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Full Version: Ozone says he doesn't think a top 15 QB will make this Jaguar team that much better
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Quote:A 15th ranked QB is a game manager on a good roster. A top 8 QB would make this team competitive. The Matt Schaubs of the world would not.

Matt Schaub isn't the 15th ranked QB though.  Most of us know you don't have very good eyes and a judge for talent, but you could at least do some research.


QBR isn't everything, but it gives us a gauge or an idea.  


#12 - Andy Dalton

#13 - Russell Wilson

#14 - Aaron Rodgers

#15 - Nick Foles

#16 - Alex Smith

#17 - Cam Newton

#18 - Big Ben


I think many of those guys would make us competitive.  Granted, we still wouldn't be a playoff team.  I think you will be suprised no matter how you change the stats or what you use who is between the #12-#18 range.

This board would lose their marbles if Jake Matthews was taken #1 overall ahead of Clowney and Teddy. Haha
Quote:2 things popped into my head after reading that....



One, If O-Zone really believes that then he doesn't have a clue about the current state of NFL football. 


and Two, Uh oh, he's trying to prime us fans for the impending screw up of this potential #1 pick opportunity when/ /if we get it. 

I'll be done at that point, they fool around and give me another season of this garbage I'll have a lot of Jaguar stuff for sale.
Quote:This board would lose their marbles if Jake Matthews was taken #1 overall ahead of Clowney and Teddy. Haha

rightfully so
I'll take a top 5 QB any day over a bucket of picks. Quality not quantity. As an example, you really think 5 - 7th rounders are going to make the team? Highly doubt it. 

Quote:I'll be done at that point, they fool around and give me another season of this garbage I'll have a lot of Jaguar stuff for sale.

well, they could start the "winless for winston" campaign shortly after.... Ninja 
A top qb is only a PIECE of this jigsaw puzzle of a team.. lots of pieces are needed to complete the big picture. Its just most of the pieces we have right now are partially chewed on by the dog, missing or to another puzzle..
Quote:A top qb is only a PIECE of this jigsaw puzzle of a team.. lots of pieces are needed to complete the big picture. Its just most of the pieces we have right now are partially chewed on by the dog, missing or to another puzzle..

JUst like Luck was only a piece of that team, Ryan was only a piece of Atlanta's rebuild, Flacco in Balt, etc etc....


All 3 were quickly playoff teams that rebounded from garbage records the previous season. 
Quote:JUst like Luck was only a piece of that team, Ryan was only a piece of Atlanta's rebuild, Flacco in Balt, etc etc....

All 3 were quickly playoff teams that rebounded from garbage records the previous season.

Sure they rebounded quick.. All 3 of those teams, minus their selected qb, were already in better shape than the Jags though. This team is in dire need of O-line help. We don't wanna serve up our #1 pick on a silver platter to opposing defenses..
This is funny stuff watching the conspiracy theorists concoct their glittery scenarios for catastrophe when the basic point he's making is actually correct.  Just getting a top 15 QB is not going to magically transform this team into a playoff juggernaut. 


One player at a critical position doesn't fix the offensive line woes.  It doesn't create a pass rush, or address the DL/LB issues with stopping the run.  It possibly fixes a huge problem for this team, but without landing players to fix those other areas, especially on the offensive line, drafting the best QB isn't going to fix everything.

I'm convinced today that if we traded for someone like Roethlisberger we'd be a 8-8 team next season.  Beyond the Xs and Os, you also get accountablity.  Right now, beyond talent, we are lacking attention to detail and a driving force from within that holds the teammates accountable.   For years, we have lacked a Ray Lewis or Roethlisberger type that gets into the heart of the players to have them lay it out on the line for each and every play. 

I wouldn't take what Oesher says with much more than a grain of salt. He's a damage control writer at its very definition.

Quote:I wouldn't take what Oesher says with much more than a grain of salt. He's a damage control writer at its very definition.
He's actually been openly critical this week.  How could he not be?   How could one possibly gloss over that chargers game?  Impossible. 


 The Jaguars aren’t a good team right now. Bad teams do things to beat themselves, and they don’t have the pure, raw, win-the-one-on-one-matchup talent to overcome mistakes. This is where the Jaguars are. They won’t be here forever, but it’s where they are now.


Not really towing much of a line there....  ^

A top 15 QB would be a large piece of the puzzle that we wouldn't have to grab in the next draft.

Who cares what ozone says? He said this was a playoff roster last year.
He's a company man, his  tune will change once we draft a QB. 

Quote:A 15th ranked QB is a game manager on a good roster. A top 8 QB would make this team competitive. The Matt Schaubs of the world would not.

Cutler/Dalton are right around a QB 15, we would probably go 7-9 If we had one of them, so i guess it depends what your definition of competitive is. we wouldnt make the playoffs, but would be in most games.

Oesher never offers anything of substance btw, dont listen to any of his football takes.
Quote:JUst like Luck was only a piece of that team,

Actually, he was. Colts turned over 27 different pieces (players) to that roster. And, that's not even including the coaching and management changes they made.
The only reason I wouldn't absolutely lose it if Bridgewater wasn't the pick is Clowney. I would still be pretty disappointed though.
Since a few of you are spinning this into something it's not - I figured context might help. 


Quote:<div>..a top 15 quarterback makes this team playoff capable. How far off am I?
John: I thought about this question, then rethought about it and tried to step back from the disappointment that was Sunday. After considering it, I have to say I don’t agree. That’s not to be snide or reactionary. A Top-15 quarterback definitely would help, and it would get the Jaguars to the point of competitiveness. But there are still a few holes. The interior of the offensive line has to play better, and the defensive front absolutely needs playmakers than can rush the passer and disrupt the offense. This process won’t take forever, but it’s further away than just one player. Even if that player is a quarterback.

Oehser sounds about right to me.  How many of us have repeatedly been saying this o-line would still hinder a quality QB's production?  That's what he's saying. 


I mean, Rackley is not good at all, Meester is basically 2 years past his prime and struggling, and Bradfield is horribly inconsistent and gave up sacks on back to back plays the other day.  I don't care who's back there - they might keep it closer on the scoreboard  - but they won't win many. 

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