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Youtube Telvin Smith 2013 highlights video by Chuck Blunt to see what kind of leader he was. Im on mobile otherwise i would post it
What's really cool is that we've got guys like Red Bryant and Chris Clemons on the team now who were respected vocal leaders with the Hawks. Having these younger guys around them will only increase the energy and a winning minset in the locker room. That is huge.

Agreed.  Another thing is a winning mentality.


Bryant and Clemons are superbowl champs.  They have the experience and the hardware to back things up.


Smith just won the title with FSU, hopefully he is here and contributes to us winning a superbowl as well.

Quote:Youtube Telvin Smith 2013 highlights video by Chuck Blunt to see what kind of leader he was. Im on mobile otherwise i would post it
Thanks SuperJ
Telvin and Chris Smith...two steals in the 5th who are full of the juice. Their conference calls were so passionate you just don't hear that with many players. Really hope they develop into solid starters cause they will be super fun to follow. 

Quote:Telvin and Chris Smith...two steals in the 5th who are full of the juice. Their conference calls were so passionate you just don't hear that with many players. Really hope they develop into solid starters cause they will be super fun to follow. 

Fully agree.  One thing missing from this locker room, IMO, are those impact high energy guys, the vocal leaders.


It may be a bunch of rah-rah, but it appears that the best teams have those guys.
You can definitely tell why he needs to add a significant amount of bulk though. Even in a highlight video there are a lot of instances where he meets the RB head on and it takes him an inordinate amount of effort to get him to the ground. 

Quote:You can definitely tell why he needs to add a significant amount of bulk though. Even in a highlight video there are a lot of instances where he meets the RB head on and it takes him an inordinate amount of effort to get him to the ground. 

Yep..  pretty much why he dropped to round 5.


But I like picking guys like this in round 5.  Your coaching staff now has the chance to improve this player.  Get him in the weight room/nutrition program and develop him.  Because other than that - his instincts are off the charts, he's intelligent, he's a leader, has a knack for the big play, can cover very well, etc.


At least he has the chance, if they develop him right, to be special.


Most guys in the 5th round don't have nearly the talent that Telvin has.
Telvin Smith is a leader. He's the type of player who can make the water boy score a TD. I don't know why he wasn't drafted until the sixth round, but he is going to show the NFL reasons why they should have givin him a chance. Loved him on the FSU D and will love him here in Jacksonville.

Quote:Yep.. pretty much why he dropped to round 5.

But I like picking guys like this in round 5. Your coaching staff now has the chance to improve this player. Get him in the weight room/nutrition program and develop him. Because other than that - his instincts are off the charts, he's intelligent, he's a leader, has a knack for the big play, can cover very well, etc.

At least he has the chance, if they develop him right, to be special.

Most guys in the 5th round don't have nearly the talent that Telvin has.
His biggest knock is weight. Ill take that anyday
I played football with "q-tip" in high school. I was younger and given the number 10 for my practice jersey, which was his number. All the guys in the locker room freaked out saying Telvin was gonna get mad about me having the number. He came over to me in the locker room and said, "wear it proud and win. losing isn't an option." We became friends from that point on. Telvin is an amazing leader and player. Favorite pick in the draft, by far.

Quote:I bet it's a relief for FSU fans that the next time "FSU" and "STEAL" were used in the same sentence, it didn't involve Jameis Winston. Ninja
I see what you did there....take win
Quote:Storm Johnson was slated as a 7th round steal on bleacher report as well.....Caldwell must be a criminal


Quote:You can definitely tell why he needs to add a significant amount of bulk though. Even in a highlight video there are a lot of instances where he meets the RB head on and it takes him an inordinate amount of effort to get him to the ground.

Exactly but the weight program will take care of his weight issues...

Special Teams for the first year and situational beyond that...

This guy will be the leader of the team in no time. He was arguably as big of a leader as Jameis was this season.


The guy is a heat seeking missile on the field. He is always around the ball, and is one of the fastest linebackers I've ever seen at FSU. He will work his way up the depth chart here very quickly.

Textbook tackles. Don't let him get his hand on ya!
I'm liking the speed we're going to showcase
Arguably my favorite pick from day 3
One of his biggest strengths was in coverage. He is a little lighter than what you normally see in a LB, but he can run with most TEs. Plus.. he called his shot in the first media phone call by calling a Jags Super Bowl a destiny.
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