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Quote:You just named two outliers. The majority of the 4-3 OLB are not known for rushing the passer. Telvin will mostly play in coverage; he may on occasion blitz but I doubt it is that often.
And of the 18 players in Jaguar history to have ten sacks or more with the team, 5 were  outside linebackers. That's almost a third.


It happens.
Quote:And of the 18 players in Jaguar history to have ten sacks or more with the team, 5 were outside linebackers. That's almost a third.

It happens.

Not sure where you are getting your information. Of the top 18, the only LBs were Kevin Hardy, Mike Peterson, and Daryl Smith. Peterson is a MLB so they don't count and Smith and Hardy usually played strong side which is more likely to rush than the weak side. Telvin will be playing weak side; you do the math.
Quote:You just named two outliers. The majority of the 4-3 OLB are not known for rushing the passer. Telvin will mostly play in coverage; he may on occasion blitz but I doubt it is that often.

Both Lawrence Taylor and Derrick Thomas were OLBs in a 3-4 defense. The vast majority of the LBs among the NFL sack leaders are 3-4 OLBs, and others, like the 49ers LBs are in a hybrid defense that give their OLBs many more pass rush opportunities than a 4-3 OLB. It remains to be seen how Gus will utilize Telvin Smith, but I wouldn't be surprised to see him blitz a lot.
It's not just OLB, it's the SAM and WILL. Telvin is going to be the weakside backer. That is not the traditional pass rushing OLB. Of course he will on occasion (like corners and safeties occasionally do too), but it is going to be a minor part of his overall contribution. 

Quote:And of the 18 players in Jaguar history to have ten sacks or more with the team, 5 were  outside linebackers. That's almost a third.


It happens.
In their career, not in a season. Ronde Barber had 25 sacks or something so I guess he's a pass rusher. 
Drew Coleman played cornerback for us and was a fantastic pass rusher!! he absolutely brought it on nickel blitzes!! think he had like 4 or 5 sacks in the year he was here and probably couldve had more if we had more consistency from the front 4. To say that someone isn't a pass rusher because of the position they play is asinine, you're a pass rusher because you have the skillset to get after the quarterback. 


Telvin's going to be a weakside backer most likely which has him playing in space, mostly covering TE's and RB's. But with his speed I can't imagine them not getting creative with sending him off the edge. And you can bet that if a RB or TE that he's assigned to cover stays in to block that they're gonna have a "Green Dog" as a passive call, which means that if the guy you're supposed to cover stays in to block, then blitz at full steam!! 


Can't wait to see this kid play, and more so can't wait to see him shut down all the Sproles type RB's that are becoming more prominent in today's passing game!

Love Telvin.

Quote:3-4 OLBs, and D Linemen are the only players who can be considered "Pass Rushers"


Blitzing on occasion doesn't make you a pass rusher, your job isn't to rush the passer. He is not a pass rusher. Paul Posluszny is not a pass rusher, Geno Hayes is not a pass rusher, Russel allen was not a pass rusher and Telvin Smith is not a pass rusher.

Von Miller is a pass rusher and he is an OLB in a 4-3.


In his rookie year, Brian Orakpo was a 4-3 OLB that was a pass rusher.


But I see what you are saying.
Quote:Have you ever heard of a guy named Lawrence Taylor? How about Derrick Thomas?


Need I go on?

Those were 3-4 OLBs.
Quote:Have you ever heard of a guy named Lawrence Taylor? How about Derrick Thomas?


Need I go on?
How about Von Miller? He holds the record with I believe 15 sacks as a 4-3 olb! As I said, they can rush the passer but for the most part not as much as the other spots I listed. 

Quote:It's not just OLB, it's the SAM and WILL. Telvin is going to be the weakside backer. That is not the traditional pass rushing OLB. Of course he will on occasion (like corners and safeties occasionally do too), but it is going to be a minor part of his overall contribution. 
Thank you!! But from the responses thus far, not sure it will do any good. 
Kevin Hardy was a 3-4 Outside linebacker too. Dom Capers and Dick Jauron ran a 3-4 defense too.

Quote:Kevin Hardy was a 3-4 Outside linebacker too. Dom Capers and Dick Jauron ran a 3-4 defense too.
I think you should re-check that. I will admit if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
I think your definitly gonna see Jaguars Linebackers pass rush. Gus Bradley mentioned when they signed Dekota Watson at Sam lb that he can rush passer and seatlle drafted Bruce Ervin  as pass rushing linebacker.

Look, the whole pass rushing thing doesn't need to derail the thread though. I know that won't be the primary purpose of the guy. I never insinuated that it would be. I was simply saying that expecting 2-4 sacks from him each season isn't being unrealistic. It's really not anything more than that.

Quote:I think you should re-check that. I will admit if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
I already did I couldn't remember how to spell Jauron so I looked up 1998 coacing staff.Dom Capers is current d coordinator for 3-4 Greenbay Packers defense too

Quote:I think you should re-check that. I will admit if I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.
Capers always ran the 3-4
Is Telvin Smith the next Kam Chancellor?

Quote:Is Telvin Smith the next Kam Chancellor?

No that's hopefully cyp
Quote:Is Telvin Smith the next Kam Chancellor?
No, Smith wont play SS
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