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Full Version: ***Official Jaguars @ Texans Game Day Thread***
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The fact that Osweiner got benched tells you the Texans organization wants to win and won't tolerate consistently bad play for long. Us? Make as many mistakes as you want because you'll start 24/7.

This team is really good at tanking.

So are we drafting a new QB or bringing in a vet? Who would you take?


Bortles is done

Quote:The wheels are falling off...

short bus wheels
typical Gus Bradley team.

Screen play
On the bright side the bears are going to OT with the pack and if they win we pretty much clinch a top 3 pick!
lol this offense.
Haha going for it?
I am just waiting for the Michelle Obama interview at this point. The only reason I keep going.
How did a backup QB carve up the 4th ranked defense?
14 and 48.
This team is gross
Quote:So are we drafting a new QB or bringing in a vet? Who would you take?


Bortles is done
Game Over!!!

I just dont see how Blake comes back from this. He should not be the starter coming into camp next year. 

What is BB5 mad about?
Y'all better chip in gas money for the ride modis if im driving.