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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Texans Game Day Thread***
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Nice punt, bad offense.

Who ain't got no punters???!!
At least a good punt to take the pressure off

and yeah....we're going to have to play the refs too

Should just tackle the WR every play if that's not considered a PI
Nortman...a lone bright spot on this team
Quote:We got cheated there
Yeah when Walters is pissed you know it was a missed call.
Norman to the pro bowl

Norton is a darn good Punter.... great find Caldwell... Dude BLOWS Anger away.




It's not a bang-bang play if the defender knocks the receiver to the ground before anyone has touched the ball. I swear these announcers are bloody morons. 

Great punt. That's the best highlights of Jaguars Football this year.

Quote:no surprise no flag

They even defended the referees.  Ya he got hit before the ball got there but jags should know that they don't call those calls only the other 31 teams.
Make up call for the face mask
Quote:It's not a bang-bang play if the defender knocks the receiver to the ground before anyone has touched the ball. I swear these announcers are bloody morons.
My thoughts exactly but I just didn't want to type it all out... haha.
Quote:It's not a bang-bang play if the defender knocks the receiver to the ground before anyone has touched the ball. I swear these announcers are bloody morons.

Seriously, they were defending the PI
Yawn........same old

Get some texan butt  D

Quote:Cyp came up with the shoulder then slither down to his legs tackle.
Had that RB been a power guy...He'd of broken that tackle
Quote:Had that RB been a power guy...He'd of broken that tackle
Way to spin a good play into a negative. Cyprien is hurt BTW. Nice job.