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Full Version: Is anyone else worried about us moving to London
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Not really
Quote:True fan, respect


I feel bad for the spurs though, Madrid screw them badly
they got over 100mil for bale... id say madrid payed out the nose and  spurs just didnt do enough with it to improve immediately... thats on them IMO
Quote:I haven't read much on this topic lately but I keep reading different NFL sites stating there is a good possibility London will get a franchise. A lot of signs point to us moving there. We have had how many games there and we signed up for more the next couple of years. I'm not too thrilled about losing a home game to Dallas this year either.

A lot of signs point to this? List them please.
Uh, no.
Not at all worried, no team will move to London the logistics are to big to overcome.
Im like so worried
Side question if your favorite team up and moves do you still follow them?
Quote:Side question if your favorite team up and moves do you still follow them?
nope...not this guy... i like answering the off topic stuff in this one cause its a pretty wore out and stupid topic.
Quote:Side question if your favorite team up and moves do you still follow them?

I wouldnt. Maybe in the short run
Well if y'all aren't worried, I'm not either.
Quote:Well if y'all aren't worried, I'm not either.
no point imo... besides buying tickets, thats something that is beyond our control as fans... and.. its not gonna happen lol.
Useless thread ends!
Mr. Khan said he was NOT moving the team when he first bought it, and there was an agreement between WW and himself about it, when the team was sold. That's plenty good enough for me.


So as long as we fans support the team, I would expect the Jags to be here, and so far the fans have given them plenty of support, despite them not being very good the past few years.


Plus, you factor in the new huge scoreboard/video board, swimming pool and other renovations going on at the stadium, it makes no sense to even consider moving the Jags right now or anytime in the near future to me.
Every night I have nightmares about being kidnapped by Roger Goodell and being forced to move to London

Quote:Well if y'all aren't worried, I'm not either.
But a lot of signs point to this happening, right?
I just don't see a team in London. There are a ton of factors that make it a problem. First and foremost games thre now are a novelty so they will draw more once you put you a team thre perm., you have to face dealing with 6 soccer teams in the london area drawing your fanbase away.

You have scheduling nightmares in sending teams to England to play, you use the bye week to get teams there but that only works during the bye week period.


You have the london team going on 4-5 game road trips. How do you schedule for a team on the west coast to go play there in the begining or end of the year?


Cost becomes double for teams to play there in transporting players and paying for food and lodging so the league would most likely pick up the difference.


The big one to me is that a team in London would have to have 2 team facilitys one in London and one somewhere ont he east coast. During the season you bring in players weekly to add to your team and you want to get them in and out quickly and flying them over would become a problem. Plus you need a base of operations for when you make your 4 game road trips to practice and such.

As mucha s the NFL supposedly wants to go to London I dont see it the bigger threat would be LA and if you want to out of country then Mexico City.

How is this thread not locked yet?

I wouldn't say I'm worried, but declaring checkdown chad the starter here in March sure makes it seem like the team is planning to tank another season, and I don't know how many more Henne seasons this city can take before the Jaguars fulfill the conditions to break the stadium lease.

Quote:I wouldn't say I'm worried, but declaring checkdown chad the starter here in March sure makes it seem like the team is planning to tank another season, and I don't know how many more Henne seasons this city can take before the Jaguars fulfill the conditions to break the stadium lease.
Do you think Bradley is going to name a rookie that isn't even on the roster, (who could be a rookie, or a F/A), the starter? Think for a second, the world isn't going to end. If you think the Jaguars are tanking, then I will confidently call you an idiot. It's really not this hard to understand. 


The only way the Jaguars can break the stadium lease is if Khan buys out and breaks the lease.. That is the only condition in which the lease can be broken from my understanding. It won't happen. 
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