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Quote:Lol one good game and this guys ready to crown him
You can't possibly be referring to me.  I never crowned anyone. 
Here we go with the self proclaimed "Smart than you" stuff lol. How mature hahahaha

I said it before, if he played better after the bye, he'd stay on the team next year.


He'll be on this team next year.

Quote:I said it before, if he played better after the bye, he'd stay on the team next year.


He'll be on this team next year.

Well, I hope you are wrong. Even with his improved play, he's not worth anywhere close to what he makes....and his salary goes UP as the last few years of his deal approach. (IIRC)
Quote:Well, I hope you are wrong. Even with his improved play, he's not worth anywhere close to what he makes....and his salary goes UP as the last few years of his deal approach. (IIRC)

I can agree with that. He's certainly not worth what he's getting paid.


But sometimes, like last game, he'll make plays that makes him look like a top 3 freak of nature TE, and it sucks that he's so inconsistent.


He has a serious case of Chris Chambers Syndrome, where he'll make a difficult catch look easy but an easy catch look difficult.
Quote:Well, I hope you are wrong. Even with his improved play, he's not worth anywhere close to what he makes....and his salary goes UP as the last few years of his deal approach. (IIRC)
Yeah - it goes up next year.  6.7 mil from 4.5 then it drops marginally in 2015.   He's not playing like a $6.7 million TE to be sure.  In his defense they are using him as a blocker much more than a receiving TE. That doesn't help.  (not that he'd necessarily look like a $ 6.7 mil TE if they sent him out on routes constantly - but he hasn't had an opportunity to do so for the past 2 seasons.)  He's likely gone unless he makes a lot more plays like that 42 yard catch and run in the next few games. 
Quote:I can agree with that. He's certainly not worth what he's getting paid.


But sometimes, like last game, he'll make plays that makes him look like a top 3 freak of nature TE, and it sucks that he's so inconsistent.


He has a serious case of Chris Chambers Syndrome, where he'll make a difficult catch look easy but an easy catch look difficult.


Quote:Yeah - it goes up next year.  6.7 mil from 4.5 then it drops marginally in 2015.   He's not playing like a $6.7 million TE to be sure.  In his defense they are using him as a blocker much more than a receiving TE. That doesn't help.  (not that he'd necessarily look like a $ 6.7 mil TE if they sent him out on routes constantly - but he hasn't had an opportunity to do so for the past 2 seasons.)  He's likely gone unless he makes a lot more plays like that 42 yard catch and run in the next few games. 

Regarding Marcedes' occasional flash of ability.....I see it like this: we've been there done that and know how it ends. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me. 
When watching Marcedes Lewis the other night,  the thought that came to mind is he reminds me so much of Brandon Pettigrew, who is finally playing with the consistency that has eluded him in the past.  Both TE's have shown that they can be complete TE's and at times have played like former 1st Round picks. Yet, drops of routine balls and overall lack of concentration have rightfully led to questions being asked in the past of whether they can truly be counted on.  


Tremendous job by Lewis against the Texans!

Quote:Regarding Marcedes' occasional flash of ability.....I see it like this: we've been there done that and know how it ends. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice - shame on me. 
His moments of bad play are enough to merit that reaction.   I'm a little more optimistic about him playing more like 2010 again - but I don't see him putting up gaudy numbers on a regular basis all of a sudden - and that's what his salary next year sort-of dictates. 
Quote:When watching Marcedes Lewis the other night,  the thought that came to mind is he reminds me so much of Brandon Pettigrew, who is finally playing with the consistency that has eluded him in the past.  Both TE's have shown that they can be complete TE's and at times have played like former 1st Round picks. Yet, drops of routine balls and overall lack of concentration have rightfully led to questions being asked in the past of whether they can truly be counted on.  


Tremendous job by Lewis against the Texans!

Only difference is Pettigrew is what 3 or 4 years into the league and this is Marcedes' 8th season. Pettigrew still has some hope. Marcedes is what he is at this point. 
Quote:Yeah,yeah,yeah  -  Gene gave him a stupid contract prematurely.     HOWEVER -  until recently this offense has been (a) without him due to injury and (b.) forced to use him as a third OT.  Recently however, Jedd Fisch has found some great moments to insert him back into the passing game - and he's made the most out of the vast majority of these opportunities. 


Dude looks pretty good catching AND running with the ball as of late.  I'm not trying to justify his salary, but our boy is far from the "brick-handed- lumbering giraffe" resident haters would want you to believe that he is. 


I hope he can keep it up.  I feel he'll have to re-negotiate his 6.5 mil salary for 2014 to stick around - but it's nice to see him involved in the passing game again.   
Check any of my post' about mARCEDES AND YOU WILL SEE i HAVE BEEN SAYING THIS.   Fish is using him right.. He needs to involve him even more if you ask me.
Quote:His moments of bad play are enough to merit that reaction.   I'm a little more optimistic about him playing more like 2010 again - but I don't see him putting up gaudy numbers on a regular basis all of a sudden - and that's what his salary next year sort-of dictates. 

If Marcedes will accept a pay cut, I'd accept him back in 2014 - with the caveat that we also bring in another TE - and I mean a serious one, not another Clay Harbor fodder type. No more relying on Marcedes and waiting for the light to remain on. 

Quote:Only difference is Pettigrew is what 3 or 4 years into the league and this is Marcedes' 8th season. Pettigrew still has some hope. Marcedes is what he is at this point. 

This is Brandon Pettigrew's 5th season.  However,  he was a 24 year old rookie.  Pettigrew is scheduled to become an UFA in 2014 and will be 29 in February.  The Lions have a difficult decision on how to proceed.  


If Pettigrew hits the open market,  I'm sure Jaguars Offensive Line Coach George Yarno will be offering Dave Caldwell and Gus Bradley his input on Pettigrew.
Quote:If Marcedes will accept a pay cut, I'd welcome him back in 2014 - with the caveat that we also bring in another TE - and I mean a serious one, not another Clay Harbor fodder type. No more relying on Marcedes and waiting for the light to remain on. 
It's a possibility.  He's just young enough that they could try to extend him and spread the money out a bit.   I'm familiar with teams restructuring player's contracts in order to help their cap situation  - but the player ends up getting more guaranteed money in those deals.  Do you know of a precedent for a player re-doing his deal to make less money?  I can't think of one offhand.   Do they just tear up the contract and sign a new one if all  parties agree?  Not sure of NFL policy here. 

Quote:This is Brandon Pettigrew's 5th season.  However,  he was a 24 year old rookie.  Pettigrew is scheduled to become an UFA in 2014 and will be 29 in February.  The Lions have a difficult decision on how to proceed.  


If Pettigrew hits the open market,  I'm sure Jaguars Offensive Line Coach George Yarno will be offering Dave Caldwell and Gus Bradley his input on Pettigrew.

Wait,....so this is a contract year for Pettigrew?....and that is coinciding with this improved play from him?....I sure hope we pass, in that case. I'd rather go the college route.....and to be honest, I would like a more dynamic player at the position in the mold of some of the younger, quicker, more agile types. I want the position to be a mis-match in the Jaguars favor. 

Quote:It's better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt


So true...love this quote usually attributed to Mark Twain.....but,


there's this "Taciturnitas stulto homini pro sapientia est."

"Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage." - Maxim 914 - Publilius Syrus - 1 B.C.


both so true 2000 years apart

Quote:Only difference is Pettigrew is what 3 or 4 years into the league and this is Marcedes' 8th season. Pettigrew still has some hope. Marcedes is what he is at this point.

Look at who his quarterbacks have been then get back to me.

I am far more inclined to think Marcedes lack of production has been due to a horrid QB situation, not a lack of talent.
Quote:Look at who his quarterbacks have been then get back to me.

I am far more inclined to think Marcedes lack of production has been due to a horrid QB situation, not a lack of talent.
That has been part of it. But -   He's dropped way too many passes that were catchable  over that period.  Not this season, however.  His hands have been steady but he hasn't been thrown to often. 

Quote:Wait,....so this is a contract year for Pettigrew?....and that is coinciding with this improved play from him?....I sure hope we pass, in that case. I'd rather go the college route.....and to be honest, I would like a more dynamic player at the position in the mold of some of the younger, quicker, more agile types. I want the position to be a mis-match in the Jaguars favor. 

Some players play better than ever after getting a new multi-year contract.  Lions OLB DeAndre Levy immediately comes to mind.  With that said,  there's no question that many other players level off or regress after getting a new contract.  Being that George Yarno knows Brandon Pettigrew real well,  this is a time when the insight of a coach in the scouting process could prove to be beneficial to the Jaguars if Brandon Pettigrew hits the open market.


 Time will tell what the Jaguars are looking for from their primary TE.  Some teams prefer the type you are looking for. Others prefer the more balanced TE,  even if he's not quite as dynamic.  Being that Seahawks TE Zach Miller is a more balanced TE,  that might be an indication what the Jaguars long term view is at the # 1 TE position.
Quote:Look at who his quarterbacks have been then get back to me.

I am far more inclined to think Marcedes lack of production has been due to a horrid QB situation, not a lack of talent.

 An additional factor that probably has kept Marcedes Lewis' numbers down,  when combined with the drops and QB play, is it seems like he was needed to pass protect more in recent years than most NFL TE's.   The improved Offensive Tackle play the Jaguars are now getting helped provide Lewis with more receiving opportunities the other night.  To Lewis'  credit,  he capitalized.
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