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Full Version: Blake Bortles selection reaction - GIFS ONLY
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Quote:Seriously, where do you guys find these gifts at?

just google GIFS
Leading up to the pick


[Image: Monty-Python.gif]

Pick Announced

[Image: tumblr_m299dgWp1r1qdcgeko1_500.gif]
Heading Into Round Two

[Image: so-good.gif]

When the pick was being made:



[Image: chris-farley-angry-o.gif]

Quote:When the pick was being made:



[Image: chris-farley-angry-o.gif]

haha yep that was about my reaction too. 
.... awaiting the name Sammy or Khalil



[Image: whaaa.gif]

[Image: wait_wha.gif]
Actually was thinking more along these lines  :thumbsup:


[Image: Lindsey-Duke-GIF.gif]

[Image: 1245.gif]

At first I was like this:

[Image: Awkward-Donald-Glover-GIF.gif]

Then I was like this:

[Image: 829888.gif]

But now I am ok:

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://cdn03.cdnwp.celebuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/11/gatsby-leo-051113.gif'>http://cdn03.cdnwp.celebuzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/11/gatsby-leo-051113.gif</a>
[Image: post-22077-rap-battle-parody-perfect-loop-gLVH.gif]


excited, cool, and losing my mind all at the same time

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://gifsoup.com/view/1001775/sheeeeeeeeeeeeit.html'>[Image: sheeeeeeeeeeeeit-o.gif]</a>

lol i actually hear clay saying it 

[Image: upset-think.gif]

[Image: confused_lion_king.gif]and a little bit...

[Image: old-spice-mind-blown-o.gif]

[Image: stwrt.gif]

At first: [Image: whaaaa.gif]

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