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Full Version: The Real Reason for Russel Allen's Release
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Man. Brought a tear to my eye at work.
Yeah, just heard that on the radio too. Very, very unfortunate and sad to hear that personally. He's a good guy. Blood thinner for the rest of his life......

I had my problems with him as a player, but I absolutely hate reading this.


If there are any lingering effects, I sure hope he heals from them quickly.

Sobering stuff. He'll be on blood thinners the rest of his life and cant lift heavy objects.

Just another reason why both pro and amateur athletes should get paid for the hazards they face daily on the field and why I cant knock Clowney for doing what he did.
I was shocked when he was released.  Now this explains it.  It's good to hear the way the organization handled this.


As others have said, thanks for being a Jag Russel.  You were always a class act and an inspiration.

Wow. I pray the Lord blesses him and his family for all the rest of their days. It puts things in perspective about football and its players. They're guys and people just like us. They're not just names on a stat sheet. They have families, lives, mothers, fathers, cares, concerns, etc..

You were a great Jaguar, Russell. The world looks forward to the great things you'll do going forward.
Ring of Honor material, right there. He might not have had Tony Boselli's talent, but he's got the heart you want in a franchise guy.

Prayers for him and his family as he recovers.
Quote:Man. Brought a tear to my eye at work.
Not mine, uh-uh, no way, I am a mans man jack. There was clearly some sand blowing through the room that got in my eyes..........Yeah, that's what happened.
He was always great with fans and did things the right way. What he lacked in raw ability he made up for with his effort. It would be great if the team could keep him around in some capacity.
Can the jags re-sign him so he can retire a jaguar?
Sad read. Hoping for only the best for him and his loved ones...

So where is the 'Goodell is sissifying the game / put a skirt on the players / I want blood' crowd now?

Really sad story. I try to view players through the lens of being a human, when it comes to brain injuries. This is exactly why.

Player safety isn't a bad thing.
Another amazing aspect of this story is that it stayed under wraps so Russel could tell HIS story.  That takes effort from everyone in the front office, players, and coaches alike. Kudos to the organization overall.  I have a feeling his coaching career will be quite successful.

I know this is being classified as a "freak injury" but there are a handful of "freak" injuries every year.


This is such a brutal sport.

Quote:Another amazing aspect of this story is that it stayed under wraps so Russel could tell HIS story.  That takes effort from everyone in the front office, players, and coaches alike. Kudos to the organization overall.  I have a feeling his coaching career will be quite successful.

They definitely handled Allen and this situation with a certain level of respect. I give them credit for that. 
Quote:They definitely handled Allen and this situation with a certain level of respect. I give them credit for that. 

Absolutely - I hope Allen stays in contact with the team, I could very much see him getting involved with the Jaguars or just the NFL in general as a spokesperson for the importance of alerting medical profesionals ASAP when an injury may have occured.
Sad to hear, I hope the best for him and his family.

This story has given my an idea; The players need to have an advocate on the team who is always present on the Sideline, practice field, workout facility or wherever that they know has their best interest in mind.


Allen intimated that the first person he went to when he was experiencing double vision was to teammate Paul Pozluszny instead of a coach or more preferrably, a doctor. If there was someone - and I believe that a former player such as Allen would be perfect in this role - that the players could reach out to and get an honest answer as to what they should do that is best for them, maybe Allen's condition doesn't get as bad as it is.


I wonder if the League would ever look into something like that.

Sad story and not what I expected when I opened the article.  Best wishes to Russel and his family.

If there was ever a player the Jags want to hang their image on, Russell Allen is it.
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