best interest of the team and I'm OK with that.  I do think he was somewhat premature in naming Henne the starter.


As you point out, next week is the big audition, especially being on the road.  Ironically, the shortcomings of the O-line may seal the deal for Bortles.  If the Lions are able to bring pressure and he handles it well.....................how does he not become the starter?

Naming Henne starter was the right thing to do.  There are several threads that hit on this already.  It makes Bortles "take" the job by forcing their hand, ensuring he's earned it.


I'm not sure there's a better way to do it.  They aren't going to know Bortles gives them the best opportunity to win unless they make him earn playing time... which he has... and delivers when given the chance.  That's precisely what's happening right now.


He's on the path to earning the job, but he hasn't "won" it yet.  His time against the ones can pull him within striking distance, if not bring him even with Henne.
Let's not kid ourselves, the Jags/Bears game was the game of the week because of Blake Bortles just like the Browns and Johnny next week.  The NFL is a QB league, a business first and foremost.  Forget the nice storyline about grooming the QB.  He will be starting much sooner than later.   

Quote:Let's not kid ourselves, the Jags/Bears game was the game of the week because of Blake Bortles just like the Browns and Johnny next week.  The NFL is a QB league, a business first and foremost.  Forget the nice storyline about grooming the QB.  He will be starting much sooner than later.   

We are grooming the QB.  He's advancing at his own pace, which is ahead of schedule.


If there's any "storyline" here to temper it's the bandwagon the media is drumming up about Bortles play so far.  Worry less about what the media is saying and pay more attention to what the coaches are saying.  What he's done so far means nothing compared to the opportunity he's earned with the ones.  Let's not celebrate before the evaluation is complete, but he has earned time with the one's that he likely wasn't expected to have earned if they were to continue down the "redshirt" path.


What it means is, their timeline has now become flexible and the "redshirt" is not a given.  That's a beginning, not an end, of a change in their evaluation process.
Quote:You think a struggling line will disrupt Bortles more than it will Henne?

Yes, he's a rookie.  Why let a faltering O-line hinder his development if that problem can be minimized within a few games?
Henne is going to walk into Philly and light up the Eagles first game.
I guess it comes down to this...


You either believe the Jaguars coaches when they say they want to make Bortles a better quarterback by giving him time to improve his game from the bench. And you accept that Henne has to start this season, until Bortles is ready.


Or you don't believe them (or simply think they are wrong) and you think it's better to start him now, because we will win more games this season with Bortles. And you think Bortles will learn more by playing games.


I want to believe the first one and hope the coaching team isn't pushed into throwing Bortles in prematurely.  We have a great opportunity here to develop a top quarterback for the next decade. Let's not throw that away in a rush to get quick results.


I can wait.

Quote:Agreed. I'm not saying to definitely keep Bortles on the sidelines, but chalking it all up to "that guy would have sucked anyway" is lazy. How can you know that? You can't. Truth is, you don't know for sure if David Carr, as an example, would have been successful with some time on the bench.
David Carr developed ptsd after being sacked constantly on a bad Texans team. It was the sacks, not the mental pressure of running an NFL offense as a rookie, that destroyed Carr's psyche.
Quote:I think this mechanics and footwork thing is so blown out of proportion. And he doesn't look the least bit overwhelmed out there. If he had as many serious issues as some people seem to be inferring, we certainly would have been able to see them.

I don't see what purpose making him sit would serve.
I generally agree with your assessments on this board as I do on this matter. His footwork may be a bit off, but it is not hurting him from what I can see. I mean how more accurate can he be. If the line was playing so bad that he was getting sacked every few plays I would absolutely rather Henne take the abuse, but this is not the case. I am so excited by him that when my wife told me I have a man crush on him I didn't disagree, lol just kidding????


Quote:Start the kid.  He didn't regress last night.  If anything, he's proved why he's ready to start now.


Now he's going to get reps with the starters for the Detroit game.  I can't be the only person who see's what's going on can I?
No you're not the only one. I think they are making it to where they have to start him if they keep preaching the competition mantra. All things equal, both against the 1's, Bortles should surely outplay Henne.
Quote:It's pretty much a moot point.


Regardless... we've got our guy.  That's what's most important.
You are so right I haven't read it put in these simple terms. Sit or start "WE'VE GOT OUR GUY"

Thank You Football Gods AKA Dave and Gus

P.S. And Mr. Khan
I want him to start just because I can't imagine after preseason not seeing him play anymore for an indefinite period of time. I will go into withdrawals if I don't get to see him play at least a quarter a week, hopefully more.

As I said in one thread or another.

They're going to do whatever they're going to do. I think we'll have a clear(er) picture after the Lions game.

Unless I've missed the quote, I've never heard anyone say that Henne will be the starter for game 1. They've certainly led you to believe that.

I'd say I'm OK with whatever they do, but I won't be if Henne starts.

But what can I do other than watch the games?
Quote:Peyton is a horrible example because he was groomed since he was able to stand on two feet

Peyton was groomed by a good QB and always had enough money to do as many prep camps as he wanted. Same goes to Andrew Luck. Money can get you anywhere you want to go.
Gus gushing over henne ends in Philly.Unfortunately,Henne is not consistant.We hope Henne shines and all,but he is who he is

Quote:I mean, I get Diricco's argument, and he's right. I think they wanted it to be a situation where there wasnt too much pressure on bortles, and if he did exceed expectations, then it's just "found money". I'm just not buying into the Henne praise, that's all. It'll be interesting to see how game 3 plays out. Henne isn't the model of consistency, and if bortles plays well again, I think there would have to be a serious conversation. It'd be one thing if he looked lost, but he looks like he very much knows what he's doing. I think he has a knack for improvisation, which is a plus. Honestly, if you take away the height/weight, he reminds me a lot of a certain #4..... He will make things happen, even if it's not exactly according to plan. And he isnt afraid to throw downfield.
Henne didn't deserve praise for his play Thursday night?  He played well.  Should that be ignored because some fans have set their minds to the expectation that Bortles must start?
Quote:"They didnt make the switch because they thought Henne was good, they made the switch because blaine was just that bad."
 The answer to this years questions is in last years answer. If Henne stinks as much this year as Gabbert did last year, they will replace him with Bortles, just as he replaced Gabbert. I don't see why there is so much confusion. They have already shown you what they are going to do. Pay attention.
Quote:Yes, he's a rookie.  Why let a faltering O-line hinder his development if that problem can be minimized within a few games?
There's no guarantee that the O-line problem will be minimized in a few games.  


Obviously you don't want him to get killed (David Carr) and I'm all for sitting him if the line is that bad.  But even Gabbert can throw from behind a stone wall - how a young QB reacts to pressure is actually part of the development process.  If he folds like a tent, he probably wasn't worth the # 3 pick.  
Quote:Henne didn't deserve praise for his play Thursday night?  He played well.  Should that be ignored because some fans have set their minds to the expectation that Bortles must start?

I don't think we're saying that Henne didn't play well Thursday night.  But that is Henne's ceiling.  He doesn't get better than that.  And Blake was still better and didn't even revert back to any of his old mechanical issues.    

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