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Full Version: Lets not forget who Chad Henne is!
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Quote:It's the same every year around here during the offseason. This coach, this player, this draftee, this GM, this free agent is better than what we had. Improvement will be guaranteed because of it. This guy will fit in better with what we do. That guy will be better with a change of scenery. The other guys will benefit with this guy next to him. We should be happy with improvement, but not expect playoffs.


Endless hope, low expectations.


Chad Henne is not even close to being a QB we can count on in crunch time. He might be able to manage a game if he had a star studded offense and defense but he doesn't. The recent FA signings and subsequently the upcoming draft better have accumulated some studs otherwise this next season, and beyond, is going to be nothing better than what we've had for the last 5 years.


Regards.........................the Chiefjag

I don't think Jag fans have low expectations.  I think they are realistic expectations based on where we are at.  And we are improving and yes, that will continue to be the mantra whether you like it or not.


I still don't get the lets group the last few years as a hole regardless if everything is completely different.  Shack isn't our GM, Gene isn't our GM, Caldwell is.  Weaver isn't our owner, Khan is.  JDR isn't our coach, Gus is.  It is a completely new regime and they have done things much differently then the old regime.  Don't have to look any farther then what is happening at our stadium right now.  Or the undeniable energy that Gus brings.  Or how Dave is doing exactly what he said he would and you can see they have a system and a plan that they are working.  It sounds good, but none of this will mean anything without results.  But they should define themselves.  The past regimes failures should not define who this regime is and what they are doing.  


I know it is raining outside, but it seems to be raining for you everyday.  
Thank God I know who Chad is now.

Quote:Im simply trying to keep some people from forgetting how bad Henne played at times, before just crowning him starter next year! And no it doesnt make a difference what you think of Henne everybody entitled to their on opinions.

If we win 8 games this year with Henne at the helm, I certainly agree it will have more to do with our defense.  


Henne is a stop gap.  We all know that.  Just have to wait and see how things shake out.
Quote:The more and more i read some of you guys thread im starting to believe a lot of you guys are accepting Henne as the qb for next season.

That's because that's who he is.
Quote:Signing the cast-offs from other teams doesn't neccesarily make a team better.

Completely agree.  Rarely is free agency a panacea.  You're just taking in most instances players that much better teams don't want anymore and usually unless its cap related, its for a reason.


None of the players that have been acquired are game changers.  Are they better than what the Jaguars had, yes, but that's a very very very low bar.
Quote:Completely agree. 
Oh god.


[Image: post-31458-Jim-Carrey-disgust-puke-gif-Du-5Lr8.gif]
In Henne we trust.

Im not sayin i forgot who Chad Henne was.. but ad for yhe end of the season, yes sometimes he couldnt get the job done, but i think you guys one thing.. Henne could "manage" a football game as good as any QB. And im not as happy abt Henne being named the starter as i am that Blaine Gabbert has been traded.. He can manage a game better than Gabbert and once u surround with some decent weapons, i think they have 9-7 potential for 2014
Trust.. I know exactly who Chad Henne is....

Quote:Oh god.

[Image: post-31458-Jim-Carrey-disgust-puke-gif-Du-5Lr8.gif]

Don't you feel dirty? Maybe the GIF from Ace Ventura in the shower would have been more appropriate.
Quote:That's because that's who he is.
Yea but he dont deserve too.
Quote:Don't you feel dirty? Maybe the GIF from Ace Ventura in the shower would have been more appropriate.
I searched for that one first but this one was in the results and it fit the mood better.

Quote:Yea but he dont deserve too.
English, please.
This thread implies people have a much higher regard for Henne than I think is the reality.  Henne is a guy. Nothing more.  I haven't seen any rational posters here who are thrilled with the prospect of him being the starter for 2014.  But, these same people recognize that what we're being presented with as alternatives, either in the draft, or via free agency, don't offer us anything that's a significant improvement over what we have in Henne. 


It's got nothing to do with being deluded by who Henne is.  It's a simple admission that there are folks here who are not as enamored by the biggest names in the draft.  Whether you're talking about Bridgewater, Manziel, or Bortles, you're looking at options that aren't guaranteed to have an immediate impact despite what the armchair GMs here think.  Each one has legitimate concerns, and at the very least, each will need time to develop.  That's not to say they won't eventually prove to be solid NFL starters in the league, but none of them is a legitimate franchise QB coming into the draft.  With that being the case, the team has to have a plan to deal with the time that will be required to get a rookie up to speed. 


I have little doubt about the possibility of drafting a QB high in the draft, and it's likely going to be one of the 3 I mentioned above. I just think the expectations here need to be tempered based on the fact that this isn't a great QB draft, there weren't any legitimate starters just hanging around out there in free agency waiting to be snapped up, and this front office is determined to build their draft pick pool up as much as possible, not trade it away for a guy who might or might not be worth the effort.


Ultimately, having Henne on the roster is something the people getting paid to make these decisions felt was the best way to bridge from one QB to the next while they continue to rebuild the entire roster.  Nobody is claiming he's anything more than just a guy.  He's proven he can be a capable starter, and he's shown that he can be a major obstacle to the success of this team.  In the end, it's about the process, and getting from where we are currently to where we want this team to be.  The hope is that one of these QBs winds up on the roster, and he's given the time necessary to develop and overcome any issues that may be considered concerns right now. 


We know who Chad Henne is.  He's the guy that is filling a roster spot until we can find someone who can do it better.

Quote:Clowney would be on the board. We could either draft him or trade him down. The fact that Clowney is on the board at #3 brings a lot of bargaining power to us. That may be our best case scenario.
Especially with Atlanta
Chad Who? Didn't he play wide receiver for the Bengals?

I know who Chad Henne is: The leading cause of nausea in the state of Florida for the past two years.
Quote:I know who Chad Henne is: The leading cause of nausea in the state of Florida for the past two years.

Actually he played for the Dolphins before the Jags and they let him go so it's been longer then 2 years.


I know it's hard for some fans to believe, but there are worse QB's then Chad Henne currently in the NFL. Some of them even starting.
So because there are worse QBs in the NFL we should accept him as our QB? Sheeesh............................

Quote:I'm no Henne supporter and I hope he's the back-up to a rookie before the 2014 season ends.....but....

If we get J Blackmon back, Gerhart has a good year and at least one rookie makes a real impact - he could move the offense enough to win 7 games. Maybe eight in a perfect storm of positive turnover ratio from the defense.

He went 8-8 with the 2010 'phins.
anything is possible. If he can cut down on the Ints there's a chance.
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