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Full Version: I want us to win
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Quote:I know a lot of you want that #1 pick badly, and I understand why.. but I trust Caldwell/Bradley, I trust in their scouting ability and I believe that come May no matter where we pick, we will be in good shape because finally we have a smart GM and a good young HC.



We're on the rise! Go Jags!
  I mean the better pick would be nice but it also would be nice to win out the rest of the season.   Honestly I dont care if they win or lose the rest of these games this year only that the team (especially players you expect to be on next year like the rookies) show improvement, heart, and teamwork.
Quote:This team needs fans. Fans aren't going to buy into the argument that losing is really winning. Do you realize how many people out there, current or potential season ticket buyers, don't know who Teddy Bridgewater is? Do you realize how many people don't care where they draft, they just want to see the team win and get caught up in the excitement a winning team brings to a city.


This is a great point. I think there are alot of us that follow college football and the draft closely. But there are alot more casual fans that don't. They would probably be surprised to find out the potential top three QB's for the draft are from Louisville, UCF and Fresno State.
Quote:It's more than a little.  From what i've been around people are PUMPED!!!!
Yeah, I'm getting a little bummed that this workday seems to be dragging out all dang day!  Hurry up 5 o'clock!!  Or maybe 4:30 when I sneak out early... don't tell anybody.
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