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Full Version: Comments by LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling.
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Quote:The same reason Sterling employs minorities, they make the money!

It's a little deeper than that but that discussion would venture into forbidden territory.  
Quote:The topic of racism as it pertains to a sports franchise owner is appropriate for this forum. It is not necessarily political but, as we have seen, some people cannot resist making it so.
And I can list a dozen that do the same thing, if not more.


So, if you really want to continue on with your bias, then quit your crying and step up to the plate and issue a warning. Incessantly whining about it won't get you anywhere there, slick.

I haven't posted to this thread because I just noticed it.  I haven't read every comment here but I've read some.  With that said, I think it's a little sad that we can't even discuss the topic of racism in an intellectual way without the label of "racist" being thrown around.


What the heck, I'll wade in.  As a society, we've reached a point where people don't seem to understand the difference between "racism" and "discrimination".  One is a mindset, the other is a behavior.  The basis of our Constitution gives a pretty wide latitude to the first, no matter how offensive.  We seem to have lost sight of that and confused ideas with actions.  This reminds me of George Orwell's ideas in "1984" in which a police state establishes the nature and punishment of Thought Crimes.


I understand why people are offended by the comments.  On the other hand, there is a sort of neo-McCarthyism at work in this case.  The difference here is that the label of "communist" has replaced the label of "racist".


To be clear, I abhor the idea of racism and the people who feel that way in my opinion are ignorant and deserving of scorn.  With that said, they absolutely have the right to hold those opinions if they chose and the form of retribution being taken against the Clipper's owner feels like a sort of mob justice which is a little scary in my opinion.

Quote:I haven't posted to this thread because I just noticed it.  I haven't read every comment here but I've read some.  With that said, I think it's a little sad that we can't even discuss the topic of racism in an intellectual way without the label of "racist" being thrown around.


What the heck, I'll wade in.  As a society, we've reached a point where people don't seem to understand the difference between "racism" and "discrimination".  One is a mindset, the other is a behavior.  The basis of our Constitution gives a pretty wide latitude to the first, no matter how offensive.  We seem to have lost sight of that and confused ideas with actions.  This reminds me of George Orwell's ideas in "1984" in which a police state establishes the nature and punishment of Thought Crimes.


I understand why people are offended by the comments.  On the other hand, there is a sort of neo-McCarthyism at work in this case.  The difference here is that the label of "communist" has replaced the label of "racist".


To be clear, I abhor the idea of racism and the people who feel that way in my opinion are ignorant and deserving of scorn.  With that said, they absolutely have the right to hold those opinions if they chose and the form of retribution being taken against the Clipper's owner feels like a sort of mob justice which is a little scary in my opinion.

And a lot like the Mozilla CEO story from a few weeks ago, the mob decided that the appropriate punishment for unpopular thought is the ban hammer.
Did anyone see the ridiculous darkened face shield Sterling's ex-girlfriend was wearing when she left her house.  Her face has already been plastered all over TV but she hides it anyway, in the most ridiculous fashion.  

Quote:Did anyone see the ridiculous darkened face shield Sterling's ex-girlfriend was wearing when she left her house.  Her face has already been plastered all over TV but she hides it anyway, in the most ridiculous fashion.

I thought she was going welding or something...
Quote:Did anyone see the ridiculous darkened face shield Sterling's ex-girlfriend was wearing when she left her house.  Her face has already been plastered all over TV but she hides it anyway, in the most ridiculous fashion.  

Looking at her(?) face the mask was a step up 
Quote:I thought she was going welding or something...

If the SNL writers are worth half their weight in salt, they'll run with this.
Quote:Of course they do.. He was exactly what they expected him to be. A puppet..

What? Do you even know what a Commissioner's duties are?


Stern is regarded as the best Comish in the past 30 years, maybe ever.


Got a better one?
Quote:I have but one problem with the punishment given to this class - A bigot:


He is guilty of thoughtcrime.



And I have a BIG problem with that.

What punishment?


Thought crimes were violations against the state. He caused harm to a private business, which is free to deal with it as they see fit. Free enterprise, no? Besides, his pattern of behavior extends beyond this latest incident, and beyond mere thoughts.


Sterling has his freedom and his wealth. He just can no longer participate with an organization that does not want him.

From what I've read the NBA's rules and by-laws allow the action taken by Silver re the ban and fine.


What apparently will bring out the lawyers (and I'd love to be one of Sterling's attorneys; talk about billable hours) is regarding the attempt to get Sterling to sell the team. All kinds of legal and tax implications. And we know Sterling is not afraid to use the law. Could get ugly and take a while.


The best the NBA can hope for, it seems, is that Sterling - a) dies or b) says, "I'm 80 years old, I don't need the hassle, I'm selling and getting out of here."


I think the odds favor a).

Quote:Did anyone see the ridiculous darkened face shield Sterling's ex-girlfriend was wearing when she left her house.  Her face has already been plastered all over TV but she hides it anyway, in the most ridiculous fashion.

Yeah, I saw it and wondered if that was something she had her boyfriend wear when they were together.
Quote:I wonder if he'll fight it? He was, after all, the victim of a crime. Now the results of that crime are being used to drive him out of his legal ownership rights? Thin, thin ice we're treading on here. I abhor his attitudes and believe he should be a pariah, but to take action and suspend him for life over attitudes that aren't reflected in his conduct towards the team or league? I dunno about that.

I agree, He was illegally recorded spewing his racists, hateful sentiments towards African Americans, Koreans, and Hispanics (that caused the team to lose a few sponsors) which in turn could have been a detriment to the league. 




That said, I guess the NAACP was getting ready to give Sterling his 2nd Lifetime Achievement Award.. His 2nd..

It was the LA chapter which has done some other questionable things in the past.


Quote:Former players and owners have nothing but high praises for him. He took the league from having a playoff game here or there shown on tape delay late at night to expanding the game world wide in his time.

I agree, but he will never escape the Donahey (Referee) scandal.


Quote:I don't recall FOX news being white tv viewing only.  In fact, many black Republicans would watch the channel.


Makes no sense. 

I watch it too, for obvious reason..................................................


to get the facts
Quote:He was the first commissioner to market it's stars individually and not the team as a whole. That was a biggie.

Which is the exact problem the NBA has right now. If they can focus on marketing the teams on a bigger scale, ie Milwaukee, Portland, Detroit, Cleveland, Washington, etc they attract the more casual fan. 


Everybody dosent want to see Lebron on every single game ESPN broadcast.


Quote:Is the black one not working again?

I wanted to give my black Samsung Galaxy Note a rest.


I wanted to crack the whip on the white Ipad again, I feed it some charging medicine, and  keep it clean with some cotton balls.


What more does it want?


Quote:You gotta admit, JFC, you walked into that one.

Quote:What punishment?


Thought crimes were violations against the state. He caused harm to a private business, which is free to deal with it as they see fit. Free enterprise, no? Besides, his pattern of behavior extends beyond this latest incident, and beyond mere thoughts.


Sterling has his freedom and his wealth. He just can no longer participate with an organization that does not want him.

2.5 million bucks is still a lot of money, RJ.  Especially for someone as notoriously cheap as Sterling.


The fact remains that the Clippers are a largely Black team that is coached by a Black coach.  I'm sure the search is now on for discrimination within Sterling's organization, but I have my doubts that any will be found, despite that he's already had to pay money to settle discrimination lawsuits in one of his other businesses.


Sterling seems to have a plantation owner's mentality: "I give them cars." "I feed and clothe them." 


No you don't, you jerk.  They (the players) provide you with a service, and you pay them for those services.  You then sell the product of their services to other 3rd parties, and take a profit.  And you do this legally, with contracts signed and enforced.


What Sterling does not do is respect a large segment of the American population.  And you know what - in this country, he is free to do so.  And until someone betrayed his confidence, he did, and no one cared because no one was hurt by his thoughts.  And many profited from his ownership of the team.  He didn't get a megaphone out and tell everyone about the world according to Sterling, which is, essentially, that some folks are good enough to hire but not good enough to marry.


In this country, you should be free to think what you want.  Even if you're a jerk.
I have a question for y'all; where do you think the line should be drawn between Sterling and the NBA? What I mean by that is yes, I agree that a person should be allowed to think how they want, and as long as their philosophy doesn't hurt someone, what does it matter? Now me personally, I think that Donald Sterling's thoughts / little speech was harmful to others but I'll concede the point for now. But at what point does the League have a responsibility to state that "we will not be associated with the way you think"?


Granted, that's precisely what happened but do you feel like the League had a right to do such a thing? At what point does a business owner have a responsibility to his peers to behave in such a way that is good for business and the overall health of the League? When should the League step in and enforce that kind of behavior? If Sterling was allowed to continue to be a part of the LA Clippers, the League and all of it's members would have suffered by some degree. Was it the proper thing to do to cut the man out of the herd?

Quote:2.5 million bucks is still a lot of money, RJ.  Especially for someone as notoriously cheap as Sterling.


The fact remains that the Clippers are a largely Black team that is coached by a Black coach.  I'm sure the search is now on for discrimination within Sterling's organization, but I have my doubts that any will be found, despite that he's already had to pay money to settle discrimination lawsuits in one of his other businesses.


Sterling seems to have a plantation owner's mentality: "I give them cars." "I feed and clothe them." 


No you don't, you jerk.  They (the players) provide you with a service, and you pay them for those services.  You then sell the product of their services to other 3rd parties, and take a profit.  And you do this legally, with contracts signed and enforced.


What Sterling does not do is respect a large segment of the American population.  And you know what - in this country, he is free to do so.  And until someone betrayed his confidence, he did, and no one cared because no one was hurt by his thoughts.  And many profited from his ownership of the team.  He didn't get a megaphone out and tell everyone about the world according to Sterling, which is, essentially, that some folks are good enough to hire but not good enough to marry.


In this country, you should be free to think what you want.  Even if you're a jerk.

He is free to think and say what he wants to think and say. That right remains unabridged. Nobody is prosecuting him, or even accusing him of a crime.


The U.S. Constitution guarantees the bolded text above, but it does not protect him from punitive actions by his peers or business partners for what he says. It just protects his freedom.


Also, don't forget that there is a pattern of behavior here.


Sterling paid $16 million for the Clippers. If he sells, he may get close to a billion. I'm struggling to see the punishment here.
Note to Sterling. Dont like blacks? Buy a hockey team. 

Anyway, he isnt playing under the same rules as the average business owner because their organization has rules.Although I suppose personal feelings will alienate you if you veer off the given path. If someone moves into a gated community that has ordinances and then later complains because he cant fly the flag on the 4th, and gets all public opinion behind him, he is still wrong. Same with this 81 year old senile schmuck ( he is Jewish) whose ego required him to have a two faced mistress who looks like octomom after getting hit with a waffle iron.

Fishy thing is, he apparently has been known to be this way for a long time, yet it was hush hush. NAACP gave him an award last year. They had no idea. Coach had no idea? Other owners had no idea? No. It came out after he was set up and now everyone is in this fake uproar. 

When you have his kind of money, "things" get over looked, but when its made public, then all bets are off.

Actuaries figure he'll be dead soon, so might as well get some new owners. So its...hey mistress, how about recording all your calls with limp richard and maybe something will pop loose. Mission accomplished. 

Other than that... NHL playoffs are on. 

Quote:Note to Sterling. Dont like blacks? Buy a hockey team. 

Anyway, he isnt playing under the same rules as the average business owner because their organization has rules.Although I suppose personal feelings will alienate you if you veer off the given path. If someone moves into a gated community that has ordinances and then later complains because he cant fly the flag on the 4th, and gets all public opinion behind him, he is still wrong. Same with this 81 year old senile schmuck ( he is Jewish) whose ego required him to have a two faced mistress who looks like octomom after getting hit with a waffle iron.

Fishy thing is, he apparently has been known to be this way for a long time, yet it was hush hush. NAACP gave him an award last year. They had no idea. Coach had no idea? Other owners had no idea? No. It came out after he was set up and now everyone is in this fake uproar. 

When you have his kind of money, "things" get over looked, but when its made public, then all bets are off.

Actuaries figure he'll be dead soon, so might as well get some new owners. So its...hey mistress, how about recording all your calls with limp richard and maybe something will pop loose. Mission accomplished. 

Other than that... NHL playoffs are on. 
Simonds would disagree with you. He even scored a hat trick last night
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