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Full Version: Blake Bortles selection reaction - GIFS ONLY
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[Image: black-kid-oh-snap.gif]

[Image: tumblr_mzodrubto51ry1rm7o4_r1_400.gif]


@ NYC Jags- a Star Trek reference?  Its official.. you are good people


@thundersnow - This one is the best!  Best in Show!

[Image: Bummed-WWE-Wrestler-Reaction-Gif.gif]

<p style="color:rgb(0,0,0);font-family:Helvetica;font-size:13px;">[Image: hennelol2.gif] I feel this GIF applies to every situation 

[Image: tumblr_mt77sxSNGC1r8dxhoo1_400.gif]

[Image: tumblr_lwobmpkPmB1r6aoq4o1_400.gif]

At first I was like..
[Image: giphy.gif]

Then after watching a ton of tape on the guy I was like...
[Image: Captain-Jack-Sparrow-image-captain-jack-...00-218.gif]
:woot: Ha, ha, ha .....................................!

Though, if he screws up too much, I'm gonna be like....

[Image: What-the-hell-captain-jack-sparrow-23536229-500-213.gif]
Epic thread.

[Image: frnXxyM.gif]

Meanwhile at the actual draft...


[Image: jagskid_medium.gif]

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