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There's always one kid in the neighborhood who walks around eating mayonnaise out of a jar with a spoon talking about their imaginary pet Sea Horse named "Blippy" that your parents make you be nice to.

At this point, though, I'm less annoyed than I am amused with the complete comic lack of self awareness.

Mascot. You. Are.
Don't ever tell me I should support a team or I'm not a fan. Especially coming from one who might have attended a game or two.


I've been a season ticket holder and attended every single game they've ever played in Jacksonville until this year and frankly I'm not supporting them with my money until they show some desire to get better by winning games. I'm done with spending a Sunday afternoon and $250 only to see a miserable team continue to bumble and fumble for 3 hours in a loss. It's no fun. Why torture myself and pay to do so?


Perhaps if Khan would fire Bradley now I might take this as an attempt to get better, but until that happens I'm staying home.


Regards.......................the Chiefjag

At what point do mods take a look at JW and give her a warning or something?  She literally derails every single thread into verbal attacks against everyone about their fanhood, or some sort of random garbage that all these threads turn into the JW show. 


Much like the season she is about to succeed in sinking this ship as well.  I think the mods here do a great job, but as often as she posts, it looks like TMD is posting again.


She may not be a troll, but she's definitely trolling people.


Yes, mods please actually do something about this trash. Its well beyond time that something was done. This is worse than any "derailing" TMD has ever done. Having a make believe "handicap" is only fooling those on the low end of the IQ scale....
Quote:A real fan only roots for one team. All others are bandwagon.

I'm gonna call BS on this. Purely because there's really no such rule stating that in order for someone to be a true fan, the can only root for one team.

I'm a Jags fan through and through, always have been and always will be. But I'm also a fan of the Seahawks and Steelers. And I like the Lions due to D6 always being such a class individual over the years.

There's nothing wrong with having admiration for more than 1 team.
Quote:I never used the word satisfied. Ever. Supporting a team is watching games in whatever way you can (or, if you can't, checking score updates on a tablet) and cheering very loud if you are at the stadium. If you have Jaguars attire you wear it. You don't call anybody on the team a derogatory term You can criticize people. You can be unsatisfied with something and get frustrated. But you can't act like we never do anything right and nothing good ever happens because they're what you wanted.
I addressed you in a prior thread. Why do you feel it is your duty to tell people how to be fans? You can have a negative opinion about the team you support and still love them. We want them to improve and be the best they can be and cheer for them when they win...we also have the right to voice our negative opinions when they lose or don't play up to their potential. Doesn't make anyone less of a fan of that team. We all want the jags to succeed or we wouldn't be on these boards talking about them or going to the games. Fan the way you want but you don't have the right to belittle other fans fandom because they don't "cheer" for the team like you do.
lol so theoretically, if us fans that "don't understand a damn thing" started an NFL franchise at the beggining of this season, that team at worst would be only 2 games behind the Jags current record?

Arob... we might not understand a damn thing, but it's clear your leadership doesn't either.
Quote:The right thing is showing full support of the team if you are really a Jaguars fan. Real fans are people who continue showing full support of the team no matter how bad they are.

Who the hell are you to tell someone whether or not they're a "true fan"?
Quote:Who the hell are you to tell someone whether or not they're a "true fan"?
Don't get me wrong i'm not happy with the team, but christ how do we have less fans in the stadium than the opposing team? that's horrible.

Quote:Don't get me wrong i'm not happy with the team, but christ how do we have less fans in the stadium than the opposing team? that's horrible.

  It's a very unpleasant situation to be in that I've experienced.  It doesn't get much worse than this as a fan.   That much more when it involves fans from division rivals.
Quote:I addressed you in a prior thread. Why do you feel it is your duty to tell people how to be fans? You can have a negative opinion about the team you support and still love them. We want them to improve and be the best they can be and cheer for them when they win...we also have the right to voice our negative opinions when they lose or don't play up to their potential. Doesn't make anyone less of a fan of that team. We all want the jags to succeed or we wouldn't be on these boards talking about them or going to the games. Fan the way you want but you don't have the right to belittle other fans fandom because they don't "cheer" for the team like you do.
...thank you.  agreed.
Quote:Don't get me wrong i'm not happy with the team, but christ how do we have less fans in the stadium than the opposing team? that's horrible.

There's another thread on this but I think bottom line is there's a lot of people dragging out the donko gear from when they lived back that direction. Seems to be something that happens here in florida , split loyalties when their original teams play the Jags.

still looks really bad.
Arob tweeted saying the article lied.
Quote:Arob tweeted saying the article lied.

Well that certainly changes everything, doesn't it?
Quote:Arob tweeted saying the article lied.
Wasn't he quoted saying that?  It's not like he wrote some statement, he said he quoted him directly.  I could be wrong, just find it odd someone would make up something dumb like that.
I'm speaking with my $.


Me and my $5k have better things to do.

Quote:Don't ever tell me I should support a team or I'm not a fan. Especially coming from one who might have attended a game or two.


I've been a season ticket holder and attended every single game they've ever played in Jacksonville until this year and frankly I'm not supporting them with my money until they show some desire to get better by winning games. I'm done with spending a Sunday afternoon and $250 only to see a miserable team continue to bumble and fumble for 3 hours in a loss. It's no fun. Why torture myself and pay to do so?


Perhaps if Khan would fire Bradley now I might take this as an attempt to get better, but until that happens I'm staying home.

I never defined supporting the team as going to the games, silly. I don't like sitting in the heat or rain and would only go to one in December, when temperatures are in the 70s. By supporting the team, I mean you watch games if you can, only missing them if you are unable to (like being on vacation or at work, etc.) instead of to boycott the team because we suck. Choosing not to watch games because we suck and saying, "I don't care," is what people who don't like the Jaguars do.
Quote:I addressed you in a prior thread. Why do you feel it is your duty to tell people how to be fans? You can have a negative opinion about the team you support and still love them. We want them to improve and be the best they can be and cheer for them when they win...we also have the right to voice our negative opinions when they lose or don't play up to their potential. Doesn't make anyone less of a fan of that team. We all want the jags to succeed or we wouldn't be on these boards talking about them or going to the games. Fan the way you want but you don't have the right to belittle other fans fandom because they don't "cheer" for the team like you do.

The problem is people say they don't care if we win, don't care what we do, etc. and/or even want the team to lose. You can criticize anybody on the team and I do too but saying you want to lose or don't care if we win is the opposite of being a fan. So is being apathetic about everything the team does. That is what I have been seeing for years here: people saying it is better if we lose and that the best time of year is the offseason, stuff like that.
Quote:I never defined supporting the team as going to the games, silly. I don't like sitting in the heat or rain and would only go to one in December, when temperatures are in the 70s. By supporting the team, I mean you watch games if you can, only missing them if you are unable to (like being on vacation or at work, etc.) instead of to boycott the team because we suck. Choosing not to watch games because we suck and saying, "I don't care," is what people who don't like the Jaguars do.

You criticize people's fandom over and over. Belittling people because they aren't a fan to you.

Yet you can't be bothered to go to a game in the rain, the heat or before December?
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