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Full Version: Texas Tech reinstates Nigel Bethel II after punching women BB player
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Quote:I agree. But I don't agree with punching back. The vast majority of the men in the world could really do a number with just one punch on the vast majority of women in this world. Better to just get out of dodge as fast as you can then to cause some tremendous damage.

I didn't say you had to hit back....just that I shouldn't expect to get away with it if I hit you.
Quote:I didn't say you had to hit back....just that I shouldn't expect to get away with it if I hit you.
Got ya. Agree 100%
Quote:I agree. But I don't agree with punching back. The vast majority of the men in the world could really do a number with just one punch on the vast majority of women in this world. Better to just get out of dodge as fast as you can then to cause some tremendous damage.

What about men who have suffered serious injury and death by getting beat down by 1+ women? Should they just accept death because it's more important to be a gentleman than to live?
Quote:What about men who have suffered serious injury and death by getting beat down by 1+ women? Should they just accept death because it's more important to be a gentleman than to live?
You are talking extremes here which is muuuch different then the situation described in the OP
Act like a man then expect to be treated like one. Most of the gender based problems in our society exist because women want to act like men without being treated like them.

Quote:Act like a man then expect to be treated like one. Most of the gender based problems in our society exist because women want to act like men without being treated like them.

Please elaborate. Not trolling here, I'm interested.


As for the current discussion, it is possible for a man to defend himself when a woman hits him without hitting back. Trav is right, in most cases a man can do significant damage to a woman with just one punch.

Quote:What about men who have suffered serious injury and death by getting beat down by 1+ women? Should they just accept death because it's more important to be a gentleman than to live?
Yeah, you're taking this a little too far. It's like you're taking the discussion to a new extreme just to corner people into agreeing with you.

If my significant other got ticked off and slapped or punched me square in the face, honestly, there's a good chance I deserved it. Under the pretenses that I didn't exacerbate a situation, and I did nothin to warrant such a response, I'd probably have some choice words and do my best to make her feel guilty. Shoot, even if she came arms flailing at me, I'd bear hug her until she calmed down.

I can't put together a realistic scenario where a woman that I didn't really know tried to come at me with a series of haymakers with nobody else around.

Just for the record: no woman should hit a man either. But the circumstances would have to be extremely dire in order for a man to strike a woman back. I couldn't do it.
Wait, do extremes not count? You said never hit a woman. What if you're facing the possibility of severe injury or death?


Listen, my girlfriend is 5'8 125 and is extremely ticklish. No matter what the situation is, all it takes is a "tickle torture" and the situation is handled. However, there are hundreds of thousands of women out there that are bigger, stronger, and better fighters than hundreds of thousands of men out there. There are many cases of men being severely injured, disfigured, and even killed by the hands of a female. Why should those males not have the right to fight back in self-defense?


So, which is it? Are men allowed to defend themselves in extreme situations or not? Read the link to the article I posted. The guy tried to flee and get into a house. The 4 women prevent him from doing so and beat him to death. Maybe a couple swings buys him some time to get inside and save his life?

Quote:Wait, do extremes not count? You said never hit a woman. What if you're facing the possibility of severe injury or death?


Listen, my girlfriend is 5'8 125 and is extremely ticklish. No matter what the situation is, all it takes is a "tickle torture" and the situation is handled. However, there are hundreds of thousands of women out there that are bigger, stronger, and better fighters than hundreds of thousands of men out there. There are many cases of men being severely injured, disfigured, and even killed by the hands of a female. Why should those males not have the right to fight back in self-defense?


So, which is it? Are men allowed to defend themselves in extreme situations or not? Read the link to the article I posted. The guy tried to flee and get into a house. The 4 women prevent him from doing so and beat him to death. Maybe a couple swings buys him some time to get inside and save his life?
In order for you to make your original statement about being able to hit girls if they hit you first you went off an a tangent based on extreme situations. That doesn't help your cause one but, how do you not see this? The OP has nothing to do with what you are trying to evolve your stance to now be.

Stop avoiding the question. If a man is being beaten to death, should he still follow the gentleman rules of never hitting a woman? If a woman is bigger, stronger, and faster than a man, and that man is unable to flee, why should he forfeit the right to defend himself from injury/death simply because of gender?



You say men should NEVER hit women. Never implies that you think man should accept injury/disfigurement/death in the "extreme" cases I mentioned.

Quote:Stop avoiding the question. If a man is being beaten to death, should he still follow the gentleman rules of never hitting a woman? If a woman is bigger, stronger, and faster than a man, and that man is unable to flee, why should he forfeit the right to defend himself from injury/death simply because of gender?



You say men should NEVER hit women. Never implies that you think man should accept injury/disfigurement/death in the "extreme" cases I mentioned.

You're being ridiculous just for the sake of arguing. I don't think anyone would fault a man for hitting a woman to avoid serious injury or death. But you and I both know that is an extremely rare situation, so far removed from the norm it falls outside any margin of error when saying "never".


If you want to declare victory in this argument, then go ahead - in the most narrow and rare set of circumstances, it is incorrect to say a man should never hit a woman. In reality, a man should not hit a woman 99.99% of the time.


Feel free to puff your chest out.
It has nothing to do with puffing out my chest. Rather, I'm stressing how useless it is to discuss the topic if others won't even concede that hitting a woman to avoid injury/death is justifiable.

Quote:You're being ridiculous just for the sake of arguing. I don't think anyone would fault a man for hitting a woman to avoid serious injury or death. But you and I both know that is an extremely rare situation, so far removed from the norm it falls outside any margin of error when saying "never".

If you want to declare victory in this argument, then go ahead - in the most narrow and rare set of circumstances, it is incorrect to say a man should never hit a woman. In reality, a man should not hit a woman 99.99% of the time.

Feel free to puff your chest out.
Everyone sees it.
Quote:Stop avoiding the question. If a man is being beaten to death, should he still follow the gentleman rules of never hitting a woman? If a woman is bigger, stronger, and faster than a man, and that man is unable to flee, why should he forfeit the right to defend himself from injury/death simply because of gender?



You say men should NEVER hit women. Never implies that you think man should accept injury/disfigurement/death in the "extreme" cases I mentioned.

Let me preface this comment by saying I completely understand your line of thinking when it comes to violent women who have the propensity to seriously hurt/murder someone male or female, and that should not be taken lightly at all especially in today's society that is breeding violence as a resolution to conflict.


When it comes to Bethel, he clearly had a chance to walk away, and not escalate the situation by hitting back and breaking her jaw. If charges were filed, a DA could make the same reasonable assumption that he had a chance to restrain himself and keep the confrontation from escalating even with the woman initiating the incident. He had a chance to retreat and he didnt. Bethel breaking her jaw could be just the tip of the iceberg in regards to his character and how he handles conflict, he is just lucky the female started the confrontation this time so that could help him avoid charges. 


My personal take on this is Bethel should still be suspended, charged and receive counseling. Watching the video, the woman took a hard swing at him, but he knew the power his swing could do damage with and it was unnecessary.


Bethel is playing a sport where he is going to be challenged both physically, and mentally. Some opponents will use this as a bait into fights, if he dosent learn how to control his emotions, there will not be a third chance for him.




There is a reason why Jay-Z did not swing back, even though he had all the reason to. It was because he knew the strength he had could seriously hurt Solange.
Quote:If someone hits me, you can be sure I'll defend myself. Not sure why you think men should be deprived of that right.

Going back and combing through some of your responses, I dont think men should be deprived of defending themselves, but if a woman lands a glancing hit, do you return with a single counter that breaks her jaw?


I understand where you are coming from, but if a woman hits you (as was the way in the video) and you land a severe blow, its been determined that you were  pre-mediated to seriously inflict bodily harm when unnecessary.
Quote:Act like a man then expect to be treated like one. Most of the gender based problems in our society exist because women want to act like men without being treated like them.


Quote:Please elaborate. Not trolling here, I'm interested.


As for the current discussion, it is possible for a man to defend himself when a woman hits him without hitting back. Trav is right, in most cases a man can do significant damage to a woman with just one punch.

He's referring to Studs, hardcore Lesbians.
Quote:You are talking extremes here which is muuuch different then the situation described in the OP

You said NEVER; he is using an extreme example to prove your statement isn't what you mean it to be. It's a legit argument and you are avoiding it.
Quote:Going back and combing through some of your responses, I dont think men should be deprived of defending themselves, but if a woman lands a glancing hit, do you return with a single counter that breaks her jaw?


I understand where you are coming from, but if a woman hits you (as was the way in the video) and you land a severe blow, its been determined that you were  pre-mediated to seriously inflict bodily harm when unnecessary.

Negative. If that was the case, the Grand Jury would not have dismissed the charges. The Grand Jury decided that the male returning the severe blow had every right to do so.


I do not condone people resorting to any violence if it can be avoided. If a male swings at me and I can avoid the situation without swing back, I'll do so. If a female swings at me and I can avoid the situation, I'll do so. However, I am not as ignorant as others on this board and realize several things:

-There are hundreds of thousands of females capable of causing serious injury to a male.

-There are many cases of females severe injury and even death, by hand, to a male.

-Up until the middle/late stages of adolescence, boys are girls have similar size and strength, yet young boys are constantly taught "you never hit a girl".



Have I ever hit a female? No. Do I plan on it? No. But I still can't buy in to blanket statements like "A man should NEVER hit a woman." As others have stated on here, if a woman hits a man first, that man has every right to defend himself.
Quote:You said NEVER; he is using an extreme example to prove your statement isn't what you mean it to be. It's a legit argument and you are avoiding it.


Thank you. If the opposition can't even concede that the blanket statement of "A man should NEVER hit a woman" has holes, then any other discussion is pointless.
Quote:You said NEVER; he is using an extreme example to prove your statement isn't what you mean it to be. It's a legit argument and you are avoiding it.
No, he is using it to defend his original stance in this situation. That is the only reason. Common sense is being lost in all of this on some.


In a situation where your life is threatened is muuuch different then the OP's story in this thread. Let's think a little here folks.
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