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States have already been doing this.  Take Tesla for example in Nevada.

Quote:Less for just carrier or a reduction across the board? If it's for the entire market than great! But if it's just for carrier or that one specific plant or a one time credit to stay then that's a big problem.

No, I agree.


These taxes shouldn't be this high anyway.


I'm only saying that taxing people less isn't more intervention just because the government allows it.

Quote:If he's promising less in taxes, how is that more government interference?

So I take it you're a big fan of corporate welfare and corporate blackmail?
Quote:Aell now that the details are released we see that the 1300 jobs are still being cut. Now that the Indy plant is reprieved, the poor saps in Huntington Indiana are now left to fend for themselves for the benefit of the Indianapolis employees good fortune.

Carrier's parent corporation is United Technologies. 10% of UT's revenues are from federal government contracts they are no doubt protecting from retribution. That, and considering Trump's VP is still governor of Indiana and able to cut this deal without state legislature approval, it's not difficult to see how this deal was perfect for making Trump look like a genius and champion of the working class.


The question will be if this is a one-time headline grabber, or a sustainable economic policy. What happens to state revenues when corporations are repeatedly given tax breaks to stick around.


Before the inevitable reply that I'm a sore loser liberal wanting Trump to fail even at our nation's expense, I admit I am disappointed Gary Johnson didn't win.
Taxes are legalized theft.....


The lower the taxes, the lower the cost of doing business.....


The lower the cost of doing business = lower cost for comsumers

Quote:So I take it you're a big fan of corporate welfare and corporate blackmail?

I take it you don't quite know what you're talking about.


I don't think anyone (corporate or otherwise) should have to pay as much as they do in taxes. Government should reduce spending across the board. Do you like paying more in taxes?
Quote:Taxes are legalized theft.....


The lower the taxes, the lower the cost of doing business.....


The lower the cost of doing business = lower cost for consumers.

Have you ever heard of the expression you get what you pay for?


There is no such thing as legalized theft. You can choose not to pay taxes, unlike real theft when somebody takes money without your knowledge.

Quote:Carrier's parent corporation is United Technologies. 10% of UT's revenues are from federal government contracts they are no doubt protecting from retribution. That, and considering Trump's VP is still governor of Indiana and able to cut this deal without state legislature approval, it's not difficult to see how this deal was perfect for making Trump look like a genius and champion of the working class.

The question will be if this is a one-time headline grabber, or a sustainable economic policy. What happens to state revenues when corporations are repeatedly given tax breaks to stick around.

Before the inevitable reply that I'm a sore loser liberal wanting Trump to fail even at our nation's expense, I admit I am disappointed Gary Johnson didn't win.

Less than what happens to them with the corporations pull out of the state all together, I'd imagine.
Quote:Have you ever heard of the expression you get what you pay for?


There is no such thing as legalized theft. You can choose not to pay taxes, unlike real theft when somebody takes money without your knowledge.

The taxpayer earns the money, not the government.


It's why they are explicitly called taxpayer "earnings" instead of "patriotism" or whatever cute names we have for paying taxes.


Again, because the worker earned it, not the government or anyone else.  It belongs to the earner, not the taker.

i really hope we can overturn this deal and move all the jobs to Mexico #NeverTrump

Quote:It's a government subsidy.

Allowing people and/or companies to keep more of what they EARNED is not a government subsidy.  Liberals fail to understand that.
Quote:i really hope we can overturn this deal and move all the jobs to Mexico #NeverTrump
Well it may be what the employees In Huntington Indiana think now they are losing their jobs so the Indianapolis employees can keep their's.

Quote:Allowing people and/or companies to keep more of what they EARNED is not a government subsidy. Liberals fail to understand that.

You you will always think it's too much until that amount collected is zero.
Quote:Well it may be what the employees In Huntington Indiana think now they are losing their jobs so the Indianapolis employees can keep their's.

You you will always think it's too much until that amount collected is zero.

"We are going to RELENTLESSLY chase perfection! Understanding, that we will never catch it, but as we RELENTLESSLY chase perfection, we will catch excellence!"

-- lombardi
Hyperbole - the lifeblood that keeps the disconnection from reality alive.

Quote:Less than what happens to them with the corporations pull out of the state all together, I'd imagine.

You have quite an imagination.
Quote:Allowing people and/or companies to keep more of what they EARNED is not a government subsidy.  Liberals fail to understand that.

When will conservatives stop lumping all liberals together like this? Not all liberals lack understanding of the facts. Not all conservatives have understanding of the facts. It has never been black and white.
Quote:When will conservatives stop lumping all liberals together like this? Not all liberals lack understanding of the facts. Not all conservatives have understanding of the facts. It has never been black and white.

So as a liberal you agree that lowering taxes is not a government subsidy?  Do you think that lower taxes are a good thing?
The speech he gave at the Carrier plant today felt so authentic. It is kind of surreal to hear a President talk so...not presidential, but real.

Quote:So as a liberal you agree that lowering taxes is not a government subsidy?  Do you think that lower taxes are a good thing?

As an American citizen with interest in politics I know not all liberals are stupider than conservatives. There are conservatives who are stupider than liberals. Conservative posters keep saying all liberals are less intelligent. Did you know people with college degrees are more likely to vote Democrat and people without college degrees are more likely to vote Republican according to pre-election polls?

Quote:When will conservatives stop lumping all liberals together like this? Not all liberals lack understanding of the facts. Not all conservatives have understanding of the facts. It has never been black and white.

Let's not derail another thread with this subject. Start a thread about it if you want, but leave it out of every other thread.
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