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Full Version: McDonald’s website advises staff NOT to eat fast food
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Quote:Yep, and I loudly applaud their brilliance.  If I'm going to sell fast food, that's exactly how I'd do it.  Free Will, meet Free Market Economy.  Laziness and Sloth, meet Health Issues.  Seems real simple to me.

Chick fil a has a playground...everyone seems to think they are so rich and wholesome.
Quote:McDonald's on employee resources site: Not lovin' it


It seems that McDonald's has finally realized how tone-deaf its internal employee resource website was. It has shut it down.



The guy eating that burger in that video has some seriously dirty fingernails man.
Quote:Chick fil a has a playground...everyone seems to think they are so rich and wholesome.

Mmmm, Chick Fil A......best "good food quickly" out there. 


I'll be going there next month :whistling: 


Quote:The guy eating that burger in that video has some seriously dirty fingernails man.

You should see the guys fingernails that made the burgers.... :woot:
Quote:Yep, and I loudly applaud their brilliance.  If I'm going to sell fast food, that's exactly how I'd do it.  Free Will, meet Free Market Economy.  Laziness and Sloth, meet Health Issues.  Seems real simple to me.
By that reasoning heroin should be legal.
Quote:By that reasoning heroin should be legal.

Are you really comparing McDonald's to heroin?
Quote:Get them hooked?  That's a little hyperbolic, don't you think?  Besides, where do the parents fit into this conspiratorial equation?

The parents were once the kids targeted by McDonald's. It's how the whole thing works. They need to kids when the adults die at 50 of heart disease or  complications from diabetes.
Quote:Are you really comparing McDonald's to heroin?

Why not?




Quote:March 23, 2010 –In a newly published study, scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have shown for the first time that the same molecular mechanisms that drive people into drug addiction are behind the compulsion to overeat, pushing people into obesity.

Quote:The study goes significantly further than the abstract, however, demonstrating clearly that in rat models the development of obesity coincides with a progressively deteriorating chemical balance in reward brain circuitries. As these pleasure centers in the brain become less and less responsive, rats quickly develop compulsive overeating habits, consuming larger quantities of high-calorie, high-fat foods until they become obese. The very same changes occur in the brains of rats that overconsume cocaine or heroin
Quote:By that reasoning heroin should be legal.

You've completely lost me.  
Quote:Why not?



You and DF can try to draw parallels between hard illicit drugs and McDonalds food all you want and it simply won't fly.
Quote:Taco Bell is my drug of choice and the only fast food chain that will win the fast food wars.

Still don't know how to use the 3 sea shells though..
Demolition Man reference. Nice.
Quote:It's funny that people talk like this about McDonald's and Taco Bell....but somehow they are raking in millions upon millions of dollars on a daily basis.


Everyone always bashes....but everyone is also eating it.

Yep, and because of the cheap meal prices, McDonalds will continue to make millions of dollars. Its cheaper for an adult to eat a weeks worth of McD's than buy and prepare a everday home-cooked meal. 


Quote:By that reasoning heroin should be legal.

This makes absolutely no sense.


McDonalds dosent kill/harm people with their quality of food. If that was the case, they would have changed their business practice a long time ago. 

Quote:Yep, and because of the cheap meal prices, McDonalds will continue to make millions of dollars. Its cheaper for an adult to eat a weeks worth of McD's than buy and prepare a everday home-cooked meal. 



This makes absolutely no sense.


McDonalds dosent kill/harm people with their quality of food. If that was the case, they would have changed their business practice a long time ago. 

You really think a weeks worth of food at McDonald's is cheaper?  Man if I wanted to live cheaply (with protein) I could....and I could make it much cheaper (and a lot healthier) than Mcdonald's
Quote:You really think a weeks worth of food at McDonald's is cheaper? Man if I wanted to live cheaply (with protein) I could....and I could make it much cheaper (and a lot healthier) than Mcdonald's

Grubs and meal worms?
Quote:This makes absolutely no sense.


McDonalds dosent kill/harm people with their quality of food. If that was the case, they would have changed their business practice a long time ago. 
It's not about the relative harm each product does, it's about the argument of personal responsibility. The argument is that it's the parents' responsibility to not feed their kids crappy fast food and that McDonald's is justified in marketing to kids if they think that's the best to make a profit. The exact same argument can be used for any harmful product be it fast food, cigarettes and yes, even heroin. If it's my personal responsibility not to fill my body with crap than why shouldn't heroin be legal? After all, the dealers are simply supplying a demand.


I'm not saying heroin should be legal or fast food should be illegal. I'm simply saying that it might be a good idea to limit the extent to which places like McDonald's market to children much like cigarette marketing has been limited. Cigarettes cause cancer and fast food cause obesity and diabetes.
Quote:You really think a weeks worth of food at McDonald's is cheaper? 

If all you ate from was the dollar menu then probably yes, 
Quote:It's not about the relative harm each product does, it's about the argument of personal responsibility. The argument is that it's the parents' responsibility to not feed their kids crappy fast food and that McDonald's is justified in marketing to kids if they think that's the best to make a profit. The exact same argument can be used for any harmful product be it fast food, cigarettes and yes, even heroin. If it's my personal responsibility not to fill my body with crap than why shouldn't heroin be legal? After all, the dealers are simply supplying a demand.


I'm not saying heroin should be legal or fast food should be illegal. I'm simply saying that it might be a good idea to limit the extent to which places like McDonald's market to children much like cigarette marketing has been limited. Cigarettes cause cancer and fast food cause obesity and diabetes.

In moderation McD food is harmless.  Can the same be said for cigarettes and heroine?
Quote:In moderation McD food is harmless.  

Is that true, though?
Quote:Is that true, though?

If truly eaten in moderation, the effect on one's health would be very minimal.
Quote:If all you ate from was the dollar menu then probably yes, 

You're probably right...but man after a couple days of that I dont think you could take anymore. lol
Quote:You're probably right...but man after a couple days of that I dont think you could take anymore. lol

I haven't eaten there in a long time and I already can't take anymore.... their food compared to other fast food places simply doesn't rate. 
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