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Full Version: Analysis of Cecil Shorts via Football Outsiders
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I don't understand this hate for CS3. He's a playmaker and unfortunately was playing injured almost all of last year.
Quote:I don't understand this hate for CS3. He's a playmaker and unfortunately was playing injured almost all of last year.

Playmakers score more than three TDs in a season and don't disappear for games at a time.
He's got Chad Henne at Quarterback.  

Shorts may not be a #1 receiver, but he's a good #2 guy.  Better than what we've had outside of Blackmon for years.


Playmakers score more than three TDs in a season and don't disappear for games at a time.
I'm sorry should he be getting 10+ TDs? I mean Henne threw like 12 the entire season right?

Playmakers score more than three TDs in a season and don't disappear for games at a time.

It was one season. A bad season for the team and he was never fully healthy. Still caught a game winning TD though. He reminds me of victor cruz which is not meh
CS3 was basically the only receiving threat for most of the year with two below average QBs running the offense.


The fact that he was able to accomplish as much as he did, being the sole focus of most of the secondaries he faced, is a credit to his ability.


He is on pace to have a very productive career. He could turn into an excellent #2.

[Image: cecil111.gif]
When healthy, a decent #2
Quote:When healthy, a decent #2
I'd say a serviceable #1, very good #2. 


When he had Blackmon opposite of him he was getting 80-100 yards pretty often. 
He's a good receiver that can hold his own. I'm not unhappy with him.

He's an average #2, being forced to take on the expectations of a #1 due to Blackmon's circumstance. 

Quote:[Image: gabberthof.gif]
Gabbert showing flashes of potential against the Colts, Raiders, Packers.
Quote:I'd say a serviceable #1, very good #2. 


When he had Blackmon opposite of him he was getting 80-100 yards pretty often. 

Could be a serviceable #1 with a good #2 and a good slot.   He'd work good in a system like the Pats of old where there was no big gap between #1,2,3 (Dieon Branch, David Givens, Troy Brown)

Quote:He's got Chad Henne at Quarterback.

Shorts may not be a #1 receiver, but he's a good #2 guy. Better than what we've had outside of Blackmon for years.
This. He's not up there with the top WRs yet but he's in the second tier group. Somebody said CS3 is no better then a 3!? GTFOH...
Quote:Gabbert showing flashes of potential against the Colts, Raiders, Packers.

Every QB in history has shown flashes.  The fact of the matter is that until Gabbert gets a set of gonads, he'll never amount to a decent QB.  Dude is so afraid of getting hit -- it was so embarrassing to see him associated with the Jags that used to pride themselves on toughness.
Quote:its not his hands, i think its a lack of concentration. he isnt a game changer by any means. but hes reliable, he works hard, he can move the sticks. overall really good asset for any team. and he has been productive despite a terrible OL and the worst qb play in the NFL. i hope he stays a jaguar. 

He can be a game changer.  I remember two games in particular against Minnesota and Indy where he was the game changer.  He has the potential.  He just needs to take the next step.  


He's a great route runner with decent enough speed.  Just needs to concentrate all the way through the catch more consistently.
I think he was Gene Smith's best pick...


if that's saying anything

Quote:<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=MpUc95iXAYO2dM&tbnid=DXcrPLsMdSDpZM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fstripehype.com%2F2013%2F12%2F02%2Fnfl-gifs-sunday%2F7%2F&ei=t-lQU9G0CYmTyATa1oD4BQ&bvm=bv.65058239,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNH5WA9tLkia4c4S84lLf6tdFAI_Xg&ust=1397898010406519'>[Image: cecil111.gif]</a>

That was definitely a play.
Quote:I think he was Gene Smith's best pick...


if that's saying anything

I agree.  He was Gene's least worst pick
Quote:Well I guess you could say he is undersized and not very strong, somewhat injury prone, gives you nothing after contact, doesn't go up and attack the ball, not overly elusive, and loses concentration and drops too many balls.

Other than that there is nothing to say.

He's a good player, very good value for a 4th round pick, but definitely not a true primary target.
Go watch his first ever touchdown vs the Chargers and then tell me he doesn't go up and get the ball. Thanks.
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