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Full Version: Marcedes Lewis.. Don't look now,but...
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Quote:Oh, so just because you are in good cap shape, then its okay make bad contract deals and ridiculously overpay off of one outlier season? Glad you aint GM....

Did I say that? Cuz I'm pretty sure I didn't. Just tired of people nagging over the money aspect. At the time who wouldn't think he would be a Pro Bowler going forward. We didn't know gabbert was gonna be trash or see DG injuries coming into play. Money is not an issue with this team so get over it.

Glad you can read!
Quote:Yeah,yeah,yeah  -  Gene gave him a stupid contract prematurely.     HOWEVER -  until recently this offense has been (a) without him due to injury and (b.) forced to use him as a third OT.  Recently however, Jedd Fisch has found some great moments to insert him back into the passing game - and he's made the most out of the vast majority of these opportunities. 


Dude looks pretty good catching AND running with the ball as of late.  I'm not trying to justify his salary, but our boy is far from the "brick-handed- lumbering giraffe" resident haters would want you to believe that he is. 


I hope he can keep it up.  I feel he'll have to re-negotiate his 6.5 mil salary for 2014 to stick around - but it's nice to see him involved in the passing game again.   

Did I miss something? He was hurt and unable to play early this year. Nobody was really crowning the guy and nobody wants to rob him. This keep 'em, but cheaper is Wayne Weaver kind of El Cheapo talk.


The Jaguars really need to show some class and not hover over what a player makes.

Quote:Did I say that? Cuz I'm pretty sure I didn't. Just tired of people nagging over the money aspect. At the time who wouldn't think he would be a Pro Bowler going forward. We didn't know gabbert was gonna be trash or see DG injuries coming into play. Money is not an issue with this team so get over it.

Glad you can read!

Paying big money off of one outlier season is never a good idea. Period. No other way to slice it. Money is an issue or should be. Rationalizing a bad contract just because they were in good cap shape to absorb it is ridiculous. 
Quote:Just give me Ebron or Jace Amaro please, tks
lol I saw Jace wasted at the bar the other night. he does have a lot of talent though. Just wish tech could have finished better.
Didn't say it wasn't a bad contract TMD so you can beat that to death but you are wasting your time. All you ever do is complain whether its about contracts or winning games and not getting Bridgewater etc. You are right, Lewis has not lived up to the contract that he has been given. That is not what I am arguing. JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT IT. People make this a BIG issue, when in reality we have bigger fish to fry as a team, and currently money is not one of them. Cut OUR BEST TE IN TEAM HISTORY some slack. Now, if this contract (which grows bigger annually if I'm not mistaken) prevents us from moving forward and finding key pieces, then start your crying. But for now everything's cool....

Quote:Didn't say it wasn't a bad contract TMD so you can beat that to death but you are wasting your time. All you ever do is complain whether its about contracts or winning games and not getting Bridgewater etc. You are right, Lewis has not lived up to the contract that he has been given. That is not what I am arguing. JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.


I'll stop making that point when you stop quantifying the Marcedes contract  by saying "it didn't matter since the Jags were okay salary cap-wise". Deal? 
Due to lack of production and health concerns, I'm sure we can maybe convince him to take a little bit of a paycut. Players seem to have really bought into Gus and Caldwell. I actually believed MJD last night when he was telling Deion and Irving that he wanted to stay. I believe Jax will offer each of these vets a better offer than anyone that will be enough for them to stay. Lewis doesn't have the most reliable hands but I'm convinced with a little off-season work he can improve. He really needs to get with Blackmon this offseason and workout together. Develope a sort of mentor type relationship with Justin and keep him in line and in return his hands may improve
Blaming a player for having an overpriced contract is quite possibly the stupidest thing you can do. What you're essentially doing is blaming the player for having a good season and taking the money he's offered.

Speaking of hands and offseason work; does anyone remember the video of I think Harvey that started MMA training to improve quickness and coordination? Gosh that was hilarious
Quote:Start complaining when we get in cap trouble then. We are more than fine now so who gives a crap!

No kidding. Peeps act like they're writing the checks. Lol
I like it when Marcedes looks for someone to go all MMA on, grabbing them and tossing them aside. Dude can be a beast when he gets rolling.

Quote:Blaming a player for having an overpriced contract is quite possibly the stupidest thing you can do. What you're essentially doing is blaming the player for having a good season and taking the money he's offered.

I don't blame Marcedes for taking the money, I blame Marcedes for pretty much being a disappointing player. 


I blame the front office for being stupid enough to give Marcedes that money. I also blame the front office somewhat for not including him with some of the exodus last offseason. 
Quote:I don't blame Marcedes for taking the money, I blame Marcedes for pretty much being a disappointing player. 


I blame the front office for being stupid enough to give Marcedes that money. I also blame the front office somewhat for not including him with some of the exodus last offseason. 

That has nothing to do with his contract. So stop making it about his contract.
Quote:No kidding. Peeps act like they're writing the checks. Lol

No, its just that IN MY OPINION fans like you and Teal Curtain are casual fans that don't really understand/ care about the aspects of the sport other than what you immediately see in front of you. Smarter fans understand how bad contracts can affect further decision making down the road. 




Quote:No, its just fans like you and Teal Curtain are casual fans that don't really understand/ care about the aspects of the sport other than what you immediately see in front of you. Smarter fans understand how bad contracts can affect further decision making down the road. 
Wow.  That's quite lame - even for you. 

[Image: Jerk.gif]
Quote:That has nothing to do with his contract. So stop making it about his contract.

Marcedes contract is part of "Marcedes" so, its not about "making it about his contract". 


Marcedes play is inconsistent. Its been that way before 2010 and since. The sum of the parts is disappointing. I for one, cannot wait until they cut ties and upgrade the position for good. 


Ebron would be fantastic. 

Quote:Wow.  That's quite lame - even for you. 

[Image: Jerk.gif]

Funny, you only seem to have that filter when its stuff I say....when others are that way towards me, you don't put your cutesy little gifs up there. I guess its only bad when I take that tact, right?
Lol one good game and this guys ready to crown him
Quote:Lol one good game and this guys ready to crown him

I know right? 


I wish people around here would be more "bigger picture" especially with players such as this. 


These "1 good game" type moments are why/ how this stiff has remained on this roster far too long. 

Quote:Funny, you only seem to have that filter when its stuff I say....when others are that way towards me, you don't put your cutesy little gifs up there. I guess its only bad when I take that tact, right?

Dude, I've called out others for being a jerk.  You just do it more often and in more threads.   I'll lay off for while in the spirit of the holidays if you'll stop trying to posture as some smarter "less casual" fan than posters who don't share your opinion.  That's a really lame way to argue.  


"your opinion is wrong because you aren't as smart as me and you don't think about it as in depth as I do"    Really??   C'mon man.  You can do better. 


A high school debate coach would give you an F for that gem. ^  Alright -   I'm done - carry on. 
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