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Full Version: Training Camp NOT Family Friendly
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I am just waiting for the "and that is why I can't support the Jags and buy season tickets."
Quote:I am just waiting for the "and that is why I can't support the Jags and buy season tickets."

You can say that again.
Quote:You can say that again.

LOL, well maybe I will! And sorry about that double post.
Quote:I am just waiting for the "and that is why I can't support the Jags and buy season tickets."

And don't forget the obligatory "if they want to win, sign Tebow" comment.
Quote:I am just waiting for the "and that is why I can't support the Jags and buy season tickets."

LOL, good point. And it would be a new addition to that list.
The OP was probably one of those that complained about Leftwich wearing his hat backwards on the sideline.

Quote:The OP was probably one of those that complained about Leftwich wearing his hat backwards on the sideline.

Blaine often did this too.... :whistling: 
Quote:Blaine often did this too.... :whistling:

That's pretty much the only reason I disliked him.
Quote:The OP was probably one of those that complained about Leftwich wearing his hat backwards on the sideline.
What about 22 inch spinners?
Quote:I'm a little circumspect when people start to use terms like "obscene" in broad generalities. But beyond that, people aren't defending inappropriate lyrics to an audience of children here, they're questioning your veracity. An overwhelming number of people have heard the practice day playlist and outside of you, no one else appears to have heard anything particularly objectionable. Is it so hard to understand why that doesn't pass the smell test?
You are correct, quite the opposite. No real answers are being given to questions posed to the OP regarding this supposed happening. I would still like to know what song dropped the F bomb.
Quote:Nothing was made up. Myself and others I have spoken to validated what was played. By the way, I listen to all kinds of music, rap included, as do my kids - just not garbage. 


I'll end with this - it has been eye opening for me to see people defend obscenity and degrading lyrics being played from a PA system at a public school where families were present. There used to a time when we valued children, protected them and strove to maintain innocence from the corruption of the world. Sadly it appears about half celebrate their exposure and think nothing is wrong with that.
I am so confused. I have spoken with two people who attended, and know another who knew 3-4 who went and they all said there were no songs with obscene words played. What song dropped the F bomb?
Quote:I am so confused. I have spoken with two people who attended, and know another who knew 3-4 who went and they all said there were no songs with obscene words played. What song dropped the F bomb?

Maybe he was wearing headphones the whole time and nobody else heard it.
C'mon folks it didn't happen, 3300 people and this is the only complaint I have seen or read about on about ten different sources of reporting of this practice and the word of my neighbor that attended and several others I have spoken with since. Still ain't buying it. Prove it and I might apologize to your pompous [BLEEP].

I'm a big time label exec at a big time music label and I can $100% confirm every rap song drops the f bomb, even on censored versions.  We get calls every week from sport teams asking to use the music at family friendly events.   

Quote:I'm a big time label exec at a big time music label and I can $100% confirm every rap song drops the f bomb, even on censored versions. We get calls every week from sport teams asking to use the music at family friendly events.

Don't forget the strippers, man. Can't have rap songs without the strippers.
Edited versions of songs. Problem solved.

Quote:I have a hard time believing in 2014 that his 10 year old hasn't ever heard that word before...
I have no doubt the kid has heard the words before.  I do find it peculiar the OP has suddenly abandoned ship on this thread.  Wonder why?
Quote:Nothing was made up. Myself and others I have spoken to validated what was played. By the way, I listen to all kinds of music, rap included, as do my kids - just not garbage. 


I'll end with this - it has been eye opening for me to see people defend obscenity and degrading lyrics being played from a PA system at a public school where families were present. There used to a time when we valued children, protected them and strove to maintain innocence from the corruption of the world. Sadly it appears about half celebrate their exposure and think nothing is wrong with that.

Is this Tim Tebow?
When did they start having music over loud speakers at practice? It's been a while since I drove up for a practice, but is that normal to have a DJ playing music during practice? Or was that for entertainment of the spectators?


I think the last time we drove up for practice my oldest was 4 so that would be about 3 years ago, but we got rained out that day so it's been longer than that since we actually saw training camp. 

Quote:When did they start having music over loud speakers at practice? It's been a while since I drove up for a practice, but is that normal to have a DJ playing music during practice? Or was that for entertainment of the spectators?


I think the last time we drove up for practice my oldest was 4 so that would be about 3 years ago, but we got rained out that day so it's been longer than that since we actually saw training camp. 

This was heavily reported as a tool to enhance the players performance on the practice field.  And something Gus Bradley believed in.  Not sure how much it was done before the Gus Bradley era (if at all).  But it's not like "workout music" is a foreign concept or anything.  
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