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Full Version: George Michael dead at 53
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Quote:A few good D minor licks in there for the poaching.

You or the friend?


George Michael was gay?



Quote:It was more about being inebriated on a friend's couch with a nylon string guitar my only entertainment while said friend was attempting to romance a cheerleader in the next room with a George Michael soundtrack.


 A few good D minor licks in there for the poaching.

I learned the theme from the video game "Moon Patrol" under somewhat similar circumstances. It was after a party with only us dregs that refused to leave remaining, and someone discovered the Atari 2600 and started playing Moon Patrol on it. In my altered state, the music really caught my ear, so I picked up my friend's Kramer Pacer and learned it.
Quote:I don't think that's what he was going for. :no:

Actually it was...

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Ha!
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