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Full Version: Tim Deegan arrested on DUI charge
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Quote:LOL, you seem personally offended.  Touch a nerve?
Touch a nerve? Not in the least. Don't know either party, other than having seen them on tv. I just thought it was an especially low class comment.

And when it's low class on a message board, that's particularly sleazy. I know if you are a public figure people fell free to say all kinds of crap.

But I'm sure his significant other is world class and he wouldn't mind someone else making a similar comment regarding her.
Quote:I would have to agree. Tim is also highly nasty and leathery faced as well. He did the best he could, even if he had to screw over a coworker to do it. (not to mention the other coworker who was screwed in the van) :woot:


Old Tim looks like an experiment gone bad. He looks like Spicolli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High after 5 minutes in a 1000 watt microwave.

Ever microwaved a banana? = Tim
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