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Full Version: Jedd Fisch called a great game.
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The offense is opening up as the players (Ace) are learning the system.  It takes time, especially for a young team with injuries and inept QB play.  Fisch isn't the problem and isn't going anywhere.  He's a bright spot. 


Also, so sick of the constant blame it on the play calling or coordinator year in and year out from people who have no clue whats really going on behind closed doors, the small details of players execution or grasp of the pro game, or what's actually happening on the field.  I sure don't have a headset on or watch every practice and listen to the evaluations from those who do this for a profession.  I wish you "experts" would just relax and watch it unfold. 

If the screen works, why not use it? I hate this line of thinking. The Saints use screens close to 15 times a game. 

Quote:If the screen works, why not use it? I hate this line of thinking. The Saints use screens close to 15 times a game. 
It's a crazy concept, isn't it!?!
Quote:It's a crazy concept, isn't it!?!
You'd think they would want what's best for the offense.  :no:
The screen will work even better when we have a QB who is a threat to throw the ball more than 15 yards.

Quote:Is it improved play calling or improved execution?

Just watched the 1st Quarter TD drive against the Browns...  Our 2nd possession.  There was not one screen.


The play calling was very good.  Not one play was repeated.  MJD had gaps for runs.  Toddman ran hard through holes.  Henne had open receivers.  Someone mentioned that Fische's philosophy was to be unpredictable.  Well, the Browns were guessing that whole dang drive.  It was nice to see.  Good play calling, good execution, and good finishing by BOTH our RBs.  Toddman looked like a monster, and MJD had a flash of his old self...  But man, MJD needs to lose at least 30 lbs.


We got lucky on a kinda weak D-holding call that kept the drive going.  But seriously, that's the type of playcalling I'd like to see more of.


This idea that we have no talent and no ability to block is kinda being over-blown in my opinion based on what I just saw on that drive.
Gratz looks shakey at CB...  during the first Quarter of this game

2nd down and 6.  3:49 in the 1st.  Ace motions as an end around then stops and catches a screen.  I don't think I've ever seen that play before this whole season of watching any team in the NFL.  


Wasn't a huge gain, but a very nice wrinkle that was drawn up


This idea that we have no talent and no ability to block is kinda being over-blown in my opinion based on what I just saw on that drive.

The team is getting better and some of the youth is developing. However, there is still a lack of talent at a number of positions and prior to week 10 the run blocking was non-existent, poor or just average at times.   This "re-vamped" O-line has been putting it together recently and the balance is really aiding the offense.  That was a heck of a drive and I hope it's a sign of things to come.  
Henne's  1st INT was a good idea, but under-thrown.  A better QB probably would have made that work.  Shorts pushed off just enough to get the separation if the ball was good.  

Quote:The team is getting better and some of the youth is developing. However, there is still a lack of talent at a number of positions and prior to week 10 the run blocking was non-existent, poor or just average at times.   This "re-vamped" O-line has been putting it together recently and the balance is really aiding the offense.  That was a heck of a drive and I hope it's a sign of things to come.  

Don't get me wrong, I understand there are some holes that need to be fixed on both sides of the ball.  But what I've seen so far from the Offense, my early assumption on Fische might have been premature.  


Where specifically do you see the lack of talent?  I'm still willing to give Gratz another season to really develop.  But our D line in terms of overall pass rush is so weak.  I'm kinda feeling the 'meh' I felt for Fische reciprocated to the Defensive Coordinator.
I'm starting to think Dead Fish was drugged by Gus.. Was it really him who called the game?

Quote:I'm starting to think Dead Fish was drugged by Gus.. Was it really him who called the game?

Dude, if the guy has been the guy, and there has been no conversation to say he wasn't the guy, then you have to give the guy some credit.  I've been a pretty hardcore  naysayer in regards to Fische...  Heck, I don't even think I'm spelling his name right...  But these offensive drives have all been really well played out.
Quote:Dude, if the guy has been the guy, and there has been no conversation to say he wasn't the guy, then you have to give the guy some credit.  I've been a pretty hardcore  naysayer in regards to Fische...  Heck, I don't even think I'm spelling his name right...  But these offensive drives have all been really well played out.
If you say so.. I still want some kind of forensics done on that batch of gatorade.. 
Quote:If you say so.. I still want some kind of forensics done on that batch of gatorade.. 

Only if I get the first sip.  From the looks of your avatar, I would pass on anything less.   :thumbsup:
Quote:Only if I get the first sip.  From the looks of your avatar, I would pass on anything less.   :thumbsup:
That's a "before" shot..
Quote:That's a "before" shot..

As I have assumed, hence my comment...  


Nice INT by Cyp, then a strip fumble by Babin....   


Not too shabby by the D to stay in the game.  The Defense to me seems like they run hot/cold.  They seem Jeckel and Hyde to me so far this entire season.  Of course, with the amount of turnover, that should be expected.  
I had to keep reminding myself that the Browns have a very good defense.

While by no means an offensive powerhouse that last drive was very impressive.

And for all the understandable grief given to Chad Henne, he was clutch during that drive. Very clutch.

Where specifically do you see the lack of talent?  


QB ,  OLB , NT , 5 tech DE , LEO (Babin is talented but aging, Branch is still a question mark but finally showing promise)  ,  FS is uncertain though I'm optimistic about Evans, 

Center , LG, FB (Ta ufo' ou is a good blocker - but having a guy that's more of a threat catching or carrying the ball is ideal at the position) 
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