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Full Version: Hope I don't get blasted.. read through to the end.... Answer and don't hate
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Think of it this way....our season is now in "Garbage Time".
Love for a head coach is way overrated. No one loved Coughlin and I'll gladly take those results. And sports history is full of similar examples of coaches who weren't loved by their team but still managed to get the most out of the players.

I see Gus as I saw my manager when I worked in retail. Nice guy but can't motivate anyone to do anything, so no one worked harder than they had to. Is that the employees' fault? Probably but everyone knew what it took to get by. On the other hand, people worked harder for the stricter manager. There's no balance between being an authoritarian and players coach.

These are spoiled children and Gus is the loser uncle that won't address the problem.

I think these players know that there's no risk for poor play or even lashing out at coaches in public. Gus doesn't critique or punish poor performance.
Quote:Every jaguars fan... Suffers now .

Every jags player or employee

Suffers now.

Losing sux.


I've watched every game all year.

And I see some players bring everything they have on every play every game.

And other.....Well less that that...

But I hear almost every player comment about Gus.... Something like this...

" We love him as our coach".

So that being said....

If they mostly " love Gus"...

They Must know that he is almost certainly gone on or before Jan 21 2017.

Wouldn't they....As a group....

Come together and agree collectively...

" The only way to even have a remote chance to have Gus back next year is of we come out and flat out completely annihilate our opponents"?

My question is to all of my fellow jags fans is this....What if....


Collectively...Our team...

Flat out smashes Houston the way San Diego smashed us....

And then we repeat that performance with a similar performance next week...


If this happens...

Do you want Gus back?

My answer?

I want him back next year

Much like Gus, people like you have no hope.


If I was you I'd commit..... never mind don't wanna get a warning.
Quote:Love for a head coach is way overrated. No one loved Coughlin and I'll gladly take those results. And sports history is full of similar examples of coaches who weren't loved by their team but still managed to get the most out of the players.



Strahan hated Coughlin at first
[Image: dr-evil-no-o.gif]

Drain the swamp, I don't care if he beats the Texans 100-0 and mows my lawn afterwords...he needs to be gone.
Quote:I still wouldn't want him back. I would like them to win tho. It would make the team more appealing to the next HC
Good point
Quote:Much like Gus, people like you have no hope.

If I was you I'd commit..... never mind don't wanna get a warning.
You should be certain of whom you belittle.

I am a successful small business owner in so Cal.

My two grown children are successful.

My younger children are BOTH Dean's List honor roll students.

I would say that compared to the average Joe?

I have plenty of hope.

That being said hope is a word I reserve for situations where all appears lost...

Feels like all is lost...

It's not...It's just football.

Here's to wishing you the best in all your endeavors.....

Die hard jags fan
why did you write this in haiku form
Quote:I hear ya and I like the continuity aspect, but something just isn't clicking...it's not coming together...maybe everyone underestimated the magnitude of this rebuild and thought so and so had a rebuild too and look at them now...Gus did step into rebuilding a team that had less talent than an expansion team but there is no fruit on the tree now to show for 4 years...Caldwell did say he may have went too deep in the first purge, but whats done is done...

I think that we are where Caldwell and Gus projected us to be last year, competitive, but just not there yet....I'm on the fence leaning hard towards a new coaching staff, but i can't help but worry that a new coaching staff would be like starting all over again...The other part of me says well it cant it really be any worse than where we are now can it?
Great comment.

I like the way you think....

Rational observation lol.

A rarity here
No, I don't. No matter how badly we beat Houston, if we did, Gus is still what he is and we will never reach the Super Bowl with him at the helm.


If they came out and played lights out today, I would be asking why they aren't doing that every week.

Quote:The guy can drop dead..
Lol...I respect this....

It's a game brute force and calculated execution... I think Gus is not a powerful enough man to lead an NFL team.

That being said.id love to see him successful
Quote:I tried making it through your post, but the formatting is terrible.
Sorry about that John...

I'm not much for writing.
Quote:Don't they have medical mary jo wanna out there in So Cal?

Me thinks, you've been partaking???

Lol no...I actually have that up when I left Florida.

The last I had was Gainesville green...

I don't miss it all all
Quote:As fans, we generally have a propensity to like the guys that wear our team's uniform or lead our guys into battle and believe automatically that they're more talented than the competition. In reality, with 31 other professional teams with their fans thinking the same thing somethings got to give. It means our guys might not be better than the competition. It means that all 7 of our draft picks in a given year aren't going to turn into all pros or even solid contributors. It means our coach might not be in the top half of the league as far as coaches go.

Bradley wasn't dealt the best hand here, but he didn't make the most of his opportunity here either. There's not one season where you can clearly say he coached our guys up to over achieve. He's out of time here. I like the guy and wish him well and for his sake I hope he finds success with another team not in our division.
Imho...Best response yet.

Well said. Thanks



I don't see anybody excusing the coaches for stupid mistakes. Players need to execute. Nothing that goes wrong can be blamed 100% on the coaches.

Read the thread's OP. 


He's asking if you want Bradley back if they win out.  I do not. 

The reason I do not is because of the absolutely ridiculous and disgusting amount of undisciplined play and the stupid mistakes that have happened CONSISTENTLY for the past two seasons. (the first two seasons of Bradley's tenure were doomed by poor roster quality)

 When these types of errors occur every week for an extended period of time you must place a significant portion of the blame on the coaching staff. You'd be a fool not to do so. 


For that reason, Bradley cannot be excused of his shortcomings even if the team wins the rest of the 2016 schedule. 

Quote:I don't thin you have to worry about that. Texans beat us by 10 today
You very well may be accurate.

Here's to hoping you're not!
Quote:This thread really challenges that whole "There are no stupid questions" thing.

If the players love Gus so much they can help him pack.

Tempting to respond to the jab...

I'll refrain.

It's much more entertaining to read the objective well though responses
Quote:This is the first time I saw anyone mention the appeal idea. Five wins is five wins any way you spin it though so I am not sure it will make a difference. Of course I want the Jaguars to win because I am a Jaguars fan.

BANG! Happy now?

Seriously, you do need to curb your negativity about the team. No matter how bad we are good things still happen on the field.

I don't see anybody excusing the coaches for stupid mistakes. Players need to execute. Nothing that goes wrong can be blamed 100% on the coaches.
Good stuff there.

Thanks for your opinion
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