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Quote:I have no doubt he will. He'll go down swingin.


He will definitely go after his little lover who started all this, and win too. She's as big a scum bag as he is in all of this.


I agree about the thin ice comment too

I agree with that - the woman ain't no saint, either. 
Quote:Wait, you're serious with this graphic and comment?

Just noting that many things we have are "white-centric" by default, Fox News in this case.
Quote:I think we are saying the same thing.  

Earlier today I was reading an article about the Holocaust in Poland. I never realized how much more severe the penalties for Poles who hid Jews were than for "Aryan" or "Nordic" peoples. Danes and Finns and Swedes would go to prison; Poles were summarily executed along with their families (even children) and any associates who might've known what they were doing, all because they were seen as racially subhuman. Racism played out on it's most horrific scale.
Quote:Earlier today I was reading an article about the Holocaust in Poland. I never realized how much more severe the penalties for Poles who hid Jews were than for "Aryan" or "Nordic" peoples. Danes and Finns and Swedes would go to prison; Poles were summarily executed along with their families (even children) and any associates who might've known what they were doing, all because they were seen as racially subhuman. Racism played out on it's most horrific scale.
Yet Sterling   aka Donald Tokowitz before name change is Jewish. Oh those double standards of the world
Gotta give credit to the gold digger for slaying the dragon.

Quote:Just noting that many things we have are "white-centric" by default, Fox News in this case.

I understand your point and you've been objective about making it.  But I think people have to also objectively ask why they are white-centric.  
All people are different in their own right. I don't agree with society trying to force people to believe all people are the same. Don't you think Canadians see Peruvians as different? Is it wrong for a Canadian to hire a Peruvian to build a house but still say they don't like Peruvian food or Peruvian music? You don't think Swedes see Pakistanis as different? They are different. They were raised differently, with different religions, different foods, different beliefs, different dress, different morals. It's ok to see them as different and it's human to not like the difference.


The point is people should embrace other's differences as being unique to their culture without being hateful.


Regards........................the Chiefjag

Quote:Im typing on my White Ipad.

Is the black one not working again?
Quote:Is the black one not working again?
oh my
Quote:All people are different in their own right. I don't agree with society trying to force people to believe all people are the same. Don't you think Canadians see Peruvians as different? Is it wrong for a Canadian to hire a Peruvian to build a house but still say they don't like Peruvian food or Peruvian music? You don't think Swedes see Pakistanis as different? They are different. They were raised differently, with different religions, different foods, different beliefs, different dress, different morals. It's ok to see them as different and it's human to not like the difference.


The point is people should embrace other's differences as being unique to their culture without being hateful.


Regards........................the Chiefjag

Friggin Injun.
Quote:Friggin Injun.

Tongue in cheek Chief.
Quote:Im typing on my White Ipad.


Quote:Is the black one not working again?

You gotta admit, JFC, you walked into that one.
Quote:And as I see it in my opinion, let them both have heart attacks.. Two of the worst pieces of trash to ever walk the face of this earth. False prophets.. I put them both right up there with David Duke, they're no better, only a darker skin color.. 
QFT. :thumbsup:

They have done more harm than good to civil rights by making a mockery of it.
So, I wonder how many of the players are going to follow suit and resign and pay their fines. I've been around more than one locker room, and they call each other the N word all day long. I guess it's only wrong when certain people want it to be wrong. :whistling:



Quote:as is a thread dealing with racism. 


Personally, I don't care. It don't bother me (what we talk about) . I'm just pointing out that if one is calling out Dakota for that, then one could also point out the main topic in this very thread. 

The topic of racism as it pertains to a sports franchise owner is appropriate for this forum. It is not necessarily political but, as we have seen, some people cannot resist making it so.
Quote:So many questions. Yes what he said was wrong. There is no law against being or saying stupid things. He is an owner. He loses his business? How many, including all those calling for his head can honestly say some of their " private" conversations may not be something you'd want the world to hear?

The guy is 80+ years old. Probably bordering senile. His broad, yes that's the best I can come up with, is a sneaky gold digger who set him up. Why? Watch. Let's see who ends up buying the team.

His real last name isn't even Sterling, which shows his ego and perhaps shame of his Jewish given name. He was married and has this tramp in the wide open...so yes he is douches maximus. But to get your business taken away by the self righteous scares me.

Why didn't Rev Wright lose his church? Why are some still in business like Sharpton who has used derogatory names in the past?

Lastly, how many who are offended would go play bball for him at what he pays out?

Magic Johnson is involved in this. I wonder if he is interested in the team? Why would this broad secretly tape this idiot?

More to this. And anyone who thinks this is isolated is naive.

Other than that. I don't really care. It's about some faux hurt feelings in order to dump him and take the team.

He gets an award from the NAACP last year, now he's Hitler part deaux.

In the end, his big mouth and immorality got him what he perhaps deserved. His wife is thinking karma. Yet will still support him. Money talks.

There is a difference between owning a business that is independent of any other associations, and owning a franchise. Sterling's actions affect the brand, not just him, and the other owners are well within their rights to do everything within their agreed upon bylaws to force him out.
I have but one problem with the punishment given to this class - A bigot:


He is guilty of thoughtcrime.



And I have a BIG problem with that.

I just read where she supposedly has 100's of hours of records of him...what in the world has she been recording him for during all that time?? Who records conversations of someone they're in a relationship with??
Quote:I have but one problem with the punishment given to this class - A bigot:


He is guilty of thoughtcrime.



And I have a BIG problem with that.

Quote:I understand your point and you've been objective about making it.  But I think people have to also objectively ask why they are white-centric.

The same reason Sterling employs minorities, they make the money!
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